I married my Stepsister
All thanks to total morons in government and religious institutions, I married my stepsister. Before DNA, I met and fell in love and married my wife, I'm 6 years older than her and was raised in a church orphanage after being abandoned just after my birth and was adopted out at 7 months old. Taken across the country 6 states away from where I was abandoned. I only found I'd been moved across borders when told I was adopted. After I'd married, I found out I was adopted and made enquires to get any information I could. The state I was adopted in had one strict rule on releasing information, they didn't release anything at all. Then there was the church who handle my adoption, likewise with the state nothing was available to be released, and they wouldn't even confirm they had adopted me out even. Anyway, after our 5 children had grown up and started their families. We decided just for fun for me to have a DNA test, it was then I discovered my wife was my stepsister same mother different fathers. My wife's younger brother had done a DNA test earlier to discover his ethnic heritage. It was a match with him and then my wife also getting tested showed our close family connection. I was 60 at the time and it hasn't really changed anything. I'd got to know my actual mother without actually knowing it and she had passed away 3 years earlier. She had gotten pregnant out of wedlock and had me at 16. I was left on the doorstep of a church, maybe if I'd known earlier my relationship with my actual would've been better. As I'd gotten my wife pregnant at 18 and that was why we married. I've never had any regrets in marrying her and I hadn't started searching my adoption till a year or so after the marriage. Already having had a healthy baby daughter. My adoptive parents were great and had raised me well and they would pass away in the next ten years after my wedding and only seeing 3 of my 5 children their grandchildren. I was left well off by them and they had supported me trying to find out about my family history.
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