Lauren A Beautiful Girlie 1


Sweet Little Lauren 1
(How it all started!)

I'd lived next door to a beautiful girlie Lauren now for a little while. She lived with her Mum and older brother, there was no Dad on the scene; it seemed he'd disappeared from the scene a few years ago. My wife and her Mum got on well, doing the neighbourly thing with 'just popping next door for a quick chat' That 'quick chat' lasting a couple of hours... huh women! Still I didn't mind as Lauren was the cutest little thing, and I'd fallen for her since we first met. Often my wife and I had babysat her and her brother when their Mum had to go out, although it wasn't that often, and definitely not often enough for my liking anyway! I'd always known I like children - in a sexual way I mean. Right from when I was in my early teens and got my first helping of pre-teen pussy, compliments of 6-year-old Rosie who lived nearby. Oh she was special, and you never forget your first! After I'd had that prime roast beef, I decided there and then I would never be satisfied by just a bit of scrag end. I liked boys too,; I'd had my fair share of them as well. Lauren's brother was 10, but he wasn't my cup of tea really. Arrogant to almost ignorant, and a bit overweight I would have to be in a desperate state to chase him, but oh Lauren....sweet Lauren was in a different league. With her blue eyes and long brown mousy hair, she had a sweet nature and personality to match her pretty looks, and I knew I just had to have her, and that I would. It was just a matter of playing the game right. I was halfway there without really trying to be honest. Whenever her Mum came in for a cuppa and a chat, she would make a bee line for my lap, much to the annoyance of my own daughter who at 2 1/2 saw me as HER Daddy, and as such had a god given right to sit on my lap any time she choose, and she'd give hell to anyone who thought they could just plonk themselves down on her Daddy's lap. So it was that I'd try my best to explain to her that she could have Daddy's lap anytime she wanted, and Lauren was just borrowing it as she had no Daddy's lap of her own to sit on. She kind of understood this, and as Lauren was her friend who often came in just to play with her, accepted it in her own little way. What I also liked about Lauren was she was kind of a 'touchy feely' sort of girl - just my type! ;) When she sat on my lap, the T.V was generally on and she cuddled into me.

The women where too busy chatting to take much notice of us and what we might or might not be up to, which was fine by me (and, as it turned out, Lauren). Her brother, Anthony, tended to stay in their own flat next door, which again was fine by me. It was children's TV and even Lauren found it boring, and my own daughter, Marie was whining. 'I'll take the girls in the other room' I said to my wife' The women were so deep in conversation they didn't even acknowledge what I said. Lauren jumped off my lap and I picked tiny Marie up and we went into Marie's bedroom where all the toys were. I gently threw my daughter onto her bed making her bounce which I knew she loved, and that cheered her up making her giggle. I then did the same to Lauren. She was dressed in an old white t-shirt and blue trousers; you know those with an elastic waistband that little girls wear. They were old clothes as the trousers seemed a little short, and the t-shirt had seen better days. I assumed they were 'play' clothes after having changed out of her school uniform when she got home, as she was always dressed quite well, except when playing, and even then more often than not. Marie became quite bored with that little game quite quickly, so I put her into her play pen with lots of toys and she seemed happy with that, so I was able to focus my attention on Lauren for a while. I noticed that where I'd play-thrown Lauren onto the bed, and played tickling and wrestling games with her, her t-shirt had become untucked from her trousers. 'Come here scruff pot' I said to Lauren, 'let's tuck you in' She came closer to me and as I tucked her in, it suddenly struck me that I had a golden opportunity here, and quickly formulated my cunning plan of action. Once she was tucked in we continued our little games; throwing her onto the bed, tickling, all that sort of thing. I made sure that there was plenty of physical contact, which Lauren didn't seem to mind in the slightest. However, in doing so, I made sure that I tugged at her t-shirt to make sure it became undocked each time, which wasn't too difficult as that too was a bit short on her and only just about tucked in anyway. I don't think Lauren noticed what I was doing - if she did she didn't say anything. 'Come here' I said trying to make it sound like I was surprised, 'you've come all undocked again!' This time I tucked her in differently. 'Turn round' I told her, and Lauren done as she was told. I pulled the back of her waistband out towards me and looked down them.

That was the first time I saw Lauren's cute little bum. White, and silky smooth. I got her t-shirt and started tucking it in at the back, pushing my hand right down on the pretext of 'tucking her right in'. In reality I was copping a feel of her sweet little arse. Oh heaven! I didn't spend too long doing it, as I didn't want Lauren's suspicions aroused just yet as to what I was really up to. I had to time it just right. 'Turn round' I instructed, and Lauren turned herself around. I then done exactly the same at the front; pulled the waistband out together with her little white knickers, and looked down to see her sweet little virginal pussy. Oh man what a lovely sight! Again, milky white, silky smooth, no trace of hair anywhere of course. Just how I liked them. On the pretence again of tucking her right in, I had a quick feel of her sweet pussy. Lauren squirmed a little as she realised I'd touched her. 'Ooh' she squealed, 'you touched my Minnie' 'Ssh! I whispered 'we don't want your Mum or Sarah (my wife by the way!) to hear!' She looked at me apologetically and then whispered again 'you touched my Minnie' 'Sorry' I lied, 'it was an accident. I was tucking you in!' She sort of believed me I think and we continued on with the game. Again, I discreetly tugged her t-shirt out whilst playing. 'Oh look' she said, 'my t-shirt's out again!' she said quietly to me. It seemed she was getting right into this 'tug the t-shirt out' game. 'you better tuck me back in' She stood up, and I went to tuck her in normally, like I'd done the very first time, but she turned round so her back was to me. 'No!' She said quietly, 'do it like before. Tuck me right in so it doesn't come out again!' 'Why?' I asked 'Cos I want you to' she replied. Not only was Lauren cute and sexy, but also she was intelligent as well for her age, and I got the feeling she'd twigged exactly what MY game was. So I repeated what I'd done before, only this time I looked and felt her sweet little pussy and bum for a bit longer. This went on for about 5 mins; untucking, look, feel retuck. Then Lauren said 'I like that' 'Oh' I said, playing innocent 'do you?' 'I REALLY like it when you tuck me in' she informed me. 'Why's that?' I asked her. She became a little shy then, and still standing on the bed looked up at me and said 'you know' I continued to pretend I didn't know what she was talking about as I wanted to hear her say it, which is a great turn on when a cute little girl says it. 'cos..well know..' she started. 'I don't know..' I pretended. 'I like the way you tuck me in' 'What way?' She leaned in and whispered in my ear in a barely audible voice. 'Cos you touch my Minnie and my bottom' 'Eh?' I pretended I couldn't quite hear her. 'Whisper a little louder darlin' I can hardly hear you, but not too loud, we don't want them hearing us in there' Not that there was much chance of that as the conversation was still going. 'I said..' she whispered a little louder with her hand to her mouth the way kids do when they've got an important secret, 'cos you touch my Minnie and my bum' 'Oh' I said sounding nonchalant, 'you like that then?' Lauren nodded. I pulled her close and gave her a hug, my hands cupping her cute little bum and giving it a squeeze as I did so.

Then I kissed her briefly on the lips. Did you like that?' I asked She nodded again. 'How about round the front?' I asked 'My Minnie?' she asked. I nodded. She didn't seem too sure and was giving it a little thought. Then she said 'yeah okay' I moved my hand round to the front of her trousers and gave her little pussy a rub through her trousers. 'Open your legs a little sweetheart' I whispered to her, mindful that anyone could walk in on us. I looked round to check on Marie as she'd gone quiet during all this time, and noticed she had fallen asleep. Lauren opened her legs as I'd requested and my hand cupped her through the material and I rubbed her. My other hand rubbed her little bum. 'Nice?' I whispered to her, all the time caressing her young tender body. 'Uh-huh' she said back, 'it feels really nice' 'I tell you what would feel even better' I told her 'What?' she asked interested. 'If you let me do it properly' I said 'What you mean?' she asked 'Inside' I said. 'You mean in my knickers?' she asked. 'Yeah' I said, it will feel even nicer' She was thinking about this for a couple of seconds. 'If you don't like it' I continued, 'just tell me and I'll take my hand out and stop' She looked at me. 'I promise, I will NEVER do anything you don't want, and I'll NEVER hurt you darling...EVER! Anytime you want me to stop, you just say and I will, no matter what we're doing ok?' And I meant it. Lauren was like an additional daughter and I'd never knowingly hurt her. I loved her and it was clear she loved me. 'Okay' she finally agreed. I slipped my hand down the back first to feel her bum. I wanted to take things nice a slowly with her, as I found it best if you don't rush little ones. Her skin was so smooth as I caressed and kneaded her two little round globes. I could almost fit both of her cheeks in one hand, and she felt oh so good. I the slipped my other hand down the front of her knickers, tracing her tightly closed little slit with my finger. 'Ooh' Lauren whispered, 'that feels funny' 'Nice funny?' I asked her. Lauren nodded. After tracing her slit for a couple of minutes, the tip of my finger searched for her little clit. As I found it she let out a little gasp of delight. I didn't need to ask her if that felt nice. I listened out intently all the time and found the two women were STILL at it in the other room.

My ears were on red alert for a break in their talking or approaching footsteps. I stopped what I was doing briefly and said to Lauren 'Can I pull them down so I can see? It'll feel nicer too as I'll have more room'. Almost immediately Lauren nodded. 'If I tell you someone's coming , you have to pull 'em up real quick and act like nothing's happening okay? Think you can do that?' I asked. Yet again Lauren nodded, 'and' I added very quietly, 'this has to be our little secret, you mustn't tell ANYBODY, not Mummy, Anthony, or friends, NO-ONE' I emphasised, 'otherwise we'd get in a big load of trouble' I told her. Actually it would only be me really, but she wasn't to know that. It just added to the need for secrecy. 'I won't tell anyone' she replied 'I promise'. gently I tugged at the waistband of her trousers and knickers, which were a bit tight. I pulled then down to just above her knees, her gusset getting caught between her legs. I freed them and got her to open her legs as much as she could. 'Turn out sweetie' I told her. She done as instructed and I had my first proper look at her cute little girlie bum. Gorgeous! Then I got her to turn back round and I admired her sweet little pussy. It was perfect. Two perfectly symmetrical little lips, with a slit in the middle. Silky smooth, and naturally , no hair. Absolutely perfect. Again my hand went between her legs, and I played with both her slit and her little love button. Automatically, she tried to open her legs as wide as she could, squirming and giving out little pleasurable moans. 'That nice?' I asked her. 'Yeah' she replied, really really nice. 'Can I show you something even nicer?' I asked 'Okay' she replied. It seemed like she was really into it now. I sat on the bed and Lauren was still standing on it. Again I checked the conversation was still going. My face was level with Lauren's crotch and I took in not only the beautiful sight, but also the delightful little girl smell. I pulled her towards me with both hands on her bum, and started to lick her slit. 'Mmm' Lauren moaned.

I flicked my tongue across her little clit and I thought sweet little Lauren was going to go through the ceiling 'aah..ooh..mmm' she gasped. I could hear the conversation drawing to a close between the women, so I stopped. Lauren looked at me disappointed. 'Sorry sweetheart' I told her 'pull 'em up now' 'Lauren had obviously rehearsed this in her head, and in a flash her trousers and little white knickers were back up and she looked once again like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. I had grabbed a book in the meantime from my daughter's shelf. 'Sit down' I told her 'we'll make out I've been reading with you. Don't forget what I said though about OUR secret' I reminded her with a wink, kissing the top of her head. Lauren done as instructed and winked back 'I won't' she said. 'Can we do it again next time?' Something about the way she said it made me believe she wouldn't mention it to anyone. 'Course we will sweetheart, I don't know when that will be though' I told her.

She was satisfied with that and began reading aloud from the book. I had one arm around her and was pointing to each word as she read it. A minute or so later her Mum came through the bedroom door. 'Bloody hell Lauren!' her Mum said, 'talk about me and my shadow! If you want to find Lauren, just look for Keith!' she joked. 'Sorry' she said to me, I hope she hasn't been a pain!' 'Not at all' I replied 'you're always a good girl with me ain't 'cha?' I said looking at Lauren. 'Always!' she said. I'm sure I picked up a wicked little grin from her when she said that. I hoped no one else did. 'C'mon madam' her Mum said 'time for tea, otherwise your brother will be phoning social services saying I starve the pair of ya! Give him a kiss' Lauren kissed and hugged me like she always did, and I craftily squeezed her bum, and managed to whisper in her ear without anyone noticing. 'Our secret!' She winked back at me in acknowledgement, and then I said aloud 'Luv ya!' 'Luv ya back!' It was our standard departing shot. My wife then said to me, 'you don't mind if they all come back later after tea do you?' 'No not at all' I replied. In my mind I knew Lauren was mine now, and SHE was welcome back ANY time. It was about 7.30pm, and having had dinner and put our own daughter Marie to bed, I was slumped in an armchair half asleep and half watching some dreary soap opera that my wife Sarah loved, when there was a knock at the door. As usual, my lazy bitch wife told me to get it. I opened the door to find our neighbour Sue, and her two kids; Anthony the obnoxious little ugly girl fart, and the delightful, cute and sexy Lauren. She smiled up at me and as usual, my heart melted. I invited them in and we all went in the lounge, Sue sitting on the sofa with Sarah. Anthony went and tried to make himself comfortable in my favourite armchair which I'd left about 20 seconds ago. Can you believe that? The little shit! I don't like him much..can you tell? I served him with an eviction order pretty damn quick I can tell you, threatening to kick his arse if he didn't shift. Needless to say, he moved to the other one and I quickly regained my throne. I liked my little armchair in the corner, and I was fucked if I'd let that little bastard sit there, I thought to myself. Also it was strategically placed.
Lauren, as is usual, jumped straight on my lap, positioning herself in her usual way, as I'd kind of trained her to do. I'd always got her to sit on the left side of my lap so that if I attempted anything at any time, it was as far away from any prying eyes as it could be, and anything untoward wouldn't be noticed. And so it was that Lauren made herself comfortable on me. The women were under starter's orders and they were off. I'd always said their mouths could beat a Porsche from a standing start.... 0-60 in 3 seconds!! Anyhow, while they engrossed in the latest gossip, they weren't paying any attention to me and what I might have been doing. The only problem was Anthony. I always got the feeling that he was watching me when he came in, or I was in theirs, and he didn't like me much. The feeling was mutual I can tell you. However, I was feeling benevolent, and with no thought to myself..yeah right I hear you say... okay a little..alright you got me! I wanted to take his attention away from me, so I told him he could pick out any video he wanted to watch.

He picked the one I knew he would - Terminator 2 - it was his favourite. That pleased me as it's a reasonably long one, and it would keep him occupied for a while.. With them all occupied, I was then able to turn my attention to Lauren. I noticed she had changed since earlier and she was looking like an even more attractive piece of eye candy. The old t-shirt and trousers had gone, to be replaced by another, better t-shirt, and a very short skirt. The t-shirt was white emblazoned with the legend 'My Little Pony' which was all the rage for little girls back then. Her skirt was a short denim one, which barely came to her little knobbly knees. She also had on white knee length socks with plastic sandals, which she kicked off like she always did when in my place. On top of that, she had her hair put up in bunches. She looked the cutest, most innocent thing on the planet - a paedophiles dream - and she certainly was this one's. In fact she was more than that to me, a living doll. I could feel my cock stiffening just looking at her. My wife turned to me, stopping her chatting for a few seconds. I knew she couldn't go on too much longer without drawing some breath! I knew what she was going to say, but let her say it anyway. 'Do us a favour and make some drinks will you?' It was more of an order than a request, and she went straight back to her conversation like she'd never stopped. Anthony by now was well into his film. I told Lauren she'd have to get up as I was going to put the kettle on. She jumped up and made my way to the kitchen. Lauren of course, followed me out there. You couldn't see the kitchen from the lounge or vice versa, so I liked that. When I made drinks, Lauren always came with me, and I'd sit her on the worktop at the furthest point from the door, so she could watch me do whatever it was I was doing. Usually making drinks but occasionally I'd be cooking. 'Lift me up then' she said expectantly, but very quietly. 'Okay' I said putting my hands under her arms, 'but as I'm doing something for you, you have to do something for me' I told her. She looked at me with a puzzled look, as I plonked her onto the clean worktop. 'What?' 'You have to sit with your knees up' I told her,' so I can see your knickers while I'm working' I always think that's is such an erotic sight. I love to see little girl knickers up their skirts, especially when they don't know it, like when you go shopping or they are outside playing. Don't get me wrong, I like it when they know as well like Lauren did now, but I loved the unexpected glimpses; the whiteys, pastels, Barbie's, Disney's, poker dot... I love them all.

It was always nice to know what colour knickers little girls had one, and I ALWAYS liked to know the colour of Laurens. Often they were white, but I knew she had lots. It didn't take me long to find out about Lauren's today as she leaned back against the wall, raised her knees up and put her socked feet flat on the work top. As I stood by the sink filling up the kettle I got a great view up her little skirt. Lauren decided to tease me. She had her legs open and every time it looked like I was going to look, she snapped them shut, only she wasn't doing it straightaway, and was giggling a bit as she done it. 'You're a little minx do you know that?' I said to her. Lauren just grinned at me, and poked her little tongue out. 'I'll bite that off!' I joked as I switched the kettle on. I walked over to her. 'Dare ya to do it again' I said to her. Lauren, having the devil in her, done it again. Quick as a flash I had moved my face down and briefly sucked her tongue before she pulled it back in. 'Uurgh!' she complained 'you got my tongue! That's 'orrible' 'You wait 'til I do that properly' I told her, 'you'll love it!' Lauren appeared to remain unconvinced. I whispered in her ear, 'I like your sexy blue knicks sweetie' they were nice too. A very light blue. That made a nice change from the white ones. 'They're not just blue' Lauren informed me 'look' She hiked her skirt up to her thighs and showed me an embroidered red rose on the front covering that sweet little pussy. 'Very nice!' I told her. I had only seen the gusset part, but they were very nice. Mind you, Lauren could have worn a bin bag and I'd still have found her the sexiest little girl on the planet. The rose seemed very appropriate as she was my little English rose, and silently thanked Sue for buying Lauren them. I bought my hand down and traced the tip of my finger around the rose. 'That feels nice' Lauren whispered, then added proudly 'I haven't told anybody' I smiled and hugged her. Although it had only been a few hours since I introduced her to the pleasure, I knew deep down she wouldn't say anything. 'I done it myself when I was in the toilet' she confided. 'Did you?' I replied 'wanna show me?' I asked her. I moved over to where I could not only see Lauren and what she was doing but also keep an eye on anyone approaching. Lauren, with her skirt already up, pulled the gusset of her little blue rose knickers aside with one hand, and she was wetting the index finger of the other in her mouth. She then bought it down and she started to stroke her little hairless slit like I had done to her a few hours earlier. Boy, she was a fast learner. My cock was hard watching this very erotic sight of a beautiful girl on the kitchen work top, skirt up, knickers pulled to one side, slowly fingering herself. Every so often she bought her finger back up to her mouth and coated it again with saliva.

I don't know whether she pushed her finger in deep enough to get it coated in little pussy juice, or even if she produced it, but if she did it didn't seem to bother her when she put her finger in her mouth. After a couple of minutes I said she'd best stop in case the others got suspicious of the time we were taking, and to let the noticeable bulge in my trousers subside. She pulled her skirt down, and then sat with her legs dangling over the side like nothing had ever happened. I decided I best resume making the tea. When I went to the fridge I realised we had a problem. I lifted Lauren down and we walked into the lounge. 'Where's the tea? Sarah asked. 'We're out of milk!' I informed her. 'Oh yeah' she said 'I meant to have told you' 'Thanks!' I said sarcastically. 'Suppose I'll have to go and get some then?' She didn't answer. It was a statement more than anything. 'Can I come with you?' Lauren's face lit up. 'It's up to your Mum' I said hoping she wouldn't object. 'If you don't mind it's okay with me' Sue said. Lauren looked like she was going to burst. Inside I thought I would too at the thought of some time alone with her, without the prospect of someone walking in. Of course, someone always pisses on your parade! 'Can I come too?' whined the little snot in the armchair. Bloody hell, I thought, bang goes any ideas I might have had. I couldn't refuse him, as it would have stood out. I don't know why he asked to come, as he never had before 'Yeah okay' I said, trying hard not to make my voice sound too pissed off. We trotted down the one flight of stairs to my car, which was long past its glory days. It was so unreliable that I was prepared to bets on whether it would actually start or not. Then the arguments started. 'I'm sitting in the front!' came the whine from Anthony. 'No I am!' Lauren said angrily. 'I am!' 'No I am!' 'Whoa!' I said sternly. I wanted Lauren in the front, but I couldn't show favouritism in front of her brother. 'Right!' I said, 'Lauren's in the front on the way there, Anthony on the way back!. ANY arguments, and NO-ONE's in the front, you'll both be in the back! Understood?' Sheepishly the both nodded. I unlocked and Anthony got in first. As he did Lauren looked at me, and I smiled and winked at her. She smiled back, and she realised that was for Anthony's benefit. She got in and so did I. I leaned across her cute little body and buckled her up. I turned the key, and lo and behold, it actually started first time. The kids, having had experience of my old banger both sarcastically cheered. I couldn't help but laugh at that. As we pulled away, I formulated a little plan in my head, and rooted around in my pocket for a fiver. The convenience store was a little distance away and on a busy main road where it was very difficult to park up. 'Anthony' I said, 'you'll have to pop in for the milk. Get yourself and your sister some sweets while you're there okay?' I always treated them when we went to the shop like this. 'Thank you' they said in unison as I handed the money to Anthony. The first part of the plan had just been executed; get Anthony out of the car. I pulled up outside the store. 'Ant' I said 'I've got to turn the car around somehow, but you know how busy this road is. When you come out, if I'm not here wait for me okay?' He nodded and got out of the car.

As Lauren and I watched him walk toward the store she spoke. 'Are we going to do naughty things?' she asked. 'Do you want to?' She nodded, and started to rake her skirt up. I decided it was best to pull away as there were a lot of people about and I didn't want anyone peering in and seeing something they shouldn't. I looked down to Lauren's lap and saw her milky white thighs and her little blue knickers with the red rose on the front that I had seen earlier. My cock stiffened immediately. I was so pleased my old banger had an automatic transmission, as I was able to drive and feel between Lauren's legs at the same time, as she instinctively opened her legs to give me access. 'You'll have to pull them down' I said to her, as I pulled into a side road. As I parked up, I watched sweet little Lauren grab her knickers, and lifting her bum off the seat slightly, pulled her knickers down to her knees. I wasn't expecting it when she lifted her legs and took her knickers right off there in the car on a side road just off the high street. There were people about and I kept an eye open while my hand went between Laurens open legs and I started to stroke her slit. It seemed the moment we started the world and his dog were walking past, and I had to keep stopping and pulling Lauren's short denim skirt back down making it look normal, much to Lauren's disappointment and my frustration. It was then I spotted the ideal place; a little service road, which lead to the rear of the shops. I thought there wouldn't be any deliveries at this time of the day, so having kept the engine running, I moved the car to there. It was much quieter and there wasn't anyone to be seen so I felt happier and bolder. I lifted the skirt back up and continued stroking Lauren's pink puffy juicy wet slit. Oh so smooth, and I was sure I could feel some wetness there, so maybe she did taste her own juices earlier I mused. I filed that information away in my head. I found her little nubbin and gently flicked it. 'Ooh' she moaned, 'I like that' 'Hang on' I said leaning across her, and reclining the seat. 'That's better' the little girl said opening her legs further. I stroked her a little more, this time with my little finger. There was definitely some little girl juice there and the more I played with her, the wetter she become. To aid lubrication I put my little finger in my mouth and got plenty of saliva on it. I then returned it to her pussy and slowly and gently eased the tip into her tight little hole. She winced a little, more with surprise than anything. 'Just relax sweetheart' I encouraged her, and probed her tight little love tunnel a little more, so that my finger was in maybe a 1/4 inch. I didn't want to hurt her so I didn't go too much deeper. I gently slid it in and out of her, and alternated between that, stroking her lips, and flicking her little clit. She squirmed and made pleasurable noises all the time. I bought my head down to between her legs, and slowly tongued her; licking her outer and inner lips, swirling my tongue on that little love button. 'Ooh that's really...really nice' she gasped, grabbing my head and pulling it harder onto her little pussy. After a couple of minutes I stopped and told her to turn over and lay on her tummy. When she did I positioned her so that her little bum was in the air. I parted her little white globes apart with my hands and moved my face closer, taking in her sweet little girl smell. I licked her little crack from her pussy up, and back down to her pussy again.

On the next sweep I stopped at her tight little anal hole, and poked my tongue into her little poop hole. 'Ooh' she squealed..'ooh..' 'You okay?' I asked stopping for a second 'Oh yes!' was the only response I got as she pushed her bum back onto me. At the same I bought a hand between her legs and continued stroking her slit and clitty while tongue fucking her little back hole. I heard her breathing getting shorter and shorter , and then felt my little girlie lover shudder, and her body shook. She also clamped her legs shut as her first ever orgasm sent waves of pleasure from her little pussy throughout her body. 'Ooh.... ooh' was the only noise she made as I slowly came to a halt, and she turned herself back round and flopped back into the seat. 'That felt really really nice' she said again. 'So you liked it then?' I asked. Smiling at me, she nodded. I bought her face to mine and kissed her on the lips. ' I love you Lauren' I told her. 'I love you too' she replied. Suddenly coming back to reality I looked at my watch. SHIT! We had been about 20 minutes and I'd totally forgotten about Anthony! I started to pull away. 'Quick!' I said to Lauren, put your knickers back on sweetheart' taking them out of my pocket and handing them back to her. She was still pulling her knickers up when I pulled up to where a crying Anthony was standing. By the time he got in, it looked like nothing had happened, and Lauren triumphantly looked up at me with a smile and winked. I winked back. 'I..I..thought you'd...forgotten...about me' Anthony said between sobs. I quickly thought on my feet and looked at Lauren to follow my lead. I said she was a smart girl and she twigged immediately. 'Bloody car! I said, 'you know what it's like. I went to turn round, stalled it and it wouldn't bloody start again, would it Lauren?' 'Flipping thing! she said sounding annoyed. Anthony stopped his grizzling now he knew it hadn't been deliberate, all thoughts of him getting in the back for the return journey forgotten. When we got in Sarah said 'you took your time!' Before I had time to open my mouth, Lauren explained what had happened, almost word for word that I'd said to Anthony. 'I dunno' she said, we'll have to do something about that bloody car!' Lauren and I looked at each other on the sly. I mouthed the words 'I love you' She winked back, and blew me a kiss.......

It had been a couple of weeks since the time in the car with Lauren. Not for any particular reason, except that I'd been busy with everyday life; work, taking the wife shopping, looking after my daughter and the house etc. Of course living next door, I saw her Anthony and Sue in passing. Quite often it was as she was leaving for, or returning home from school, dressed in her little uniform. Every time I saw her I felt my cock harden in an instant, especially in that uniform! Plain white blouse complete with tie, grey pleated skirt, green cardigan, white knee length socks, and black patent shoes. Just to top it off, her hair was either in bunches, braids or pigtails. She looked so cute and innocent, no one would have believed the things we'd done together, she just didn't 'look' the type, if there's such a thing. In short, she was a paedo's dream and I felt like sticking my cock into her there and then. Of course I didn't and experience had taught me that slowly and gently was always the best way. I longed to stick my tongue in that sweet little honey pot again. When ever our paths crossed we always said hello, and when no one was looking I winked at her and blew her a kiss, and if she thought she'd get away with it, done the same back with that wicked look in her eye, that only I seemed to notice. I didn't have a clue when we'd get together again, but hoped it would be soon. Yeah I was still fucking the wife, but who wants to drive a Trabant when you've been behind the wheel of a Jag? I've never believed in fate, same as I don't believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny (well with those three it depends on who I'm talking to of course! [big grin]), ghosties, goblins, witches or anything paranormal. My opinion of fate did change though on the Friday, and believe it or not it was all thanks to Anthony. It's hard to believe I know, even now, 'cos I hate the little fucker, but I have to say, thanks mate! Lol.

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