Teaching Mary
first times
My new neighbors moved in a couple of months ago. Two nice folks with a cute sexy daughter, Mary, an only child. They're just starting over and don't have a lot, so Mary likes to spend time at my house, playing video games and doing things on my computer. Her parents don't mind. I've even girl-sat for them on occasion. Mary's actually a lot of fun to be with. She's highly intelligent, interested in everything. My girlfriend, Pat, and I have taken her places with us that interest us but not her parents, like museums and art galleries. Mary even helped me figure out a few things about my computer that had me stumped.
One warm Saturday Mary came over for a swim. She's a red head, short curly hair, with the cutest freckles across her nose. In her one-piece suit a few are visible on her upper chest. She's at that age where she's well developed in to teenage women . It's kinda fun to watch her lean on the side of the pool to climb out, see her just developing cleavage. Watching her cute little butt wiggle as she walks in her wet suit is fun too. But, after all, she is teen and my girlfriend keeps me well satisfied! After an hour or so in the pool we decide it's time for lunch, towel off, and go inside for sandwiches. Mary has all kinds of questions about things we saw at the science museum last week, new ones she's thought up in addition to the hundreds she asked while we were there. Interesting how her mind works sometimes.
I like to make her reason out a lot of the answers herself, just providing hints. It's cute how she squinches her face up when she's thinking, but she usually manages to figure it out. She wants me to show her my new computer game, so we go to the den. She sits in my lap as I demonstrate it for her, but then I have some things to do around the house. I can hear her wails of protest and grunts as she stumbles her way through, dying frequently. Knowing her she'll be at it for hours until she conquers it. But after a while it seems pretty quiet. I walk past the door, see Mary sitting staring at the screen, almost immobile.
I watch for a few moments before entering. My God! She quit the game and must have been looking around my files. She's found the directory of pictures! What has her fascinated are the one's I've downloaded of nude women and teenage girls! She notices me. "Oh! Hi!" she exclaims rather embarrassed. "I was just, uh, looking. These are some pretty women. How come you have them?" Stuttering a bit I tell her that Pat and I sometimes like to look at the pictures. "Why?" she asks innocently. "Well, they can be exciting in some ways." She turns back to the screen. "Look at this one. Think my breasts will ever be that big? And look how hairy she is there!" "Well, uh, you're certainly growing Mary, but no one can say for sure just how much you'll grow. If you take after your mother you won't get that big.
And everyone grows hair there." "Really?" she asks, looking back at me. "I never knew that." "You shouldn't be looking at those kiddo." "Why? They're just woman. I've never seen a woman naked, though. Not even mom. That's why this is so interesting." Turning back to the screen she asks "What do you mean these are exciting? I just think they're interesting...... Oh! You mean like sexy, huh?" "Yeah, like that." "Mom hasn't told me anything about sex. Says I'm young. Why would theses pictures be exciting to Pat?" "Well....... they're not really. More to me." "Oh. Bet she'd prefer men, huh? Do you have pictures of men too?" "Well.... yes, in a different directory." "Ohhhhh! Can I see them too?" "Uh, I don't think so, Mary, you're......." "Oh, please! Please! I've never seen a man naked either.
I know men have a penis but I've never seen one. Please!" She's so pleading she wears me down. "OK. But NEVER tell your parents I showed you all this stuff!" "Are you kidding? They'd KILL me, and you too probably." I sit down with Mary on my lap again. I have a directory with early adolescent boy photos. I open that one for her. She giggles as she stares at the soft penis on a boy about her age. "Geez, look at that! Looks like a little hose, or a worm! What's that there?" she asks, pointing at his balls. "That's his scrotum. Inside it are his testicles, or balls in the common language. That's where sperm comes from." "What's that?" "Uh, it's what makes babies in mommies stomachs." "How?" "Uhhhh...... maybe later." "He doesn't have any hair there." "That's because he's probably your age, just growing too." "Oh. Like me. I don't have hair there either. Show me more." I screen through the photos one by one, Mary fascinated at the various sizes and shapes a cock can take, "just like breasts" as she observes. The last several photos show boys in various states of arousal, from semi to full erect.
Mary's mouth drops open as she gasps "God! Look how big it gets! And it looks so hard! Why does it do that?" I hesitate, mumbling. "Oh, please tell me. Mom never talks about sex. I'm curious. Why do their penises get hard like that?" "Uhhhh.... it has to to be able to make babies." "Huh? Why?" In for a dime, in for a dollar. "Mary, do you know anything about how a man and woman make love, uh, have sex?" "No." "Wellll...... let's see if I can explain. You know you have a vagina, right." "Sort of. I know I don't have anything like THAT!" "Right. Well, what you can see on your outside is just the entrance, the opening, into your body, like a tunnel. It leads to your uterus, which is where babies actually grow. Now, the man's sperm has to get inside you to make the baby.
He does that by putting his penis inside your vagina and moving it around a lot until the sperm comes out." Mary's beautiful eyes are wide open, as is her mouth. "You mean he puts that hard thing INTO ME?" "Right." "No! Doesn't that hurt a lot?" "It sometimes hurts the first few times, but after that it feels real good. If you know how to make love, both people will have what's called an orgasm. I can't describe that to you. It's the absolute best feeling you can ever have, though. It feels tremendous, like an explosion going off in your body and brain." "Wow! So sex is fun? Ya know, sometimes it feels good when I touch myself down there.... OH! Don't tell mom I do that! She'd KILL me!" "Don't worry. Nothing you and talk about will ever get back to your folks.
I know it feels good if you touch yourself, just like it feels good if I touch myself, or when Pat touches me. But that's nothing like having an orgasm. It's a thousand times better." "Oh. I guess you and Pat have sex, huh? I never thought about that. What's it feel like when your penis is in her vagina?" "Heaven! Inside it's warm and wet, soft. It feels real real good." "What's it feel like for her?" "I can't really tell you that, but I know she likes it as much as I do." "Oh." She looks back at the screen with its erect penis, thinking. "Do you have any pictures of people having sex?" "Sure." I switch directories, bring up a shot of a man kneeling between a woman's legs. She's on the couch. His cock is halfway inside her. "GOD! LOOK AT THAT!" "May as well show you the real thing," I tell her. I switch to my MPEG player, call up a short film of a man fucking a woman in the same position. Mary is totally silent and aghast watching his cock move in and out of her. He pulls out as he cums, shooting all over her abdomen and breasts, groaning and grunting loudly. "WHAT WAS THAT????" "That was his sperm shooting out of his penis. You can see by the look on his face that he's feeling good." "Oh yeah!" "That's not the only way he can have an orgasm.
He could also use his hand to stroke his penis up and down, or she could do that to him. That's called masturbating. Or, he could put his penis into her mouth so she could suck on it. That's called a blow job." "In her MOUTH?!?! YECHHHH!" "Feels real good for the man. Some woman love to do it, others don't. It should always be the woman's choice whether she does or not." "Do you put your penis in Pat's mouth?" "Yes. She likes to blow me." "REALLY? Does she swallow your sperm?" "Yup." "What's it taste like?" "Don't know. Never asked." "Oh. Do you have a movie of that?" "Sure." Watching her first blow job Mary is absolutely immobile, mesmerized, especially when she sees the woman swallowing, some cum dribbling down her chin. "And, a man can give a woman an orgasm by licking her vagina." "WHAT? You lick DOWN THERE? Isn't that gross?
Mom says that's a dirty part. That's why I shouldn't touch myself there." "Oh. Well, she doesn't mean dirty like unclean, especially if you bathe and wash yourself there real good. When your mom says dirty she means, like, not nice, not a nice thing to do, a sin. Your parents are real up tight about sex. Not everyone is. I think sex is a wonderful thing between people in love, a very pleasurable way to say I love you. Very enjoyable." "Oh. Doesn't it smell? And what's it taste like?" "Like I said, if you keep yourself clean the smell is nice to me, kind of musky, like the cologne I wear but without the sweet part. The taste varies. Sometimes there's hardly any taste, sometimes it's kinda like watered down vinegar or lemon juice, kinda tingly on the tongue." "Do you like to lick Pat's vagina?" "Very much, yes, especially when she has an orgasm and I see how good it makes her feel. Here, let me show you a movie of that." Mary watches as another actor thoroughly tongues the actress, enthralled as the woman climaxes hard. "Wow. I NEVER thought sex was anything like this!
I thought it was something you had to do but it wasn't nice." After looking at a few more videos and pictures it gets late, time for Mary to go home. I know she won't discuss this with anyone, and I sure won't either.
Mary didn't bring up the subject of sex again until several weeks later, another Saturday. While we were in the pool she asked "How do babies actually get made? I know how you have sex, but what happens then?" "Well you know where a man's penis and balls are. Easy to see. Most of your girl things are inside." I touch her lower abdomen, just above her pubic bone. "Your uterus is right in there. There are tubes coming from it," I continue as I trace my finger up and to the side a little, "that end about here, where your ovaries are. The ovaries make eggs that kind of float down the tubes. If you have sex at the right time, the man's sperm swims up out of your vagina, into your uterus, then into the tubes. The sperm and egg meet about half way or so, then join together. Then the whole thing floats down into your uterus and attaches to the wall, and starts growing into a baby, which you deliver about 9 months later."
"Wow...... I've never seen a pregnant lady up close. Just when we're shopping sometimes. Can you show me some more pictures? Got any of younger kids, or girls my age?" "Sure." We dry off, go to the den, Mary on my lap as usual. I don’t have some nudist photos of younger and teens. Mary giggles when she sees the penises on the young men. "Boy, hard to believe they grow so big later!" she observes. We hit a photo of a girl her age. "Hey, she looks almost like me! That's about how big my breasts are, and she doesn't have any hair down there either!" I have to admit I'm intrigued by that. "Show me some more of men with their penises big." I flip to the adult directory. As we go through some of the shots she asks me if any of the men look like me. I finally find one. "He's older than me but that's about right." "WOW! That's the biggest penis I've seen!" She turns to me. "Is yours really that big?" "Hard to tell from the picture but it looks about right." "How big is that?" "A little over 9 inches." "Wow. Can all that really fit in a vagina?" "I've never had a problem, but I haven't had sex with all that many woman. I suppose there's some that all of it wouldn't fit in to." "Ohhhhhh....... " She stares at the picture for several moments. She turns to look me right in the eye. "Can I..... can I...... see....... your penis?" "Uh, I don't think so Mary." "Why not? I just want to see a real one. I won't tell anyone. Please? I've never seen one except in your pictures. Daddy never even lets me see him accidently. Please?" "Mary....." " Pleeeese!" We argue for a good 10 minutes, her resolve gradually wearing me down. Well why not. "OK, just NEVER tell anyone." "I won't!" We stand up and I lower and step out of my swim trunks, spread my legs a little and stand before her. Mary's eyes are super wide open, staring at my cock and balls. Even soft, like now, my cock dangles a good 6 inches, the head sticking out like a large helmet, round and fat. My sack hangs down about half that length, large balls well outlined, my cock hanging between them.
"GOD! It's so HUGE even soft! How come your hair there is so short?" "Pat likes it that way, so I let her trim it when it gets too long." "Oh....." After a few moments I start to get embarrassed. "OK, that's enough," I tell her, reaching for my trunks. "No. Not yet. I want..... to....... touch it. Please?!?" "No, Mary...." Before I can finish she reaches out, grasps my cock in her hand. "Wow! It feels squishy and so soft! And BIG!" Her little hand electrifies me, more than the first time a girl touched my cock when I was teenager. I can't believe the feeling rushing through me! I stop, drop my trunks, stand up again. Mary reaches down cups my balls in her hand. "GEEZ! They're kinda heavy, and bouncy!" she says, jiggling them a bit. As she grasps my cock again I feel myself hardening, and breathing a bit faster. "HEY! It's getting bigger and harder! Goody! I want to see it get real hard!" Probably without realizing it Mary is moving her hand up and down my growing member ever so slightly.
I can't believe this! I've never felt anything like it! Whether it's her age and the illicitness of what we're doing, the softness of her hand, her wonderment, or all three, I don't know, but I love it! She doesn't have to wait long before my cock is fully erect, harder I think than it has been in a long time. "GOSH!" She rushes to the desk to grab a ruler, than actually measures me! Both of her hands on my rod, jiggling it! "9 1/2 inches! Wow!" She drops the ruler, squeezes my hard shaft making my cock throb. "It's SO hard!" Her hand slips up to my cock head, protruding out, pee hole opened. "It's not as hard here, feels real soft, too." She cups my balls with one hand, grasps my shaft with the other. "You have a nice penis, I think." "Mary......" I moan. "Can I make the sperm shoot out? Please? I want to see it come out." Oh God! I CAN'T say no now! I back up to the couch, sit down. Mary sits next to me, grabs my cock again. I take her hand, reposition it, move it up and down my shaft. "Like that Mary, just like that." GOD! This sexy girl is actually jacking me off!!! The feeling is sensational! "Unhhhhhhh..... Mary...... Yessssss.... Just like that!" I moan as she pumps me with just the right speed and pressure. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh.... sweetie....... that feels sooooooo good!" She's smiling at me, obviously pleased she's doing it good. "Is your sperm going to shoot out?" "Pre.... pretty soon. Just keep doing that. I.... I'll tell you when." I feel my cock pulsing, throbbing, my balls pulling up. I'm panting, occasionally gasping, as this girl child works my prick. I start pumping my hips with her. I watch her beautiful smiling face as she looks from me to my cock and back. "Ohhhhhhhhh..... it's close Mary..... very..... close....... Unhhhhhhhhhh.... I'm...... I'm going to CUM!" I shout, my cock stiffening even more as the first spurt shoots out, flies up inches before falling back onto my thigh. Mary watches in awe as spurt after spurt after spurt sprays forth, splattering my thighs, abdomen, chest, her hand. One large spurt lands on her chest, right at the top of her swim suit, dribbles down her cleavage.
Despite her amazement she keeps stroking me, driving me to the strongest orgasm I've had in a long time. Thoroughly spent, I collapse limp on the couch, wrap my hand around hers to stop her but hold her hand around my prick. "WOW! It's all over you." she says, "and me!" looking down her chest. "Smells kinda funny but not bad. Sure is a LOT of it!" "Yeah...." I gasp. "Did I do OK?" "I can't even begin to tell you how OK! That's the best anyone has ever jacked me off!" "Jacked you off?" "That's what it's called, besides masturbating." "Oh. I LIKED jacking you off! Your penis is getting soft again." I release her hand.
She lifts it to her nose, sniffs deeply. "It's OK I Guess." "How bout getting a washcloth and cleaning me up?" I ask her. She runs to the bathroom. I hear her washing her hands, then she returns. She's very gentle as she wipes my cum off me. As she moves my cock around to wash it and my balls I wish she'd never stop. From that day on Mary asked to jack me off every time we were alone. She even did it in the pool once! I never said no.
Again a couple of weeks later Mary came over on a rainy day, dressed in very short and a T-shirt. As usual when we're alone the first thing she said was "Want me to jack you off?" "Sure, sweetie, there's no one better!" We go to the bedroom where I strip naked and lie down, legs spread. Mary plays with my cock and caresses my sack and balls, my rod standing stiff in moments. "Can I suck it like Pat does?" she asks me. "WHAT?" "I really wan to see what it's like to suck your penis. Can I?" "If you really want to. Just be real careful with your teeth." "OK." Grasping my cock with one hand she lowers her head close, stares at it for seconds. She opens her mouth, very slowly lowers it over my cock head. As her lips close around me I moan. Her mouth is warm, wet, soft, her lips even softer. She lifts her head immediately, frowning, then lowers it again. I feel her tongue tentatively lick my cock head, pull back, then lick again. I let her cautiously explore for awhile, then say, "Mary, it really feels good if you run your tongue all around the head, over the end, all over." She cautiously does, getting more bold. "Ohhhhh.... yes.... that's it!" I groan, her tongue licking and flicking my cock head. "Take as much of my penis into your mouth as you can, then pull back again." Her head lowers but she doesn't get much further down. "Keep doing that and pump your hand up and down at the same time." Now she's really blowing me! I watch as her hand moves up and down in time with her head, feel my cock fucking her sweet mouth.
She stops suddenly, lifts her head. "You won't shoot your sperm in my mouth will you?" "No, I'll tell you in time," I reassure her. She resumes sucking me and jacking me off. I can't believe this! From the girl of next door to a cock sucker in a few months! And WHAT a cock sucker! She's blowing my mind as well as my cock! Her tongue works my cock head better than anyone in the past! It's too much. In less than I minute I'm strained, my whole body stiffening. As my balls pull up I Moan "Ma... Mary.... I'm... I'm about to.... cum!" She jerks her head up, starts pumping my shaft faster and harder as she's learned I like it that way just before I climax. Seconds later, my cock throbbing, the first hot jet of jism bursts out followed by many more until my orgasm peaks, winds down. As I open my eyes to look at my young lover I'm amazed to see her lower her mouth to my cock again, gingerly lick the last drop of cum from the opening, roll it around with her tongue, swallow it. With a quizzical look on her face she bends down again, licks a large glob off my abdomen, tastes and swallows it. She looks at me, smiles. "Not bad. Kinda salty.
But I kinda like it. Next time you can cum in my mouth!" She smiles broadly, get a washcloth to clean me off. She lies down beside me as I put my arm around her. "Was that good?" she asks. "God Mary, that was great!" "Better than Pat?" What else can I say. "Yeah, just don't ever tell Pat I said that or I'd have to call you a liar." She giggles like a girl she is at the compliment. This is the first time I've ever actually held her close. It feels good, her legs next to mine, head on my chest. Her hand is slowly curling my chest hair. That feels good too. "Uh, you know," she stammers, "ever since we started having sex like this I've been touching myself a lot more. In the shower, in bed, even outside. It feels good, but I don't think I've cum like you do. Guess I don't know how to do it right." "It takes practice," I tell her, "You'll get the hang of it." "But I was thinking, you could show me how." "Mary....." "Why not? You showed me your penis, and let me jack you off a lot, and now I've sucked it too. Even tasted your sperm! Why can't you show me how to touch my vagina?" I have to admit she's done it all for me up till now.
Guess I owe her. I hadn't really thought about it. Pat has a fine body and I hadn't really thought about Mary's. It would be interesting to see a teenage vagina though. "OK. You win. Lie down on the bed." As she pulls back and lies down I kneel beside her. My hands go to the top of her shorts, pull them down and off. I've never noticed before but little Mary has the longest, smoothest legs, thighs and calves delicately curved. As I look back up I see her cute little white panties stretched across her sex. My cock twitches a little. I stick my fingers into the waistband of her panties, look up to her to ask "Are you sure?" "YES!" I slowly pull her panties over her hips as she lifts her buttocks. I can't tae my eyes off her smooth cunny as I remove them the rest of the way. She has a divine goodness body! I've never seen a truly peachy fuzzy pussy before. Shaved ones, sure, but not hairless! Her pussy lips are prominent, poking down between her slim legs, her sweet slit beckoning. I look up to smile at her. "You're really beautiful," I tell her. "ME?!?" "Yeah, you sweetie. You have an excellent body." She smiles shyly, blushing heavily. I leave the bed to get a hand mirror, return to her. I sit her up, legs spread, place the mirror between them so she can see her own pussy. "Time for another lesson," I tell her. My fingertip slowly strokes each puffy pussy lip. "These are your external, large labia, or lips." I spread them, point to and touch her inner lips. "These are your inner, small labia. As you get bigger so will they. On some women they even poke out between the larger ones." I spread her a little more. "See the opening? That leads into your vagina. See that shiny thing right there, with the hole in it? That's your hymen, or cherry.
The first time you make love that will tear a bit, may hurt some, may even bleed some. But that's OK. It's supposed to. After a time or two it won't hurt anymore. And if you look through it you can see part of your vagina." "Wow. Looks all red and wrinkly." I move my fingers up. "This little thing that looks kind of wrinkly too is called the clitoral hood. Under it," I say as I pull it back her little soft clit protruding, "is you clitoris, or clit for short. It's like the male penis but obviously smaller, and you don't pee through it. That's where most women get a lot of pleasurable feeling. Of course, your vagina and all the rest can feel real good, too." "Is that where I touch?" "Well, there and everywhere else. Wherever it feels the best to you." "Show me." "OK, lie back." I lie next to her, my cock growing hard again having examined her virgin cunt so closely. "Spread your legs apart." I lick my finger, lower my hand to her mons. I gently massage it, slip my fingers down her lips, back up. Mary's blushing like mad again, a man's hands between her legs, but her eyes are wide open in pleasure. I slip my wet finger between her sweet lips, feel their plush surface, run my finger up and down between them. Mary's breathing faster now. I move up, find her clit, run my finger around and over it, feeling it harden at my touch. "Ohhhhhh......" she moans as her eyes close. A few moments and I feel her own moisture lubricating my finger more. I press and release her little clit over and over. swirl and flick it. She's soon panting, her hips moving slightly. I feel her get warmer, watch the blush rise on her face and neck. "Ohhhhh... Ohhhhh..... Ohhhhhh.... OHHHHHHHHHHHH......." she yells again and again as she cums, her body rocking, hips bucking as her first orgasm galvanizes her. "YESSSSSSSS!!!!" she screams, tightening, before slowly relaxing and falling back limp to the bed. I cup her sweet girl cunt in my hand, gently massage her, caress her thighs, before removing my hand.
"Ohhhhh.... I knew..... knew..... it could be...... be better!" she whispers, opening her eyes to look at me. She looks so beautiful in her post-climax heat, soft, tender, loving. For the first time I lean down, kiss her gently on her tiny yielding lips. As I lean back she looks at me dreamily. "Thanks. For the kiss too." "You're quite welcome honey. Thanks for all the things you've done for me too. And, especially, thanks for letting me share your lovely body." Mary smiles shyly again, blushing. "You... you really think I'm pretty?" "Yeah, very pretty. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Perfection." She giggles again. "Daddy always says I'm homely." "Daddy's wrong. You ARE beautiful." "Thanks." She snuggles against me for awhile before we dress again.
A week later Mary's parents ask me if I can baby-sit for the night. They expect to be back around 1:00 AM. Naturally I agree. Mary can stay at my house while they're out. Pat's away and won't be coming over anyway. The first thing she does when we're alone is push me into a chair and sit on my lap. She smiles at me then leans in and kisses me! "Was that a good kiss?" she asks. "Not bad. You have a beautiful, sensuous mouth. Now, just kiss longer and move you head around a little." She leans in, kisses me again, pressing into me, her head moving slowly. "Wow! Much much better! You kiss good!" She smiles, kisses me several more times. "Know what a French kiss is?" I as her. "No." "That's where you open your mouth as you kiss and I open mine. Let me show you." She opens her mouth and kisses me again as I put my tongue into her, lick it along her gums, push in to feel her tongue. "I like that!" she says as we finish. She kisses me again, her tongue pushing into my mouth, our tongues licking each other. We continue kissing for several minutes more, her arms around my neck, my hands caressing her back. Mary puts her head on my shoulder, both of us languid, just enjoying being here alone. "I've been able to make myself cum," she says, "but nothing near like you did. Do that again for me?" "Sure, if I can do two more things." "Like what?" "Like, kiss your breasts, and lick you." "My vagina?" "Yup." Mary leans up, looks at me smiling. "That's the first time you've ever asked me to do anything! I've always asked you!" "I know. I just haven't been able to get how beautiful you are, how good you feel, off my mind. I want to love all of you." "Ohhhh..." she stammers as she grasps the bottom of her shirt, pulls it over her head.
Her tiny tits in her training bra are so erotic! She reaches behind her back, unclasps her bra, removes it. God! What enchanting little bumps! They look like large marbles under her skin, with nipples that almost cover the entire tops! Her areolae are bright pink, her central nipple hard and erect. "They're awful small. I don't think I have pretty breasts." In answer I palm her left bud while licking her right nipple, massaging it with my tongue. "Ohhhhhh..... that's nice!" she moans. I look up at her. "Mary, darling Mary. Your breasts are perfect. They'll get bigger, but I love what I see and feel now," I tell her, compressing and releasing her left mound. I lower my mouth to kiss her chest, her girl swelling, lick her nipple, suck it into my mouth. She pushes her body into me, pressing her breast into my mouth more. I can suck the whole little mass in, caress it with my tongue. I kiss across her chest to suckle her entire left breast too. Her areolae and nipples swell, engorged at my attention. "Ohhhhhh..... God! Suck my breasts some more!" I'm definitely inclined to oblige.
I nurse at her tiny titties while my hands explore her smooth back, stomach, thighs. I slip my hand under the leg of her shorts to massage her already wet panty covered cunt. Pushing my mouth away Mary stands, strips off her shorts and panties. For the first time I see her young body completely naked. She is amazing for such a young age! Never did I think a young girl could arouse me so much! She takes my hands, pulls me up, begins undoing my shorts as I remove my shirt. She removes my shorts and jockeys, my 9 inch cock hard and erect. She pushes me back to the chair, spreads my legs and kneels between them. "I want you to cum I in my mouth. THEN you can lick my vagina," she says as she grasps my rod, sucks my cock head into her hot mouth. Her soft tongue encircles me, her head bobbing, her hand pumping. I reach under her with both hands to caress her breast mounds with their astounding nipples.
In less than a minute I know I'm cumming, her naked body too exciting. As I grunt I feel her lips tighten around my cock, her hand pumping faster. I arch into her as my hot cum begins to fill her mouth, my cock pumping it into her throat. She gags a bit at the volume her sexy girl-woman body has produced, but doesn't miss a drop. As my spasms subside she removes her mouth, keeps stroking me, leaning in to lap up each last drop as it appears at my pee hole. Satisfied she's got it all, she swallows again, her angelic face looking up at me. "I like swallowing your sperm. It's pretty good!" As I look down at this petite young thing kneeling between my legs, her hand around my cock, her luscious little breasts with their hard red caps, her smile, her freckles, my heart melts. I stand her up, stand myself, pick her up in my arms, and carry her to my bed. I lie her down gently, kiss her lovingly. I move down spread her legs, lie between them. I caress her stomach, reach up to her budding breasts as I kiss and lick her velvety thighs.
I lick each cunny lip, suck it gently into my mouth, release it. I lap between her lips, relishing her girl odor and taste. As my tongue glides over her clit she moans softly. I wash her entire sweet cunt with my mouth, suck her hard clit. I feel her thrusting her pelvis to me, moaning. I rub her nipples between my fingertips as I lick her clit more. My tongue tip begins spelling the alphabet against her hardness, flicking it at each cross bar. In moments she's panting, groaning, arching again and again. "OHHHH GODDDDD! THAT'S SOOOOO GOOOOOOD!" she yells. "MAKE ME CUMMMMMMMM!" I intensify my efforts, pushing a bit harder against her clit with my tongue. "YESSSSSSSSSSS! I'M CUMMMMMINNNNG!" she screams as her climax rockets through her little body in wave after delicious wave. Her girl juice tastes so sweet! I keep at her little cunny, not letting her relax. A minute later she's screaming again, "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'M CUMMING AGAAAAAAAAAAAIN!" I continue lapping her pussy like a thirsty dog as she cums hard a third and a fourth time. Scarcely breathing she groans "No...... no...... more."
I rest my cheek against her soft wet cunt as she relaxes finally, recovering, her breathing gradually slowing. I move up to lie next to my young love, my leg over her soft thigh. "I.... I.... didn't know.... I could..... cum so much." she whispers. "One of many things women can do better than men. I need at least a short time to recover. You have such a nice pussy Mary." "Pussy?" "Oh, just one of many words for everything down there that makes you a woman. Your pussy is wonderful, just like the rest of you. So sweet tasting, so soft and luscious! I'd be honored to lick your pussy anytime you like!" She smiles up to me again. "You really think I'm pretty? Have a nice body?" "You're prettier than anyone I know, and your body is sweeter and sexier than any other I've been privileged to make love with." I roll over with sweet little Mary on top of me as she kisses me lovingly.
Over the next few weeks, every time we're together, Mary and I are lovers. Me, naked in bed with this wonderful teenage sex fiend! I kiss and lick every inch of her sweet young body, she does the same to me. She really gets turned on when I suck her baby titties and fondle her clit, sometimes cumming just with that, hard and fast. She sucks my cock and balls better than any woman I've ever been with. And I love to tongue her cunny and clit, making her cum more than once every time. On one occasion, after she's cum three times from my pussy lapping, I move over her, nestle my hard cock against her cunt. "What....?" she moans. "Don't worry, I'm not going to stick my penis in you. I just want to rub it against your soft pussy. OK?" "O... OK." Wet with my saliva her lips are so slick I easily glide between them, essentially masturbating within their folds. "Oh God, Mary, your pussy is so fine!" I moan. "You... you want to... do... it... don't you? Please don't?" she asks. "I... won't sweetie. But I would love to put my penis in you." "Want me to suck you?" "No... let me put it in your ass." "WHAT? In my REAR end?" "Yeah. I'll be inside you my lover. That's what I want." "Can you do that?" "Sure." "Will it hurt?" "Maybe a little. I'll stop if you say to." "Oh..... I don't..... You really want to?" "Yes! Please?" "O... OK."
I show her how to kneel doggy style, legs wide. Staring at her puckered little virgin asshole I realize how truly beautiful she is! I caress her ass cheeks softly, stroke in her cleft. I bend lower, lick her cleft bottom to top. "Ohhhhhh...." she moans as my tongue passes over her tight hole. I rim her, massaging her hole as she groans with delight. "That's... that's good!" I wet my cock with my own spit, press my cock head to her orifice. As I gently push in she groans louder. "Relax sweetie, let me do the work." I feel her external sphincter relax a bit, jam my rod in half way. "OUCH!" she cries. "Want me to stop?" "N... no... you want to do this.... go on..." I slowly insert the remainder of my 9 1/2 inch rod into her hot rectum, feeling her softness, the tightness of her ass. "GOD MARY! THIS IS SO GOOD!" I yell. I pull back 8 inches, push into her again. As I pump her ass I reach around to fondle her cunny and clit. I feel her sphincter pressing and releasing my cock, spasming against me as I truly fuck her for the first time. Both of us are moaning by now. I massage her hard clit more as I stroke her nipple with my other hand. "Unhhhhhh..." we both moan in unison. I feel both of us peaking, stop stroking her asshole until her climax starts, then fuck her hard and fast as she screams in pleasure, feeling her whole body tense, including her buttocks.
Grabbing my cock harder as she cums releases me in an explosive climax, my cum shooting deep into her body as my reflexes take over, driving my cock in and out of her tight ass faster and faster, until she collapses, me on top of her. "Ohhhhh... Mary.... that was great!" "Yeah! It was!" she whispers. "Thank you, thank you. Having my penis inside my lover is the greatest thing in the world!" "When I get older will you put it in my vagina too?" she asks. "Well, answer her!" What? Who....? I turn to look. Oh My God! Pat! Where'd she come from?!? She's supposed to be away! I look at her in shock, my semi-hard cock pulling out of Mary's little ass as Mary screams and reaches for the sheet to cover herself. "Well, answer her. Will you fuck her cunt for her?" "Pat.... I....." "I hope you will, if I can watch," Pat says, entering the room. "Mind if I join you?" she asks, already unbuttoning her blouse. As Mary and I watch astonished, Pat strips bare, climbs into bed next to me. "Hi, lover. I see you and Mary are really special friends." "Unhhhhhh......" "Hey, it's OK. I think she's cute too. I think it's nice she chose you to teach her about sex. He's pretty good, huh?" she asks Mary. "Uh, yeah." "I know," Pat says, kissing me deeply and reaching for my cock. She soon strokes me to hardness, climbs over me, lowers her cunt onto my prick, and fucks me like she never has before, Mary watching it all in awe. I'm so turned on by this unexpected development I scream as I cum a full minute before Pat convulses with her own orgasm.
Pat falls on top of me. smiles at Mary. "He has a great cock, so long and fat." "Cock?" Mary asks. Pat looks at me. "Uh, penis," I stammer. Pat smiles wickedly, looks back to Mary. "Penis. Cock. Prick. Dick. Rod. Shaft. Manhood. Among others." "Oh...." Mary stammers. "Has he licked your pussy yet?" Pat asks. "Ye... yeah." "He's good isn't he? Such an expert tongue. I watched him fuck you in the ass. Since you asked, I guess he hasn't fucked your pussy yet, huh? That's something to look forward to! He really fills you up!" Pat laughs, kisses me again. Mary has let her guard drop some, the sheet slipping down to expose her girl breasts. "You have nice breasts, Mary. Very firm. Big nipples," Pat tells her, sitting up. "How do you like mine?" Pat has great tits. 34-C but firm and high and pointed. Nipples that protrude almost 3/4 inch when hard. Large dark areolae. "Uh, they're... they're nice," Mary whispers, staring at Pat's nipples. "I'd love it if you'd suck my tits Mary. Would you like to?" "Unh, suck another girl?" "Sure. Bet you'd like it and I know it'd feel great. Please?" Mary looks at me, but I'm too astounded to speak. I wink at her, nod my head. "O... OK," Mary whispers again. Pat moves off me to take Mary in her arms, pulling her down to her tits. I lean up on my elbow to watch. Mary nuzzles her face between Pat's breasts, slowly moves her mouth over to lick and suck one nip. "That's nice, Mary. Suck harder." Mary's mouth works more, sucking and nursing at Pat's large hard nipple. "Yesssss Mary. Gooood!" Mary moves to Pat's other nipple, obviously getting into it.
Pat is breathing harder again, stroking Mary's back and ass. "Let... let me suck your breasts now Mary." Pat lies Mary down between us, fondles Mary's little nubbins. "So small but beautiful," she says as she bends to suckle one nipple. Mary moans at the touch of Pat's lips and tongue as she expertly nurses at Mary's immature breasts. Panting, Mary hardly notices Pat kissing down her little body until Pat's tongue penetrates her pussy lips. "OHHHHHH....." Mary yells, lifting her head to see Pat between her legs, licking her sex. She can't avoid the pleasure but stares kind of wild eyed as another woman pleasures her. I watch in amazement for a few seconds, then move close to Mary, wrap my arms around her, kiss her. "Relax lover, let it cum," I tell her. She falls into my arms, kissing me, panting, gasping as Mary works her clit. Her climax strikes almost without warning, her hips pushing up to Pat's face while she crushes her mouth to mine, almost suffocating me, finally collapsing to the bed, limp. Pat moves up to hold her from the other side. We both kiss our young girl lover, whisper to her how good she is. From then on it's the three of us whenever possible, or Mary and I, or Pat and Mary. Mary learns to eat Pat's pussy as expertly as she can suck my cock. Pat watches Mary and I make love, or Mary watches Pat and I fuck, or I watch Mary and Pat love each other. Most often we all do each other. And to think, this all started because a sweet young innocent girl wanted to learn about sex.....
The End
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