Lauren Beautiful Girlie 4 ( Last)


‘But it'll go all over you' she protested 'I know' I replied 'I want it to....I want you to wee over my willy' 'Okay' she said matter of factly, 'it's SO naughty...I like it!' I suddenly felt hot warm liquid on me. Lauren reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart. Then she shuffled forward so that my cock and her pussy were almost touching. I then felt her forcing the liquid out and I felt it spray my cock. Oh it was delightful feeling Lauren's hot sweet golden wee all over my private area, mixing with my own pre-cum. I moved forward a little so that the tip of my cock was touching Lauren's little open wee hole as the last of the liquid left her body. 'Ooh..yess...feels soo nice!' she squealed as my cock touched her pea sized love button. Eventually, the gush slowed to a dribble and came to a stop. I pulled Lauren close to me for a hug and a kiss. For a few moments our tongues danced together. No matter how many times we done it, I just loved French kissing my little 7-year-old lover. It was so erotic. As we broke away, Lauren whispered in my ear 'your turn now' 'My turn?' I asked, not sure what she meant 'To do it to me silly!' she replied. Even though I'd heard her and knew what she meant, I couldn't believe that I'd heard her right. 'You want me to do it to mean for me to wee on you? I asked her. 'Give that man a coconut!' Lauren replied cheekily. 'You sure?' 'Course..why you chicken?' she said making a clucking sound and pretending her arms were wings. ''s just......' I didn't finish. I wasn't quite sure how to explain to her that water sports with a young girlie was one of my fantasies that I never thought would be fulfilled. Then again, so was spending the whole night alone with a willing a young girlie and she'd fulfilled that one too. I realised that this sweet little vision in front of me was actually fulfilling my fantasies one by one, and I loved her all the more for it. My cock was still rock hard and I couldn't pee even if I'd wanted to at that precise moment. 'I can't do it at the moment' I explained to Lauren. 'Why?' she said like she didn't believe me. 'Because my cocks all hard' I told her. She bought her face close to my cock, wrapped a hand around it and giggled. Giving it a gentle squeeze with her soft little fingers, she sarcastically said 'Oh' Time for a little more education, I thought to myself. 'Well, when a man or a boy's cock is hard like that, he finds it very difficult, if not impossible to pee. I don't know all the in's and out's' I explained 'but it restricts the flow and you can't actually go until it's all soft' Lauren nodded as if she understood, although I wasn't sure if she actually did. Like most young girlie, it appeared to be black and white to her. 'Okay' she said 'make it soft then!'. I started to laugh, 'I can't just make it go soft, I have to wait for it to go soft!' 'How long?' 'Dunno' I replied, it varies...although of course there's always the short cut' 'The short cut? What's that?' asked Lauren 'Well, it goes soft after I cum, so all I got to do is cum, or get someone to MAKE me cum' I told her with a wicked grin. Lauren, being Lauren caught on straight away, and started stroking my cock back and forth vigorously. 'Ooh baby...that's nice' I encouraged her.

Suddenly Lauren got on her knees and before I knew what was happening I felt her warm willing lips over my cock head. She flicked her tongue across the tip and then ran her lips up and down the length of it, which she knew I loved. Lauren knew not only all the right buttons to press with me now, but HOW to press them too. She took her mouth off for a second, squeezing my ball sack tenderly. She was about to press another button. Lauren was fast turning into a juicy young nymphomaniac....and I loved it! 'Do you like my little mouth over your big cock?' she asked, knowing how I loved to talk dirty with her, and hear her talking dirty. I simply nodded. 'You want me to suck again? Put your big man meat in my little juicy pink wet mouth? Fill my little mouth with your hot sticky cum? Want to watch me swallow it down?' She didn't wait for me to grunt an answer as I felt her lips on my cock again. Only this time she went down deeper and deeper. This little girl was trying to deep throat me, although I doubted she knew what it was called. She knew that I'd said before the deeper she went, the harder and faster she sucked, the better it felt, and she was going for it this time. I gently held her head and she allowed me to fuck her shweet mouth. Faster and faster, and harder each time, I was being careful not to choke her, but she kept trying to get more in, to the point of gagging occasionally. Just watching her was turning me on like never before, and I could feel the cum rising. Lauren must have felt my cock swell as she pulled off slightly. She'd learnt that it was easier to let my cum pool in her mouth before swallowing so that she didn't gag so much. She normally lost some and it dribbled down her chin and chest but that was okay, as she looked SO sexy. This was the case now, as I shot spurt after spurt of my hot sticky goo into little Lauren's open mouth. I could see her throat working, and the sound of her gulping quickly in an attempt to swallow as much as possible. As she knelt there obscenely with her mouth open letting my cum straight in her mouth she wanked my cock to milk it of every last drop. When I'd finished, she looked up at me with cum glistening her lips and running down her pink puffy little chest. She looked directly at me with a wicked glint in her eye and licked the cum from her lips. 'It'll go down now!' she said matter of factly. She was right too.

Already my cock was deflating, and Lauren laid down in the bathtub waiting. I straddled across her, placing one leg either side. 'Are you sure about this?' I asked to make sure. Smiling, Lauren nodded.' 'Okay' I replied 'but remember to keep your eyes and mouth closed' I warned her. There was something mischievous in the way she looked back at me. I held my cock which was now back to normal, although strands of my cum still hung off it. My pee hole opened and my cock started dribbling hot golden liquid. The pressure built until I was pissing at full strength all over sweet little Lauren's girlie glistening body. I aimed at her chest and lower body, and although she did close her eyes, the little minx had her mouth wide open! Not only that, but she was moving about to make sure she got some in her mouth. Now I realised what THAT look was all about - she wanted me to pee in her mouth. I smiled, as all she had to do was ask! Eventually my stream slowed down and Lauren opened her eyes, smiling. 'THAT' she said 'was wicked!!' 'You liked it then? If you wanted me to do it in your mouth, why didn't you just ask?' 'wasn't sure I'd like it' she told me. There was a logic to that answer. In fact, despite being very young there was logic in little Lauren. 'I take it from what you said about it being "wicked" that it met with your approval madam?' I said jokingly. She was just about to answer when we both jumped a mile as there was a rat-a-tat at the front door. Shit! I thought to myself. 'Just ignore it' I whispered to Lauren, as the bathroom was right by the front door of the flat. Then there was another knock, louder this time, followed by another 30 seconds later. I quickly pulled on a pair of joggers and jumped out to answer; Lauren staying where she was. I opened the door to see a cute little girl about Lauren's age, who I knew was Carly from downstairs and was Lauren's friend. 'Is Lauren coming back out to play? She said she'd be here 'cos her Mum's gone shopping' 'I don't know Carly' I told her, 'hold on' 'LAUREN!' I called out, ' it's Carly, and she wants to know if you're going back out to play?' 'A bit later!' she called back in reply, 'I've just had a shower!'

Jesus! I could have died when she said that. 'Okay, I'll see ya later!' Carly called, and started her way back downstairs. I closed the door and went back to the bathroom, where my sweet little Lauren was laying in the bath covered in my cum and pee. 'What do you mean...."I just had a shower"?' She grinned that devilish grin of hers, 'well I have!' she giggled, 'I just didn't tell her WHAT SORT of shower!' I looked at her and laughed. 'C'mon sexy bum, you'd better get yourself cleaned up, they'll be back soon' I told her. 'Only if you wash me....without a cloth! she said. 'Lauren!' I said pretending to be angry, 'you've turned into a raging nymphett and you're gonna wear me out! If we start that, you'll NEVER get clean and we'll be at it for hours!' 'I know' she said, 'but it'll be fun!' She'd got me yet again. 'I love you sexy little Lauren! I told her. 'Luv ya back!' she said. Jesus I thought, typical woman.....has to have the last word! Hello there, it's Keith again. After that episode where we spent the night together, I couldn't get Lauren out of mind. That sweet little Lauren had become a bit of a nympho, and it seemed she couldn't get enough sex. Not that I'm complaining you understand. She was every paedo's dream and had taken to sex like a duck swims in the water, and that as fine with me. It wasn't just a physical attraction I had to her though, I actually loved her, and wanted to be with her all the time. Of course I couldn't and never could be, but wished everyday that the situation would change. One day maybe who knows? I mean, not so long ago homosexuals were vilified and now look at them, "gays" are openly everywhere; even the Police have a "Gay Police Officers Association" (GPOA)! Can you imagine a "Paedosexual Police Officers Association"? There must be hundreds in the service, not to mention the armed forces, parliament and every other profession going. I think if the law changed tomorrow they'd come out the woodwork I tell you. Oh well, keep dreaming. Now where was I....... I decided that I wanted to a permanent record of my little lover, after all Lauren wasn't going to be young forever (more's the pity), and children tend to grow up. But how to do it? I had a decent camera, but I could hardly walk into "Snappy Snaps" and ask them to develop it? That would be the quickest way to maybe meet someone from the GPOA, and I didn't fancy a stay in one of Her majesties "hotels". I did have a Polaroid camera - you know the sort that develops in your hand, but the picture quality was crap. No there was no other choice then to get a digital camera and a computer. The trouble was didn't know a bit from a byte or whether I was floppy or hard!! I enrolled myself on a short course and before I knew it I was reasonably clued up on how to work a PC, surf the net, do the email thing, and most importantly, work a digital camera - both the still and movie types. I also learnt how to edit and stuff and found I had a bit of a knack for it. I then done another short course on building a website.

Armed with this knowledge I told my wife I was buying a PC, but she wasn't over interested in that sort of thing I'm pleased to say. I bought myself a top spec PC with all the bits, DVD writer, scanner, printer etc and I got myself a broadband Internet connection as well. I also bought a decent digital camera which done both movies and stills. All I took loads of photos of my toddler daughter Marie, but at that age you're limited for really good shots. One morning I was talking to my wife about it. 'I really like using that digital camera and editing and things' I told her 'Good' she replied, 'it's about time you had a hobby love, you work hard and don't really have anything to show for it' I smiled at her understanding, or lack of it as it would turn out. 'I could do with a model or two though' I said to her. 'What sort of models?' she asked 'I dunno, I like doing photo's of kids' I said to her 'they make interesting subjects' Sarah thought for a moment. 'I think I have a solution, have you thought about maybe using Lauren and Anthony?' she asked. I'd CERTAINLY thought about Lauren, although I didn't want to take Anthony's photo, ugly little sod. 'That's a good idea, I hadn't thought of them!' I lied. 'Hold on a tick' she said getting up and going next door. She returned about 20 minutes later, was I must admit was very quick for her. 'I just spoke to Sue about it' she told me, 'Sue said she thinks Lauren would love to model for you, but thinks Anthony won't because he's camera shy' 'That's okay' I replied making it sound like I was disappointed about Anthony, 'Lauren will be fine' I could hardly wait for Lauren to get home from school....... The day kind of dragged on a bit and I was continually clock watching and when it neared 4pm I began window watching too. Eventually I saw Sweet little Lauren round the corner with her brother. Immediately she saw me and with a beaming smile began waving and blowing me kisses. God she was so bloody sexy in her school uniform. The white blouse with tie, short grey pleated skirt and white knee length socks. With her hair in bunches, she was sex on legs. As always, I wondered what type of knickers she was wearing, and I almost cum in my pants just from watching her. About half an hour later, Sue and Lauren were stood at our door. I knew tonight was the night that Sue and Sarah went to bingo, and Anthony went to his friends, so it was my "babysitting" night for my daughter Marie, and of course the hot sexy Lauren. Just thinking about it made me hard. Lauren bounded through the door with her endless energy as usual, straight towards me. As was usual I held my arms out to her and she leapt into them and I picked her up for a hug. 'Wotcha gorgeous!' I said as I hugged her close, 'when ya gonna marry me then?' Lauren giggled, like she did every time I said it to her, every time I saw her. Give her her due, that girl was one hell of an actress. 'Uncle Keith!' she said to me in that tone that little girls do, 'I'm too little to marry you aren't I Mum?' Sue laughed and nodded. 'Awww!' I said like I was getting really upset. Lauren kissed my nose. 'I do love ya though!' she said. Putting one hand on each side of her face I looked her directly in the eyes and said 'You better!' As I put her down I deliberately fondled her little bum unnoticed by anyone else.

Lauren winked at me as I done it. I plonked down on my armchair, with Lauren joining me as usual, straight onto my lap. 'Comfy?' Sue asked her daughter sarcastically. 'Very!' the cheeky little girl replied just as sarcastically. Sue flashed me a "what am I gonna do with her?" look. I smiled as sympathetically as I could, trying to laugh. It wasn't too long before the two women were off for their night out, and with Marie asleep, once again, Lauren and I were alone. The moment the door slammed, Lauren threw her arms around me and kissed me on the lips. Then she said 'Now I can say hello properly' and with that she kissed me again, only this time it was a French kiss with a lot of passion. As we kissed I place my hand at the back of her hair and ran my fingers through her soft silky hair. Eventually we broke away. 'I like kissing you that way' she told me. 'I'm glad about that' I replied, because I happen to like it too!' Lauren giggled. 'Mum said you got a new computer and stuff..and you want me to be your model' she said excitedly. 'Yeah but then I decided no' I teased her. Lauren looked really upset and I could see the tears welling up. 'Oi soppy!' I said eager to put her straight before she REALLY cried, 'I'm only teasing you, of course I want you to!' She went instantly to a smile. 'I thought you was being serious!' she said. 'Well you know what happened to thought don't you?' I said. 'No??' 'You mean you don't know about the bloke who THOUGHT he'd farted?' 'No!' 'He though he'd farted..turned out he'd shit himself!' I said. 'Uuurgh!' Lauren said wrinkling up her nose, before collapsing in fits of laughter. I thought it was pretty lame myself, but obviously because of her age it was a new joke to her. 'I'll tell my Mum that one when she comes home!' she said. 'Don't you bloody dare! She'll want to know where you got it from!' 'I'll tell her it was you!' Lauren told me. I was just about to have a go and she started laughing. 'Ha ha! Got ya straight back!' 'Okay' I said 'quits?' Lauren nodded. 'Does your computer get on the internet?' she asked. 'Of course it does' I told her. 'Cool!! We have one at school that does, but we can only do it with the teacher there. One of the boys said it was because we might see rude stuff and that' 'Well' I told her, there IS a lot of that sort of stuff there. 'Really?' Lauren's eyes lit up 'what sort? Can we see some?' It seemed like she had hundreds of questions. I explained to her that you could find just about anything...if you knew where to look. With every sentence I told her, she responded with the usual word for a child her age, and it seemed like everything in the world was "cool" I told her there was plenty of time to go online a bit later. 'So you up for the modelling I take it?' She nodded.

I showed her the camera, which again was cool" apparently. I took a very quick snapshot of her and showed it to Lauren on the little screen on the back "cool" Then I took a short movie clip on it "cool" Then I took a picture of us together using the self-timer. Guess what? That was "cool" as well! In fact with all the "cool" I began to wonder how Global Warming ever got a look in! Then Lauren said 'How do you get the pictures developed?' 'That's the clever bit' I told her, 'you don't have to. Look I'll show you. I booted up the PC and hen connected the usb from the camera. A quick click and the picture of Lauren popped up on the screen. 'THAT is WELL cool! she said, 'does that mean that no-one else sees it?' 'Yep!' I said smiling. I noticed the wicked look come over her face, and straightaway I knew what she was thinking and told her so. 'I know what you're thinking, I was coming to that...' 'Can know take some sexy ones?' 'Why do you think I bought them?' I asked her, 'but we have to do lots of "normal" ones as well' 'Do we have to? They're boring!' she complained. 'Think about it a minute. Your Mum and Sarah BOTH know. This means we can spend lots of time together..' Lauren beamed at me. 'But we have to have something to show for it, and to show them' 'You're gonna show them the pictures of me with no clothes on?' she asked looking a little worried. 'That's NOT what I said...why you no iriot!', I said doing my best Benny Hill impression. Lauren laughed at my Chinese accent. 'Right we have to do some ordinary ones to show THEM' I said, 'Oh I get you, and the others are our secret ones?' 'By George I think she's got it!' I said sarcastically. 'Can we do the boring ones now?' she asked 'I was just going to suggest that!' I told her. So we spent the next half hour of me taking photo's of her in her school uniform, and although they were nice because she was photogenic, to be honest, to someone like me they WERE boring. I burned them onto a CD and would tell the two women that they were the result of our first shoot. I checked on my daughter, made a coffee and lit a cigarette. 'Right then Kate' I said 'Kate?' 'Oh sorry Lauren, I got the wrong super model, I thought you were Kate Moss!' I joked. 'Got any ideas of for the more interesting ones? I thought we should do themes, what do you think?' Lauren nodded enthusiastically. 'And' I added, 'I think we should start off like you are now' Lauren looked puzzled. 'School theme..seeing as you still have your uniform on?' 'And I can strip it off and stuff?' she asked hopefully. I nodded. I could tell that getting this equipment was a good idea with such an enthusiastic model. 'Have you got any Teddy bears and cuddly toys?' I asked her knowing she had. 'Loads!' she replied. 'Shall we go and get some we can set them around the bed?' 'Good idea' she told me, so using the key we kept in our place, we popped next door and gathered up a collection of Lauren's soft toys; Teddy bears, dolls, clowns, elephants, monkeys and cabbage patch dolls. Together we arranged them on the bed, and I pinned up a sheet as a backdrop, acutely aware of anything, which might identify the location and moved it out of shot.

Once that had been done, Lauren positioned herself in the middle of the bed, surrounded by the toys so it looked like a little girl in her bedroom. I started of with ordinary shots of her looking so innocent that you wouldn't believe she'd suck my cock at the drop of a hat. My cock was already hard in anticipation. I shot off a few with her turning this way and that, full length and close up. Then I got Lauren to lay back on the bed appearing to be reading her schoolbook. I told her to open her legs ever so slightly so we got a glimpse of her knickers. AS I clicked away with each shot, Lauren opened her legs gradually to make it look like she was flashing them accidentally. I could see some material but couldn't quite make them out. I then got her to put her legs up so her feet were flat on the bed so I could get some up skirt shots. Lauren slipped her hands under her short pleated school skirt and pulled her knickers up really tight before she done this, so that when she opened her legs her tight little plump pussy could be seen clearly underneath the material. I was pleased to see she had cute little girl knickers on. They were white but had little prints of Minnie Mouse over them and the Disney logo on the front just above the gusset. Lauren turned over and pulled her skirt up a little to make it look like it had ridden up naturally and you could see her little knicker clad bum. She looked so sexy, I just wanted to stick my cock in her one way or another, but resisted the temptation...for now at least. I then took some front on shots with her unbuttoning her blouse button by button until it was undone. Then she slipped it off her shoulders, but left the school tie on loosely so that her tiny pink nipples could be seen. Then she was unclipping and unzipping her skirt, again slowly as I clicked away. She stood up and held her skirt midway down like she was taking it off. Next she stood there in her Minnie Mouse knickers, white knee length socks that I'd told her to leave on, and bare chested except for the school tie which still hung loosely around her neck, still looking very innocent, but also so very sexy. I got her to turn around and done some teasing bum shots with her lowering the back of her knickers to reveal her cute little bottom, but not all of it yet. Then I had her face me and we done the same teasing type of shots with her little pussy. Lauren was really enjoying herself and she was a natural, anticipating what I wanted each and every time. 'Ready to go for it sweetheart?' I asked her. Silly question. 'About time!' she said as she slid her knickers down. 'Just to your knees darling..guys like to see a cute little girl with her knickers round her knees' I told her. Lauren done as asked. 'Keep the innocent look...' Lauren gave her sweetest butter-wouldn't- melt-in-her-mouth look, and to add to it she picked up one of her soft toys which she put under one arm the way little girls do, and her other hand she raised and placed her thumb in her mouth.

The picture of innocence! I snapped a few of her like that, then she turned round for bum shots, still with the toy and the thumb in her mouth, looking over her shoulder. Then her knickers came off completely and she stood up with just the socks and tie on. I done a few full length, then some close ups. Her pussy looked sweet and delicious. A little slit with all her tasty charms hidden in the folds. Her cute little bum like a ripe peach waiting to eaten. I had her spread her legs and took some that way, then pulling her little pussy open. She was very wet from excitement, and I made sure I captured the pink inner folds of her little girl pussy. Then again,, she turned round for bum shots, on all fours looking over her shoulder, pulling the cheeks apart to show her tight little rosebud. I was so hard and horny by now that I had to stop and relieve the pressure on my cock, so I took my trousers off and continued just in boxers. I got Lauren fingering her pussy and bum and got wonderful shots of those, then decided I wanted a piece of the action, and set the camera up on a tripod to capture anything that happened on the bed in 5 second intervals. I changed the memory card for a very high capacity one as I didn't want to miss anything. I wasn't worried about showing my face - I'd sort that out later! I climbed onto the bed with my Sweet Little Lauren, and immediately we were French kissing. Her tongue done a delightful little dance in my mouth, and my already aching cock ached even more with this erotic kissing. My hands stroked her back, and then cupped her little bum cheeks in my hands. Although I like the whole body of course, I am what most people would call a "bum man" and Lauren had one of the cutest little bums I'd ever had the pleasure to fondle. I simply can't understand why ANYONE would want some old tarts big saggy arse when there are soft, smooth cute LITTLE bums like Laurens going begging. It's beyond me. Lauren bought her hand down and started stroking my cock. I had to stop her temporarily otherwise I'd cum straightway and I didn't want to do that - yet! When we broke off our kiss I looked Lauren in eyes. 'You sure look sexy!' I told her, 'I Love you!' 'Luv ya back!' she replied kissing my nose. 'Can I ask a question?' 'You can ask me anything know that' 'What's a slut?' I thought to myself, how do I explain this to a young girlie ? 'Well...' I began 'it's hard to explain but someone who likes sex very very much, and normally will do it with anyone, and will do anything' I wasn't sure if that was right but I hoped that would satisfy her. I was wrong. 'Can you be one WITHOUT doing it with just with just one person, or one person and their friends?' 'I think so!' I told her, 'why do you ask?' 'Am I a slut?' she asked. That floored me. I wasn't expecting that and I was kind of lost for words for a second. 'Er...why?' was all I could think of to say. I thought it would give me a couple more seconds of thinking time. 'I want to be one!' 'Sorry?' I wasn't sure I heard her properly. 'Actually I don't, I want to be YOUR slut!' 'What do you mean?' I asked the little 7 year old. 'Well, I will do anything, but only with you or people you say it's okay to do things with, so I must be a slut, but I want to be YOUR slut!' she said proudly. I was not all together surprised to be honest. 'Anything?' I asked her, not really believing it. 'Yep!' she said nodding to emphasis she meant it. I decided to put her to the test to see her reactions. 'Even if I wanted to put things in your pussy?' She nodded with a smile. 'And your bum?' Again she nodded. 'How about if I tied you up and blindfolded you? 'Sounds like fun!' she said beaming, and she meant it. 'And licking other little girls pussies and bums?' 'Mmmm!' was all she said, and the cheeky cow licked her bloody lips! I thought, I'll come out with something really outrageous and she her reaction then. 'What if I took you out with no underwear on and told you who to flash at, then we had sex in the park or mall toilets, and then invited 12 of my friends over here and told you to suck all their cocks or suck the cock of a dog?' 'WOW!' she said 'when are we gonna do that then?' I'd been defeated. I guess you can say this was the moment when Sweet Little Lauren "officially" became Lauren The Little Slut! I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't have 12 paedo friends! 'Well then, I guess your my little slut then babes' I told her. Lauren beamed her smile and threw her arms around me. then she whispered sexily in my ear. 'If I'm your slut, then you HAVE to fuck me now. I'm going to do everything to please you, from what do to what I say' 'Okay' I said 'but two rules stay okay?' 'What are they?' she said looking a little worried. 'It's always our secret as I would be in deep shit if anyone found out about us' 'I know that silly! What's the other one?' 'No hurting one another. What I mean is if we play spanking or tie up games, you tell me if it starts to hurt and we stop okay?' 'Okay' she replied as she started tugging at my boxers.

Once she had them off she leaned over and was looking closely at my cock which had been spewing pre cum for the past half an hour. Lauren's pink little tongue sneaked out and she started to lick up all the fluid off my cock. 'Oh god Lauren' I gasped, 'that feels good' She licked the length up and down before sucking and licking my balls. I felt that for every bit of cum she cleaned up and leaked twice as much, but Lauren took care of that by slipping her lips over the top of cock so it leaked straight into her willing little mouth. She broke away a little. 'Can we do that 60 thing again?' she asked. I laughed at her expression "60 thing". 'Do you mean 69?' I asked her. 'When you lick me and I suck you' 'Oh I don't know about that' I said like I wasn't interested. 'Pleease' she pleaded, I want you stick your tongue inside me and suck my button..I promise to suck your cock good, and you can cum in my mouth or over my face whatever you want' I wasn't planning to refuse, I LOVE eating girlie pussy, and after an offer like that, no one in his or her right mind (or like mind!) would refuse. 'Okay!' I told her. By now we had both forgot that the camera was catching this every 5 seconds. I had Lauren swing her hips round so she was laying on top of me, and with he legs wide open, that cute little pussy and bum were just inches from my face. I placed a hand either side of her tiny waist and brought my head up to her wet, hot, tight little pussy and began my feast. Lauren's lips went back over my cock as I licked her little lips before plunging my tongue deep inside of her. Even though she had a mouthful of cock, I heard an intake of breath from her as I started to tongue fuck her. I could feel Lauren taking more and more cock in her mouth as she ground her pussy into my mouth. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and so did she. She stopped her sucking and began to wank me really fast as I felt my cock swell. Lauren leaned over and put her lips back to the tip as I shot my first load straight into her mouth. Lauren swallowed continuously and continued to wank my cock for all it was worth. She struggled to cope with the stream of hot sticky goo and began to cough. She took her lips off mainly in order to breathe as I continued to cum. The rest hit her in the face and chest and some hit her hair. As my cum subsided I resumed eating the tight little pussy. I held her legs open wide as I alternately licked her slit from top to bottom, and tongue fucked my little lover. Then I licked at her tight little bum before poking my tongue in there too and tasting the sweet muskiness inside. 'Ooh..yeah' She gasped as I her tight little poop chute, I'm gonna cum....fuck my bum...fuck me with your tongue..oooh I'm cumming...I'M CUMMING!' I'd never heard Lauren be so vocal., and was worried she'd wake Marie up. Fuck I was worried she'd wake the whole street up! Her little body shook with the strongest orgasm I'd seen her have so far, her legs clamped together almost suffocating me and she pushed her sweet little bum at my face trying to get as much of my tongue up her as she could. Eventually she calmed down and rolled off me exhausted.

She looked like a right little slut as well, with dried cum in her hair, over her face and chest, and of course, she still had her school tie round her neck and those cute white knee length socks. When she recovered some more, she surprised me again. She still had a mouthful of my cum!! Then she turned to the camera, which I'd completely forgotten about, and opened her mouth to show the cum. Then she smiled for the camera with that innocent little girl look. Then, the same as she did when we'd started, she picked up her toy and put it under her arm again, and the thumb went back in her mouth, only this time she deliberately let the cum ooze slowly out of her mouth so it dripped down her chest. Sweet Little Lauren, the model and girlie slut in training had well and truly arrived. 'I think I'd better get you cleaned up before they get back' I told her. 'Then can we look at the pictures?' she said enthusiastically, 'and you promised to show me the Internet' she reminded me. 'Okay Okay I haven't forgotten!' I told her. As much as I loved her she was bloody hard work sometimes! Once Lauren had cleaned herself up, we lay together on the bed chatting for a while as the phone started to ring. I picked up to find it was my wife. She informed me that they'd had a reasonable sized win within the group of girls that they went with, and they were going off to a restaurant to celebrate and would be home much later than planned. I told her it was fine by me. I explained the conversation to Lauren afterwards. 'That means we've got more time together!' she said excitedly, is it computer time yet?' Typical female, never gives up, I thought to myself. 'Okay, c'mon then' I said to her getting off the bed. I opened up the folder of the photo's that had just been taken first, with Lauren sitting on my lap. We were both naked and it felt having her hot smooth skin on my rough and hairy skin. Already I felt the stirrings as I scanned the thumbnails. The photos had come out well and Sweet Little Lauren looked very hot and sexy. 'Wow!' Lauren exclaimed, 'they look good' 'Look at these ones then if you think they're good' I told her opening up a jpeg of Lauren sucking my cock.

I flicked through them as the picture showed Lauren giving me a blowjob and then me cumming in her mouth, and over her face and body. 'Those are hot pics baby' I told her hugging her. 'They are aren't they?' she replied with pride. 'I'd like to see some pictures of other girls though' 'Okay ' I said clicking my browser. I entered in a web address and almost instantly it took me to a fairly innocent looking page. 'That looks boring!' Lauren told me. ''Never judge a book by it's cover' I told her 'Eh?' 'Never mind' I said as I clicked again. 'It means things aren't always how they look' I informed her. 'You can go to prison with this sort of website so they bounce you about and make it look like something it isn't' 'Oh' was all she said as a password dialogue box popped up. I entered my user name and password and clicked okay, and the browser went off to another page on a different server. Then I got a welcome message as a picture of a very innocent looking fully clothed young girlie appeared on screen. This unknown little Blondie was my dream, VERY pretty, with blond pigtails dressed in full school uniform. However, it wasn't just a picture it actually signified that the flash site was loading. Instead of an egg timer or something similar, this little suite lost bits of her clothing, tie, blazer, blouse, skirt, socks and when she lowered her little pink knickers she then crooked a finger at you. It then zoomed into her face, her lips moved and her little girl voice said 'Welcome back! My friends and I are hot and horny..Come and play with us!' The first time I logged into this site I nearly cum in my pants at just that bit. When I got inside it blew my mind. It was expensive to subscribe to, but EVERYTHING on this site was brand new and privately made, and it was updated every single day with new material. They also had a video section as well as photo's, chat rooms with cameras, absolutely everything and anything, and it was worth every penny. It was also VERY exclusive; you had to be invited by someone who was already a member to be eligible to join. They also did live shows, although I was yet to see one. One of the other things I liked about the site was it-encouraged teenage girl to visit it. So people like Lauren, and me daddies with their daughters, Uncles and nieces and so on. The teenage girls could chat to one another either on the keyboard by web cam or voice. I'd made a few friends there already and had chatted to some of the kids too. I noticed I had quite a few new messages, some of them from kids I'd spoken to. I was pleased to see there were a number of messages from "Chloe" whom I'd chatted to. She'd previously told me that she sneaked and used her older brothers computer. She'd accidentally found his user name and password and clicked the link out of curiosity, and ended up at this site. I'd asked her all about herself. She said she was quite younger but small for her age, with very short black hair and slim body. She said she found the site really exciting, but was upset because she wanted to try sex with a man, but hadn't. I told her I would be her 'substitute uncle' if she wanted, which she agreed to. She said she would send me some "sexy" pictures of herself, but she had to wait until she had a bit of time alone in the house so she could do them, and I noticed with a smile that some of the messages from her had picture attachments with them, and I clicked open the first message. It read: Hello Keith I really enjoyed chatting to you before and it made me really hot I spent an hour fingering my slit and thinking of you. As I promised, I attach some photos of me so you can see what I look like (no nudie's yet as I haven't had enough time with the house empty - promise I will). Hope you like and hope to chat again soon. Loadsa luv Chloe XXXX Lauren read it with me. 'Go on then' she urged, 'I want to know what she looks like as well!' I clicked the first one, which was a head and shoulders shot. I was surprised, as I knew Chloe said she was small for her age but she looked much younger than me 'She's very pretty' Lauren said. 'She is isn't she?' I replied. 'Are you going to meet her?' 'I don't know yet, she might live miles away' I told Lauren 'I know she does live in the UK but I don't know where yet as I didn't ask her. Why?' 'I'd like to meet her' Lauren told me, 'she looks nice and I think we could be friends' As she said that I clicked open the next one that was a full length shot, and she was small for her age. I thought she looked more like a 6 year old. Having said that, she was dressed in a very short summer dress and looked incredibly sexy with a slender body. I couldn't help but imagine what her little pussy and bum looked like. Lauren had the same thoughts. 'I bet she has a sexy bum!' Lauren said out loud. I was surprised, as she'd never made any mention of other girls (or boys for that matter) before. 'You like the idea of another girl then?' 'Mmm' she replied, 'I think it would be fun. I wouldn't mind girls or boys or men, providing it was okay with you' 'I'll remember that!' I said with a smile. My cock was hard again by now and after changing position to accommodate it, Lauren placed her hand on it and was gently stroking me. I was stroking her inner thigh. 'What's the other message say?' I was just clicking on it as she said that. Hello again Keith! Guess what? Everyone's out for a little while so I've use the digital camera and done some of these for you like I promised. Chat soon, loadsa luv Chloe XXX I clicked the first attachment and Chloe was lying on what I assumed was her bed as it was all lilac with matching "Groovy Chick" bedcovers and wallpaper. She was laying back in a shortie nightdress, which again had the "Groovy Chick" on it.

The next picture was similar but she'd hiked up the nightdress a little showing her thighs. The picture after that had her night dress pulled right up to her belly button and she was showing off her little slit. As soon as Lauren saw it I felt her squeeze my cock a little harder. 'Oh that's nice!' I said. 'What I'm doing or her pussy?' Lauren asked. 'Both!' I replied. Lauren laughed. The next picture was similar but she was lying on her tummy. 'Now that is nice!' This time it was Lauren who said it. 'See! Told you she would have a nice bum!' Lauren said proudly as she now wanked my cock with a rhythm. I was fingering her little slit and when this picture came up Lauren opened her legs wider and I felt her pussy wet even more as my finger explored her inner lips. 'I bet you'd like to cum all over her bum' Lauren said as she started to squirm. 'Definitely!' I replied, 'but I'd like to stick my tongue in it first' 'That sounds nice. I like the idea of you doing that to me right now' Lauren said. With that I picked Lauren up and carried her back over to the bed. I raised her legs up and moved her to the edge of the bed I got her to hold her ankles so that her puckered little bum hole was on show for me. I stuck my finger in my mouth and lubricated it before probing her tight little anus. 'Ooh that feels good!' Lauren gasped, 'push more in' I slowly and gently inched my finger up her anal canal before pulling it out and licking her ring with the tip of my tongue. Then I pushed it right into her' 'Aah..yeah..Push it right in!' I began tongue fucking my little lover as she pushed her sweet little bum back against me. After a couple of minutes of that I reluctantly pulled my mouth away. Pulling her more to the edge of the bed I rubbed the tip of my cock along the crack of her bum. 'Ooh yeah..Yeah' Lauren gasped, 'Put it in please..Fuck my bum!' 'You sure? It might hurt!' Lauren was too far-gone now. 'Don't care...please..Fuck my bum. I want to feel you inside me..Please?' Well not being one to disappoint a girlie who is begging to be arse fucked I duly obliged! I held my cock and lined it up against her tight anal opening and gently eased it forward. I could feel her tightened gradually giving way to the invasion. 'Ooh..Aaah.. Yeah' Lauren gasped as she took a man's cock up her tight little poop chute for the first time 'more..Put more in!' I gradually inched more and more of my cock into her, surprised at how much she could take. She was, as you would expect, incredibly tight, but the feeling was exquisite. Lauren kept encouraging me to put more in and I followed her instructions until at least ¾ of my manhood was up her bum. I felt it there for 30 seconds or so before pulling out slightly and then reinserting it, eventually building up a rhythm. Lauren started humping back at me gasping, 'Harder..Faster..Put more in' until I was fucking her properly. Lauren was grunting with each of my thrusts and I knew it wouldn't take either of us long to cum as we were both so worked up. 'Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my bum hard..Ooh god..I'm gonna..Oh..I think I'm, AARGH YES I'M CUMMING!' Listening to Lauren gasping those dirty words like that and the feel of my cock in her little bum sent me over the top and I began squirting my hot sticky cum up her tight little rectum. 'I feel you Cumming. All hot up my bum..Oh yeah!' Lauren sounded like she was absolutely loving her first bum fuck.. Ads I cum I rammed my cock up her as hard and as far as I could which sent my little lover into a frenzy as my seed continued to pump into her dirt box. I could feel she was in the throes of a little girl orgasm as I felt her sphincter muscle contracting in spasms. Once I was spent I gently pulled my cock out, and watched her hole spasm still. It was certainly more open than before, and with each spasm it leaked more of my goo. I reached for my camera and took a few shots of Lauren's cummy little bum which looked so hot and sluttish. Then I joined her on the bed, put my arms around her and kissed her, before we just lay there cuddling and simply enjoying the closeness of the moment. After a few minute Lauren spoke. 'That was SO nice' she told me, ' want it in the front next time though. But bum fucking is nice. I wonder if Chloe like her bum fucked?' I liked the idea of fucking that cute little one as well. 'Maybe we'll never knew' I told her. 'Can I send her some pictures of me?' Lauren asked 'If you really want to' I told her, 'she does know all about you' 'Does she know what we do?' 'Yeah I told her' I replied 'She thinks it's really cool!' 'Can I send her a message as well?' 'If you want sweetheart' Lauren got herself cleaned up and we sat back at the PC, as Laurens fingers went to work. Hello Chloe! This is Lauren. Keith said he's told you all about us. I loved your pics btw and we both think you're really sexy - I LOVE your bum! Because of your pics we've just had a hot time. I am sending you some pics of me, hope you like them. Love Lauren XXX Btw..Keith says Hello! 'Oh, I'm glad I got a mention..Even if it was an afterthought!' I joked. Lauren giggled. 'Sorry' 'I'll let you off..This time!' I told her.

I attached 4 pictures that Lauren had picked out. One of her in full school uniform. The second was naked from the front. Third was naked from the back. Her fourth choice surprised me as it was one of her sucking my cock - just as I was coming in her mouth! Still, it was her choice. I clicked "send" and away it went. Together we looked at a few other photos before closing the system down and getting things back to normal before the women returned home. I told Lauren that we would return the site when they had the next live show. Lauren smiled like she was planning already. Just as we were going back to the lounge like nothing had happened I heard Marie wake up and start crying. What timing! I was still trying to calm her down when Sue and Sarah came home. Do women have an instinct for these things?
The End
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