A Day At The Beach


I've been living next to the beach now for almost a year. In that time, I had had some casual flings with married ladies my age - mostly they were at the beach with their kids while their husbands remained at work in Canberra.

But this week has been different. This week, I met a girl with whom I have fallen in love. A feeling that I have not had for 20 years. Problem is; Kate is only 15. And still at school, year 10, at a prestigious girls school in Canberra.

It all started last Monday. I had been up early and out for an early morning snorkel. Lying on the beach, mid morning, I was watching this beautiful teenage girl strolling along at the water's edge. What made this unusual was that this was still the middle of term and she looked young enough to be still at school. She passed in front of me and continued on as if I did not exist. She had a beautiful tanned body that was being shown at its best in the soft purple bikini that she wore.

I kept my eyes on her as she wandered towards the end of the beach. As she turned to retrace her steps, her eyes caught mine staring at her. She kept walking slowly. And I kept my eyes on her. As she got closer, she deviated from her old footprints and headed towards me. I thought that I was going to cop an earful from her. Instead, she looked at my snorkelling gear that was still next to me and asked if I had been snorkelling.

"Yes, earlier this morning," I replied "there's a beautiful reef just off shore."

"wow, cool." She had a beautiful smile. Her golden hair shone in rays of the sun. "I'd love to go snorkelling, but mum won't let me," she admitted "she thinks it's dangerous."

"That's a pity. Would you like me to talk to her for you, reassure her that it's not dangerous."

"Yeah, but you can't for a few a days, coz she's up in Canberra working. I'm here looking after my baby sister and her friend for the week until she comes back down on Friday."

"Ohh," I said, smiling to myself "perhaps I could take you out snorkelling, get you used to it and then talk to her. I have some spare gear at my house," indicating my shack sitting behind me on the headland.

"That'd be so cool. I like to do things that I'm not meant to." With that she introduced herself as Kate and we clambered up the rocky path to my shack. I quickly fitted her with some gear and then headed back down to the beach. I made the necessary adjustments to ensure a nice fit for the facemask and flippers and then showed Kate how to breathe. We then headed into the water and started to wend our way out through the gentle waves. It took only a few minutes to get to the reef and as we did so I reached over and took Kate's hand. This way, she would not drift off as we floated over the surface. Every now and then we'd dive to get closer to some piece of coral or to one of the many reef fish that inhabited the reef. After about 45 minutes, we headed back to shore.

Hitting the sand and pulling off her facemask, Kate was all bubbles. "That was sooooo good, Geoff. Oh, I'd love to do that again and again and again."

We sat on the sand and let the sun dry us and revive us. It is quite exhausting snorkelling for that long.

"What do you do, Geoff, do you work?" Kate wanted to know everything. She was young, very beautiful and full of enthusiasm. I was captivated.

"I don't really need to work anymore," I replied "I have sufficient capital to allow me to live comfortably down here and travel when I get restless." We kept chatting like this for another half hour or so before we realised that it must be getting close to lunch time. Kate told me she should go check on her sister and her friend and get them some lunch.

"Why don't you come over to my place for lunch, bring them along. I've plenty of food." I was hoping she would say yes but expected her to say no. After all, why would a young girl want to come to an older man's house, and bring two younger girls? But she said yes. I smiled, and said I'd see her in 15 minutes. With that, Kate skipped back down the beach and I scrambled back up to my shack.

Twenty-five minutes later, Kate reappeared on my back deck with two other girls in tow. They looked a little younger than Kate, but not much. Both were quite beautiful too. "Geoff, this is Clare and this is Jessica." Clare was clearly her "baby" sister. She was not such a baby after all.

I had laid out some food and taken bread from the freezer. "What can I get you girls to drink? I have coke, fanta and lemonade or you can have water or milk." I was sipping a glass of champagne and Kate immediately asked if she could have one too. Clare and Jessica opted for cokes. I poured a glass of champagne for Kate. She sipped it slowly, smiling, almost teasingly, at me.

The girls helped me take the makings of lunch out onto the deck where we pulled up chairs and sat with a view of the ocean. As lunch was finished, Clare informed Kate that she and Jessica were going to walk around the headland to the next beach and that they would be home by 5ish.

As the two girls left, I poured Kate a third glass of bubbly and we sat together gazing out towards the ocean.

"It's beautiful isn't it Geoff, the ocean, the beach." We chatted on for ages, until I felt her bare leg gently resting against mine. its warm, its youth, sent shivers through my whole body. Our conversation lapsed and we sat there silent, neither daring to move.

Carefully, I placed a hand on Kate's leg, under the table. Just letting it rest there. It felt so wonderful. Kate snuggled her bottom closer to mine. I could feel her whole body now resting against mine. I reached my free hand behind her neck and drew her to me, our faces together. I kissed her lovely lips gently, tentatively at first. Kate responded, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. We kissed like this for what seemed an eternity. Our hands raced over each other's bodies. Mine covering her breasts and massaging her mound. Her's rubbing my member through the layers of material.

Our kiss broke and I stood, sweeping her up in my arms and carried her to my bedroom. There I laid her down and proceeded to dance little kisses over her entire body while I removed her bikini top and bottom. Kate gazed up at me, willing me to undress too, and share her nakedness. With my shorts lying crumpled on the floor, I eased my naked body over hers and continued to kiss her lovely body. I drew first one and then the other of her nipples into my mouth, curling my tongue around them. As I did, they started to grow, not huge but still they hardened nicely. I kissed slowly down her body, pausing to tickle her belly button before kissing down one leg. I slowly sucked each of her toes into my mouth, in slow fucking motions and then kissed up her other leg.

Kate's body was starting to come alive; her aroma was evidence of her arousal.

My head buried between her legs, eased them apart. The soft down surrounding her pussy was starting to glisten. I carefully ran my tongue around her labia, taking care not to touch it yet. Kate was now starting to moan softly as I edged ever closer. Finally, my tongue ran warmly along the split in the lips, forcing them open.

"aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh .......," was all that Kate could manage in her state of arousal.

My tongue rubbed gently along the inner parts of her pussy, seeking out the clitoris. As I found it, I slid a finger into her wet pussy, stroking it in and out. I eased a second finger in and nipped her clitoris. A stifled cry of pain mixed with pleasure broke from her mouth. I sucked and licked and flicked her clitoris while all the time stroking my fingers into her pussy. By now Kate's whole body was writhing, begging, craving .... I could sense the building orgasm as her juices started to flow freely. I lapped them up with increased passion until her body started to shudder and she released a torrent of juice into my mouth. I kept at it and Kate's body continued to shudder for several more minutes .....Slowly I eased her back down ......

A day at the beach - continued - part 2

As I eased Kate's body back down, I eased mine over her and placed the tip of my engorged member in the juices gathering at the opening to her pussy. Slowly and carefully, I pushed myself into her, reaching her virginity. I pushed harder and broke through, drawing a small cry from Kate. My shaft was now buried deep inside her and I rested allowing her pussy to adjust to my size. I slowly started to rock in and out gradually increasing the momentum, my cock seemingly penetrating deeper with each thrust. Kate started to moan loudly and claw my back with her sharp nails.

And then I stopped - partially to tease and partially to build her level of arousal to a greater height.

With my cock still buried, I rolled us over so that Kate was now straddling me. I held her close as I thrust my hips up and my member into her. I took a breast into my mouth and suckled a nipple as I continued to pound her pussy. Kate was starting to whimper with pleasure and I could sense her nearing orgasm. I pumped harder and harder until I felt her body start to shudder - she buried her head into my shoulder and climaxed with an almighty squeal, her teeth digging into my skin.

I slowed my motion slightly and let her come back down again - but I keep my cock rocking into her. Soon, Kate was orgasming again, her juices flowing freely over my shaft.

I carefully repositioned us so that Kate was now on her hands and knees - I knelt behind and inserted my member in to her pussy. It sunk deeply and quickly as she was now wide open and well lubricated. I reached around and my hand found her pussy. I took her clitoris between my fingers as I started to thrust into her. Kate was quickly orgasming again ....her whole body shaking, and I knew that before long I too would be emptying my seed into her. I pumped, harder and faster. Her hips thrusting back to meet my forward motions. I could feel her body quivering, on the brink and then my cum boiled over and burst into her previously virgin pussy. And then another and another and another shot of the hot white liquid gold and as my last load fired, Kate climaxed as she had never dreamed possible. Her body shaking and shuddering, her mouth mewling uncontrollably, her juices flooding from her ... I kept my cock sliding in and out, calming her, maintaining her level of arousal, calming her ...until she was through.

We held this position for several minutes while my cock deflated and slipped out. We lay there on the wet covers of the bed, locked together. Kissing wildly.

W made love three wild and exciting times that first afternoon and it was nearly five by the time we emerged from my bed room. Kate dressed quickly and I said that I would come over after dinner and after her sister and her friend went to bed - if she wanted me to.

"Oh yes, Geoff, I want you over there now. But come over around 9 - I'll make sure that Clare and Jessica are in bed by then.

The next few hours saw me more restless than I had been in some time. Kate was a beautiful girl - and that was part of the problem. She was still a girl and I was 46. But I was seriously attracted to her. I had really enjoyed our afternoon of passion. And I think that she had too.

With four hours to kill, I rang Charles. He is 19 and gives massages better than most that I have experienced around the world. He is slim and very attractive. He could fit me in for an hour at 6:30. That gave me time to have one last swim before showering. I got to his house right on 6:30.

Charles opened the door wearing just his silk kimono. He always massages his clients, men and women, in the nude. He says it allows him more freedom to move around their bodies.

Charles led me to his massage room where I removed my clothes and lay on the narrow massage table, my face pushing through the hole. As I did this, Charles slipped out of his robe and then poured drizzles of warmly scented oil over my body. His soft hands then started to smooth it out across my back, down my legs and along my arms. Before long, his fingers were starting to delve firmly into my shoulders, easing the tension, relaxing me. They danced up and down my back. He then took leg and, elevating it slightly into his tummy, drew his hands firmly backwards and forward along the calves until they tingled. He repeated this on my other leg.

Finally, Charles dribbled some warm oil onto my buttock cheeks. He firmly massaged my cheeks, sliding his fingers along the crack between them, finding my hole. Charles' fingers played around the rim of my hole while he continued to massage down between my legs, grasping the base of my sac. Slowly he inserted one of his fingers and started to slowly slide it in and out. A second finger joined the first and Charles was clearly arousing me. He reached behind and retrieved a long thin vibrator. This was inserted as soon as his fingers were removed. He then told me to roll over. The vibrator was strapped in and turned on and Charles proceeded to massage the front of my body. With the toy vibrating in my arse, my cock was re-awakening.

"my, you are slow today Geoff, have you been a busy boy or something" Charles asked in a soft almost effeminate voice. I told him all about Kate, how beautiful she is, my problem with her age.

"She sounds like a little goddess. I hope you two can enjoy some more time together" I told him that I was going to her place later this evening.

"Well I had better do something with that cock of yours then" and with this Charles proceeded to bend over and swallow my whole shaft in one gulp. He is the only male that I know can do that. It is such an amazing sensation, feeling his mouth on my shaft. As he bobbed up and down, he increased the rate of vibration on the toy still embedded in my arse. He drew it in and out in tempo with his mouth rising and falling over my shaft. His tongue curling around my cock quickly drew my cum out, my cock firing once, twice into his mouth. He swallowed every drop. As my cock became flaccid once more, Charles eased the vibrator from my arse.

"I hope that your young goddess can give head as well as that. If she can't, you bring her to me and I'll teach her. And given that you are a friend and a regular, I won't even charge you for the service" Charles giggled.

I smiled and told him I would keep his offer in mind if the need arose. With that, I dressed and returned to my shack. It was almost 8pm. I fixed myself a snack and settled down to wait until 9 when I could go across to Kate's house.

A day at the beach - continued - part 3

The clock ticked slowly, I didn't want to drink and was too restless to watch television. I just wanted to be with Kate. I knew deep down that this was wrong - she seemed so young. God, I hoped that she was at least 16. I will have to talk to her about my feelings and my concerns about her age.

Finally, it was time. I grabbed my torch and headed through the undergrowth to Kate's beach house. There was a faint glow in the front window, but the rest of the house was in darkness. It appeared as if Kate had managed to get Clare and Jessica to bed. I peered through the window - there was Kate sitting on the couch, reading. I tapped; she looked up and smiled and then leapt up and let me. She flung her arms around me and kissed me - urgently, passionately. My concerns about her age dissipated as I held her close and felt her young body pressing against mine.

"oh Geoff, I'm so happy. I thought my sister would never go to bed. And I thought you might not come. Oh, I am so sore down there." Kate was as effervescent as she had been earlier. And she looked very cute in her long t-shirt nighty.

"why did you think I wouldn't come?" I asked.

"Coz of my age, I thought you might think me too young"

"I have to admit sweet Kate, that your age has troubled me, you look 15 or 16 and I'm 46. That's a big difference. And if you're only 15, I can get into trouble."

Kate held me tighter and then looked me in the eye and said "Geoff, I am only 15; I will be 16 in February. I don't care how old you are. I love you and want you in my life. We'll be careful until next February."

"Kate, you can't know what love is, you're too young" and as I said this I knew it was the wrong thing. She pounded her fists into my chest as tears welled in her eyes. I grabbed her and held her close "Kate, I needed to test you, because I think I have fallen in love with you too. This morning, snorkelling was so exciting and this afternoon as we lay together making love, I have not felt like that for 20 years. Oh sweet darling Kate. I want you so badly, I want you to be with me and I want to be with you." I bent my lips to her and kissed her slowly and tenderly, with love, with feeling and desire, and, I must admit, with a degree of craving. Craving for her body, for her mind, for her.

We sat for several hours together on the couch, her legs entwined in mine, chatting - about me, about Kate. From time to time, we'd kiss. Kisses of love more than lust. We both knew that we'd end up in bed together but were more than happy to be sitting together talking, getting to know each other.

It must have been around midnight that we heard the first soft noises emanating from the other end of the house, where Clare and Jessica were sharing a room.

Kate and I crept silently down the corridor. The door to the room was partially open and the light from the moon bathed the room with a silky glow. Jessica was lying naked on the bed, her hands clasping Clare's head which was buried deep between her legs. We could hear the slurping noises clearly, as her tongue and fingers worked their magic on Jessica's pussy. We watched this for several minutes, becoming more aroused ourselves. Eventually we silently retreated to Kate's room. Aroused as we were, I drew Kate quickly to me, our lips meeting in a wild embrace that was pure lust. Our clothes were ripped away as we tumbled onto the bed.

My hard cock was buried inside Kate as we hit the bed - no thought of foreplay, we wanted instant gratification. I came quickly as did Kate. We slowed our love making then as Kate kissed my body, slowly working her way down to my flaccid penis. She ran her tongue around it and then gently slid her mouth over it, sucking its soft form into her mouth, licking the sticky mix of our juices as she went. With her tongue gliding along my shaft, and her fingers caressing my sac, my cock slowly hardened and as it did, I moved Kate's body over mine so that I could return the favour.

Her young pussy glistened in the soft light and her aroma was overpowering. I pulled her to me and lightly ran my tongue along the lips, tasting our juices. Her body shivered and her mouth sucked harder on my cock. I licked more firmly, finding her young bud, nibbling it, causing Kate to moan softly around my cock. I gently inserted a finger into her pussy, sliding it in and out in a slow fucking motion, all the time, working my tongue along her pussy to her clitoris. A second finger, a third finger. Soon Kate was panting over my cock, her hand now grasping its base, rubbing it up and down. I could feel my cum starting to boil in my sac, wanting to burst free. I could sense Kate's pending orgasm as her body writhed around on my mouth and fingers. And then I fired, once, twice, shots of hot steaming cum into her mouth. And as I fired, Kate's body shuddered in orgasmic release. Her juices running freely over my face. I lapped them up, as much as I could take. Kate's mouth was still firmly around my cock, sucking it dry, cleaning it.

But we were sated, for now. We repositioned ourselves, face to face, her eyes shining, her mouth smiling. As we awoke, the sun was shining in on our naked bodies, and Clare and Jessica were at the foot of the bed, smiling, waiting ......

A day at the beach - continued - part 4

"Morning big sis, morning Geoff. Are you two ready for breakfast yet?" Clare asked with the nicest smile. Pure joy to see you looking so happy was how I read it. Jessica was smiling too, more a smile of contentment, a smile that suggested that she had done something that she wasn't supposed to do and fully intended to do it again and again.

The two girls had squeezed lots of oranges and made fresh coffee and toast. They brought it in on trays and we sat on the bed eating and drinking and chatting with the girls all giggling. Kate and I were naked under the flimsy sheet, and Clare and Jessica were all but naked with little more than short t-shirt nighties that barely covered their hips. They both looked very sexy.

Eventually talk turned to what had happened last night with Clare asking Kate "has Geoff been here all night? I thought I heard some strange noises during the night" with a huge grin on her face. "Like the strange noises that Geoff and I both heard?" Kate retorts, and adds, "we saw you Clare". Her tone did not have any spite or malice, but was one of inquiry.

Jessica's face reddens but Clare boldly says we were having as much fun as you two. Jessica and I snuck along the corridor and watched you. Clare then boldly asks "Geoff would you fuck me too? We could swap. Kate, you've always fancied Jess, don't deny it, I've seen the way you've looked at her when she stays over." Kate tried to deny it but finally admitted that she did indeed have fantasies about Jessica.

"That settles it then" Clare announced, "this morning Geoff will be mine and you will have Jess. We can swap at lunch time."

Without waiting for a response, Clare took my hand and dragged me out of the room. I looked back and saw Kate smiling and closing in on Jessica. She had her in her arms before I was out of the room.

Clare was a tigress who knew instinctively what she wanted and how to get it. In her room, she told me to lie on her bed as she pulled her flimsy t-shirt nighty over her head. Her young body resembled a flower opening in spring. Young and perfectly shaped. She lay on top of me and kissed me. Her lips were warm and soft. I responded by thrusting my tongue into her mouth, slowly fucking her mouth with it. She kissed me with increased passion. My hands caressed her little body while our lips remained joined. Finally, our kiss broke apart and Clare, elbows on my chest, told me that she was 14 and still a virgin with men. She'd had lots of girls before, including Kate. Indeed it was Kate who had first eaten her pussy two years ago. She told me about one of her teachers at school, a female teacher who teaches art and is in her late 30s, about how she had been seduced by the teacher one afternoon after school and how this teacher now fucked her on a regular basis. The teacher used a strap on with her but Clare said she was ready for a real cock to be buried in her. And she wanted mine.

I eased her off my body, laying her onto her back. I started to dance little kisses down her tender young body. Her nipples were small, as were her breasts. They tasted of pureness. As I sucked each into my mouth, they responded with increasing hardness. Gently my tongue glided down her body. No hair what so ever graced her budding love mound. I opened her legs and kissed her inner thighs, dancing kisses gently around her labia. My tongue rubbed along the crack, spreading them apart, releasing the first hint of her arousal. My tongue kept darting in and out as I slipped a finger into her. Clare's pussy, even though she had been fucking other women and been penetrated by a strap-on dildo, was still extremely tight. I wondered if my cock would fit.

I let it slide in and out for ages as my tongue worked on her tiny clitoris. Clare was writhing around on the bed, very aroused, as I managed to get a second finger into her pussy.

"Oh god Geoff", they're so big ....." she could barely speak as she reached a plateau, exploding juices over my fingers and face. These juices provided more lubrication and my fingers were sliding in and out far more easily. I tried a third finger - and it went in with no difficulty. As my lips nipped her clitoris, Clare exploded onto me again and again, her body shuddering in orgasm.

"Geoff, I need you cock in me, I need you to fuck me"

I eased my body carefully over hers and positioned the tip of my cock at her virginal opening. And then pushed gently down, allowing it to slide in carefully. I went straight in, and as it did, Clare moaned in pure delight. "Oh yes, yes yes, that feels so good." I started to rock backwards and forwards, my cock almost coming out before I thrust it back in. Slowly and deliberately at first, but gradually building the intensity of my fucking. Clare was starting to shudder beneath me, reaching one climax after another, while my cock stayed buried in her tight pussy.

We rolled over so that I could gaze up at her beauty as I shot my load into her pussy. Cum shot from my cock three times and each time, Clare's young body shook as it too went through orgasmic relief. We lay together, Clare across my body, smiling at each other.

Oh Geoff, it was everything that I was hoping for. Thank you so much. Kate is such a lucky girl to have you. I hope she will share you with me from time to time."

"I hope so too Clare". We lay there for a while and then Clare started to tell me about her teacher. "Her name is Ms Retter. It was the last day of term and I said that I would help her to clean away all the art stuff. I had always liked her, she is younger than most of the teachers at my school and is way cool - she lets us have music on while we paint and stuff like that."

"Well on this day, it took ages to tidy everything away - it was like 3:30 by the time we had finished and I had missed my bus and it was raining. Ms Retter said she would give me a lift home if I liked. I said ok, that would be cool. She has a nice car too. She said that we would need to stop by her place on the way as she had to change coz she was going out after she dropped me off. Well, we both got saturated on the way to her car and as we shut the door, we both giggled at how wet we looked. We drove through the rain to the place, listening to a cool CD as we went. When we got there, she invited me in to warm up while she changed. Well we got saturated again on this short dash - inside, she said I looked like a drowned rat and should get into some dry clothes before I caught something. She told me she had some old things that her niece had left behind after her last visit and that I could change into these. She took me to her bedroom, and told me to strip while she found the clothes."

"Well when she got back, I was down to bra and knickers. They're wet too Clare, you'd better take them off too. I hesitated a bit, but took them off. After all, I had been naked around other girls before and I did like Ms Retter. I reached around and undid the clasp of my bra and let it fall sexily away. I then stepped slowly out of my knickers. Ms Retter then took a large fluffy towel and dried me off. Her hands, through the towel, felt really nice rubbing over my body. She said that I looked lovely, all pureness and innocence. I knew I wasn't, Kate had made sure of that, but I wasn't going to let on about this to Ms Retter."

"Her hands seemed to linger long after my body was dry, and soon the towel fell to the floor and Ms Retter's hands were caressing my naked body. I didn't resist, in fact, I welcomed her advances, spreading my legs as one hand glided between my legs. She led me to the bed and lay me down gently. She then took off her clothes and lay next to me. She looked into my eyes and commented on how good I looked. She started to kiss my body and with each kiss I became more aroused. She soon had me moaning for more and when her tongue hit my cunt, I lost it. I sent my juices all over her face and she just lapped them all up. She made me cum twice more before saying she should get me home before I was missed."

"I spent just about every day of that two week term break at her house and she showed me so many things to do with my body. We are still lovers but you can't tell anyone. Not even Kate knows - Ms Retter would be in so much trouble if people found out about us. Geoff you have to promise me."

"I promise Clare, your secret is safe with me"

We could hear Kate and Jessica amusing themselves in the next room. We crept to the room and peered in. There was Jessica, spread eagled on the bed with Kate buried between her legs. Her butt was sticking up.

I smiled at Clare and pointed to my new erection. I stepped lightly across to the bed and grasped Kate's bum cheeks, pushing my cock between her legs and into her wet pussy. Kate stopped momentarily and looked around to see what was happening. She eased herself back onto my cock and proceeded to bury her face back into Jessica's pussy. Clare needed no invitation and quickly straddled Jessica's face, lowering her pussy onto her mouth. Jessica quickly started to lick her clean, tasting the mixture of hers and my juices.
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