

Back in 2019 I realized at 24 my life was shit, no future due to not studying and instead I partied. No future, except crappy low paid jobs. One was as a waitress at a diner and getting unwanted offers from both the clients and male staff. But there was one customer (34) who was always nice and told the a**holes to shut up and talk nice and politely. Only one customer objected to being told and tried to punch him for telling him to be nice to the waitresses. It didn't end well for annoying customer, left headfirst in the garbage bin out on the street. The nice client was a champion martial art instructor and made short work of the aggressor. So, to say I favored my knight in shining armor wouldn't be an understatement. Of course, my waitress job was one of 3 jobs I had to just get by. Then I lost another job and while looking for a replacement, I answered an ad for a casual cleaner. My knight in shining armor was the advertiser and wanted his apartment cleaned twice a week and so I got to work for him. Not that he was home when I was cleaning his apartment. He also paid above the normal rate and so respected him even more. After several months and the start of a new year, another job of mine ended, due to the boss being sent to jail for tax evasion and again I was in need of another job to just keep my head above water as they say. My knight gave me more hours and had me also clean his office workplace and his training area. He is an accountant and works his business alone. Then the pandemic was mentioned more and more, and my room rental was terminated as the owners wanted to isolate alone. My knight said I could use one of his spare bedrooms till I found another place for myself. Which would never happen as shortly after I moved in a lockdown was imposed. Unable move about freely outside of the apartment, I was in isolation 24/7 with my knight. At first nothing happened between us, but we became closer and closer and then became lovers. At the end of the lockdown, he asked me to marry him, and I accepted. We married and I became his office assistant as well as his wife. I never returned to the diner and am kept busy with our 2 children and helping out in his office.
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