Teacher’s Pet


Maci felt the anxiety and frustration race through her body. Mom and dad had promised her a phone at the end of the school year if she got all As and Bs on her report card. Halfway through the first quarter, all was going well, except for Algebra, where she was averaging a C. Math has always been her weakest subject, but this was the first time her grades were consistently below a B.

It certainly wasn’t because of the teacher, Mr. Phil. He was very nice, helpful, funny, and encouraged Maci after every assignment or quiz that she performed poorly on. She laughed to herself that the problem was due to her crush on him, creating a distraction from being able to concentrate on math.

As she sat in class, trying desperately to understand the questions on the paper in front of her, she slouched in her chair, and extended her legs out. She wasn’t aware of it, but doing so caused her skirt to ride up high on her thighs. Her seat was in the middle of the first row, right in front of Mr. Phil.

Maci looked up from her paper to see if she could get his attention and request some help, and noticed his gaze was fixed under her desk. His head was down, as if he was pretending to be looking at the papers in front of him, but she could clearly see that his eyes were looking upward. She glanced down to see what he might be looking at, and that’s when she noticed her skirt. Instead of quickly adjusting her posture, she got an idea.

“If I can’t get an A or B by being good at Algebra,” she thought, “maybe I can earn a better grade another way.”

Maci decided to put her plan of “earning” a good grade into play. Leaving her legs extended, Maci brought her feet together and spread her knees wider. She knew if would expose her red bikini panties, and she slowly looked up from her paper to see Mr. Phil’s reaction. Now his gaze shifted from under Maci’s desk, to her light blue eyes, back under the desk again, and then returning to lock eyes with her.

They both realized what the other was doing, and neither attempted to correct themselves. There was no shame or embarrassment. They were on the same page. Maci twirled a strand of her long blonde hair in her fingers, and they both grinned slightly at the same time. Mr. Phil looked around the room to make sure nobody else was watching, tapped on his watch a few times, and mouthed the words “Hurry up” to Maci.

Maci did her best to answer the questions correctly, but quickly. In what seemed like 45 days instead of 45 minutes, Mr. Phil finally announced “Okay, time’s up, pencils down. Maci, would you please collect everyone’s papers? As Maci collects your paper, you may leave.”

Maci went from desk to desk, keeping her partially completed paper on the bottom, so nobody would notice that many of the questions had gone unanswered. She placed the pile of papers on Mr. Phil’s desk.

“Well Maci,” he asked, “how did you do?”

“Awful,” she replied. Her big blue eyes begged for mercy.

“Hmmm, well, let’s not worry about it for now, and just see how it turns out,” he smiled in return. “Have a good day Maci, and don’t worry about Algebra tonight,” he said as he winked at her.

“That will be very hard,” she answered.

“It could be,” he laughed softly.

That evening at home, Maci’s parents asked her the everyday normal questions they always do about school “How was school?” “Anything exciting happen?” “How are your grades?” and she answered with her everyday normal replies, “It was fine,” “Nothing really,” “I’m good,” – just the typical things a teenager tells her parents when they don’t want their parents to know the whole truth.

Although it annoyed her when her parents always asked a lot of questions about her school activities, Maci knew they were only doing what they knew they were supposed to do as parents by showing interest in her schoolwork. The truth was that their 9 to 5 jobs were very stressful, and they wanted nothing more than for Maci to be able to maintain good grades without their help. However, being the only child didn’t allow for many distractions from whatever she was doing, whatever it was, so she was thankful that they didn’t press her for more information.

Maci had plenty of friends to talk to about school and things normal teenagers are interested in, but she was a lot more mature than they were, so their interests weren’t on the same level in many ways. Maci mostly talked with her parents and their friends and other adults, so the level of conversation was always more “grown up.” On the other hand, she always felt that the things her friends talked about the most were unimportant and juvenile.

Maci was careful to never talk about her specific interest in men with her friends, because they rarely talked about anything sexual, and when they did, it was about the boys their age in school. The thought of hooking up with a boy in school disgusted her because she knew they were only interested in getting themselves off, and it really didn’t matter who it was with.

Maci had always been attracted to older men since she was in grade school, and had no interest in the boys her age. When her friends would laugh and say “Oh gross!” if they caught an older man checking them out, it would make Maci’s day, and she would smile at the man and mouth a “Hi” in return. She yearned to have a secret friend, older, caring, thoughtful, respectful, and craving her young body 24-7 while making sure she always knew it.

Maci kept those thoughts to herself and would scroll through social media dating sites, looking at men that expressed an interest in hooking up with younger women. “Hmm, I wonder how much younger they mean when they say they’re looking for younger,” she would laugh to herself. She would daydream about meeting up with an older guy and being treated like a princess in public, but how he would ravish her in private, making sure she enjoyed it as much as he did. In the bathtub late at night, she would caress herself all over, inserting a finger inside her young, smooth, tight pussy, pretending that the older guy was massaging her little budding tits, her hard nipples, and then sliding his middle-age hard cock inside her.

The next day, Maci felt the awful dread like she always did after completing an assignment or test, as Mr. Phil passed out the graded papers. He paused slightly next to Maci, placing her paper on her desk. Maci looked up at him, and she thought his smile was curious, almost mischievous. She liked it, because it reminded her of the smile they exchanged the day before when she gave him a clear view of her panties. Mr. Phil always placed the graded papers face down, because he knew “Nosy Neighbors” were always trying to see what the person next to them got on a paper.

Maci slowly raised the top right corner of her paper, saw a red “95%” and felt her heart race. “What the?” she thought. “But how? I didn’t even answer a bunch of questions!”

She looked back at Mr. Phil and the look he gave her seemed to say, “Keep calm, don’t make a big deal, stay cool.”

She quickly slid the paper inside her folder and sat through the rest of the class wondering how this was possible. Whenever Mr. Phil looked her way, she offered him a small smile with loving eyes. “You are the best,” she thought, and wished he knew how she felt.

When the bell rang, she fumbled about with her backpack and folder, intentionally stalling, so she could be the last one to leave. She took the Algebra assignment out of the folder and reviewed each question. She noticed that the ones she left blank had been filled in and it was obviously Mr. Phil’s writing. She looked up at him and he smiled back at her.

“Don’t be late for next period Maci,” he said, “and have a great day.”

Maci didn’t know what to say, so she did what she could at the time by smiling one of the biggest smiles she’s ever had and looked at Mr. Phil with what she hoped he would see as more than simple affection and admiration. Her feelings for him were a lot stronger now, knowing that he was risking his job and career to take care of her. At that exact moment, she decided she was going to reward him the next day.

That evening, Maci put together her plan. She wanted desperately to share her joy and excitement with someone, but she knew that her friends wouldn’t understand how she was attracted to an “older dude” or even worse, she would be slut-shamed for having such a bold plan to earn a good grade in school. But the truth was, at this point, Maci didn’t even care about what anyone else thought. She wasn’t even thinking about the phone deal with her parents. She thought Mr. Phil was sincerely interested in her, and she was definitely very interested in him.

The school day seemed to drag on forever. Ten minutes before the bell rang for Maci to go to Algebra, she got a hall pass and went to the Girl’s Room. She made a quick wardrobe adjustment and returned to class. When the bell rang, she walked to class, laughing to herself about how her slight change of clothing felt, and how risky it was since she was surrounded by hundreds of other students, as well as teachers who are monitoring the hallways.

When she walked into the Algebra room, she gave Mr. Phil her sexiest expression, what she thought were bedroom eyes with a devilish grin. He raised his eyebrows, obviously aware of the provocative suggestion. “Oh man,” she thought, “this is going to be so fun.”

While everyone was working on the Algebra assignment, Maci repeated her posture that got Mr. Phil's attention during the test. She stretched out her legs, brought her feet together, and parted her knees wide. She glanced up from her paper to see that Mr. Phil had noticed and knew by him shifting in his chair that he saw that Maci had removed her panties, exposing her young, smooth, tight pussy for him to appreciate. She saw him drop a hand under his desk and smiled. She wrote on a Post-It Note “Can I come by after the final bell?” and made sure he saw her attach it to her paper.

“Alright everyone, time’s up. Maci, would you please collect everyone’s paper?”

Maci again went from desk to desk and collected the papers, keeping hers on the bottom, careful to conceal the Post-It Note. When she placed them on his desk, Mr. Phil slightly pulled out the bottom paper, turned up the corner, and read Maci’s note. Looking around to make sure nobody was paying attention, he nodded a Yes to Maci. He noticed that Maci’s smile again was different than normal, that sexy smirk of hers with a very aggressive expression. He liked it, and hoped the next 2 hours would fly by, thinking final bell couldn’t come soon enough. He decided he was going to make it very obvious how he felt about Maci.

About 5 minutes after the final bell, Maci walked into Mr. Phil’s classroom. He was seated at his desk, as he waited for Maci to give him some sort of a sign of where she wanted this to go. “So, how private is your classroom right now Mr. Phil?” Maci asked.

“I’ve got about 45 minutes before the custodian reaches my room for cleaning,” he answered. “Nobody else would have any reason to come to my room.”

“Are you allowed to lock the door?”

“Absolutely,” he answered, feeling confident that Maci wanted what he wanted. “And if we move to that back corner of the room, it will look empty in here, as if I’ve left for the day.”

“Okay, can you?” she answered with that devilish grin again. “There’s something I want to do.”

Mr. Phil locked the door and when he turned around, Maci had already gone to the back corner of the room and was waiting for him. When he stood in front of her, Maci got on her knees, quickly undid Mr. Phil’s pants, and pulled them down to the floor. His cock quickly grew hard and to its full length. When Maci held it with both of her small soft hands, they couldn’t wrap completely around it. He couldn’t remember a time his cock was any harder than it was right now. The precum already started to seep out, and Maci wiped it gently with a finger, and then inserted it slowly in her mouth and smiled.

Keeping her eyes on his, she returned both hands to the shaft of his cock, jerked it slowly a couple times, and then slowly placed it in her mouth. As his cock slid the entire length through Maci’s soft lips, Mr. Phil enjoyed the soft, warm, embrace of her mouth. He loved how Maci maintained eye contact the entire time. He removed the rest of his clothes, and gently ran his hair through Maci’s long blonde hair. He grabbed some of it with his hands and began to fuck Maci’s mouth faster. Still, she kept eye contact, and before long, Mr. Phil felt the urge to blow his load of cum deep in her mouth.

“Damn Maci,” he softly said, “you are so amazing… that feels incredible… I can’t go much longer.”

But instead of stopping, Maci placed her hands on his ass and increased the speed of his cock fucking her mouth. When she felt the first shot of cum hit the back of her throat, Maci stopped sliding his cock in her mouth, keeping it deep, but knowing it was sensitive now, and let him drain himself. Not a drop was wasted, all of it sliding down her throat easily. Mr. Phil loved how Maci kept eye contact with him through the entire process, never once looking away.

“You are delicious,” Maci laughed softly, and licked her lips.

Mr. Phil reached down under Maci’s arms and helped her up. Maci was only 5 feet tall, so Mr. Phil’s 6 foot frame made him have to lean down quite a bit to kiss her. As they kissed, Mr. Phil slowly removed Maci’s clothes, being ready to stop if she gave any indication that she didn’t want to go any farther than giving him a blowjob.

After lifting her shirt over her head and undoing her bra, he leaned back slightly to admire her budding breasts, caressing them gently, then licking, and finally taking each nipple into his eager mouth. They were pink, hard, and just as he pictured they would look.

“Perfect,” Mr. Phil whispered.

Maci moaned softly in appreciation, and he noticed her legs shifting about, her thighs rubbing together. He pulled Maci’s skirt down and it feel effortlessly to the floor, and he noticed again, she wasn’t wearing panties. He easily lifted Maci up and placed her gently on the big round table that was used for group assignments. Mr. Phil lightly pushed her on her back, so she was laying down with her legs hanging off the edge. Maci propped herself up on her elbows so she could see every move he made.

He dropped to his knees and scooted up between her open legs. He placed each of them over his shoulders and lowered his face to her now, very moist pussy. He slowly ran his tongue up and down the slit, savoring her sweet taste. “Mmm,” he said as he locked eyes with her again, “you are absolutely incredible.”

Mr. Phil slowly licked Maci for several minutes, teasing and sucking her clit, and pushing his tongue as deep inside her as he could. Watching him, Maci could feel that she was going to cum soon, and hard. She grabbed his head, wrapped her legs tightly around his neck, and pulled him in as as hard as she could, her whole body was shaking as she released one of the longest, strongest orgasms she’s ever had.

After a minute or two, Maci recovered. She was still laying on her back with her legs hanging over the edge of the table. Mr. Phil’s head was resting on her lower stomach, caressing her legs.

“Just fyi, I’m on the pill,” Maci said, “if you were ever interested in doing anything more.”

Mr. Phil lift his head, with an are-you-sure look on his face. Maci nodded, and that was all Mr. Phil needed to know.

He stood up and Maci was excited to see his cock rock hard again. With Maci’s legs still open, Mr. Phil moved his hips forward so that the head of his cock was pressing against her very wet pussy. It seemed like a perfect match to him, since he was a modest 6 inches, and Maci was so small. Maci wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him in. He watched as the entire length of his hard cock slowly slid inside Maci’s young, smooth, tight, wet pussy. It felt better even than he ever imagined, better than any sexual experience he’s ever had in his entire life.

“Oh my Lord,” he thought to himself, “she has ruined me for anyone else.”

Mr. Phil fucked Maci slow at first, savoring every stroke, then hard, then slow again, enjoying every second, knowing he could not last long before he had to blow his load.

“I want to feel you cum inside me,” Maci said between heavy breaths.

Mr. Phil slowly pulled his hard cock out of Maci’s tight pussy, and she looked at him, confused at why he stopped. He helped her up, kissed her, then slowly turned her around, and gently pushed her upper body forward, on the table, face down. Maci smiled knowingly.

“Oh man,” she laughed to herself, “he is really going to let me have it now.”

Using his feet, he widened her legs, moved up against her, placed one hand on her hips, and used the other to guide his hard cock to Maci’s waiting pussy. As he slowly pushed himself all the way in, Maci lightly gasped. She couldn’t believe how much cock was inside her young pussy. Now both of Mr. Phil’s hands were on her hips as he slowly fucked her. His pace then got faster after a few minutes, and soon the sound of his hips slapping against her ass, as well as his firmer grip, let Maci know he was going to cum soon.

Maci had been trying to time her orgasm with his, but the excitement was too much. Her body tightened, she pushed her hips back, and enjoyed another intense orgasm. This one lasted even longer than the first, almost shocking herself at how her body reacted to Mr. Phil’s affection. Before she finished, she felt the first warm shot of his cum deep inside her, but then was amazed at how strong Mr. Phil’s orgasm was. He was filling her up with so much cum, she could feel it running down her legs.

When they finished, he helped Maci stand up and turn around, and they kissed each other with an intensity that could only happen between two people that truly had strong feelings for each other. Mr. Phil gently sat her back on the table. He grabbed his white undershirt to help Maci clean up because his cum was literally pouring out of her pussy, on the table and down her legs.

“Sorry about that Maci,” he laughed, “but it’s been a while.”

“Well, we can do this as much as you want Mr. Phil,” she answered with a smile.

“Hey Maci, how about just ‘Phil’ when we’re not in class?”

“Okay,” she smiled, “I would like that very much.”

“And don’t worry about Algebra,” he said as he placed a hand behind her back, “we’ll get through it just fine, and if you need to, come over to my apartment any time for private tutor lessons, or maybe something else” he winked.

“Oh yeah, that’s a deal!” Maci laughed, “but maybe less Algebra, and more something else.”

The End.

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