Sibling's Love


Sibling Love

It was a summer evening, particularly around 8pm. The sun was about to set, revealing an orange cloudy sky. Sapphire headed home after her 60k a year job. Her father insist he would buy her a house for herself, and never have to pay it off. Sapphire gratefully decline. Since she was a family girl. Wanted to be closer to her father, brother and sister. Sapphire and Ruby's relationship was never on good terms. Argued constantly nonstop and fights over their little brother. Joseph was in his room on his PlayStation 4. Playing PUBG while Sapphire goes into his room. Awaited a hug from Joseph, she stood there for 5 seconds and went deeper into his room. Joseph screaming at the top of his lungs, spotting an enemy that was mere seconds about to kill him. Sapphire tapped him on his shoulder. Joseph was a bit startled."Oh Sap, the hell. Why are you sneaking in my room?" Joseph said. Still startled. "Because you didn't hear me." Sapphire with her arms wide open. Still waiting for that hug. “Oh ok", Joseph replied. Joseph goes in to hug her, since their height difference. Joseph being 5'9, Sapphire being 6'3. Joseph face was closer to her chest region. Joseph finished the hug and looked down at her feet. A quick second so Sapphire couldn't put 2 and 2 together. "So how's your day, sis?"
"It was good, well tiring. If you had a job, you'll know" Sapphire replied in a sarcastic tone. Joseph had the face of annoyance that Sapphire said that. Considering he was cashing in on his father's income. So a job was pretty much useless. Joseph sucked his teeth and said "whatever". Kept taking glances at his big sister's feet. Sapphire was wearing flip flops, with purple painted toenails. The big toes had a little dragon design, which probably took hours to do. Sapphire notices that he is staring at her feet, but didn't say anything. because she didn't want to embarrass him. Sapphire gave her brother a kiss on his forehead and proceed to go into the bathroom and hop in the shower. Joseph went back to gaming for a couple of hours. He had to find another session since he was kicked for inactivity. After some time has passed, it was 10 pm. It was dark and quiet as everybody went to sleep. Sapphire wakes up and head to the bathroom, notices that her brother's door was open. "Huh, normally the door is closed at night." Sapphire said with a curious tone. She went to the bathroom, washed her hands and proceeded to go back to her room. However, her curiosity has gotten the best of her. She took a peek into her little brother's room, notice that he was completely naked. Now the sight of her brother being naked was completely disgusting based on their blood relationship. But she went into his room quietly. Closed the door behind her and proceed to hop on his bed. "Bro, are you up?" Joseph snoring out loud. Moved over to his stomach. Revealing a nice plump ass. His long, silver colored hair with a blonde streak next to his ear. Sapphire stood next to his bed. Waiting for him to lay on his back. Sapphire whispers. "Your ass is cute... for a guy. Wait, you're my little brother. Sapphire walks over to his PlayStation, and sat in his seat, spinning the chair and grabbing his controller. She accidentally presses the HOME button, the PS4 turns on. Since his TV was a Smart TV with HDMI link. The TV also powered on. A blinding blue light filled the room and the PS4 theme starts. Startled both Sapphire and Joseph. Joseph wakes up in complete shock as to see who was in his room. "YOO, the hell you're doing here sis? Get out I'm naked", Joseph in the bed, startled. Sapphire spins the chair, so she was in front of him. Legs crossed. "Oh please, I've changed your diapers when you were a baby. Bathed you when you were 5. So I've seen you naked." Sapphire replied, while dangling her flip flops. "You're fucking weird. Sap." "Yes, now keep it down before dad comes in here and ask why you're naked with your sister in your room.” "I don't have time for this." Joseph said while getting up. "What are you going to do to me? Force me to leave? I'm stronger than you." Joseph goes for Sapphire's arm. Sapphire being a black belt in many martial arts. Grabs Joseph's and pins him on his back. "Ok, ok, STOP sis." Joseph pleading for her to stop. "Are you going to try and attack me?" Sapphire replied while pinning Joseph on his back. "I wasn't sis, please it hurts." "Aww you big baby, only because you said please." Sapphire lets go of Joseph's arm. Joseph gets up and proceed to sit on his bed, soothing his arm to nullify the pain. "How did you get in my room, my door is always locked?" Joseph questioned his sister. "Locked, not closed. I noticed your door was open, I thought you were asleep considering you always close your door at night. But when i went to peak... well never mind." "So you trespassed in my personal area?" Joseph, trying be condescending. Talking like a villain. "Oh Joseph, please. You never talk like that. Trespassing." "So why are you here. Sis?"
"Look I'm going to make this simple. I notice your 'specific fetish' earlier and I'll let you, “do”, what you want with my feet." Joseph was hesitant to do so. This is his flesh and blood we're talking about. But the more he ignored the situation, the more Sapphire got annoyed. "Fine, I can leave right now. Joseph. Is that what you want?" Sapphire said angrily. "N--No, is just. You're my sister and I don't want nothing getting in between us. No weird cold shoulder treatment. No…” Sapphire immediately interrupts him. "Nothing is getting between us except air and opportunity. So the more you think about it the more you're wasting time." "O..Ok, get in the bed." Joseph demanding Sapphire. "What for?" "Because, I'm not laying down on the floor and licking your soles, and I want to do something else." Joseph getting on the edge of the bed."Wha? What something?" Sapphire, curious but a little scared. Weird since Sapphire always had this tough interior, letting nothing get to her. First time she shows vulnerability, is with her brother. "Nothing that would make you uncomfortable, just what I mentioned earlier. Also, maybe.... a footjob?" Joseph said it hesitantly. Anxious about his sister's response or maybe her never speaking to him again after this, but Sapphire was actually willing to do so. She wanted to get to know her brother a little more, understand what makes him tick especially with feet. "Fine, but you'll have to demonstrate to me about the footjob part. I don't know what it is." "You'll see, after i suck these sexy, purple toes." Joseph, raising her feet towards his face. Joseph on the bed, with Sapphire. Sucking on her purple big toe. Sapphire moaning in pleasure, watching Joseph having his way with his sister's feet. Joseph takes the toe out his mouth, goes for her sole. Her pink, slender sole tasted like caramel candy. Sapphire lays on the foot of the bed. Playing with herself. Moaning quietly as to not wake up the residence in the house. Joseph looks at his big sister, while proceeding to lick her soles. "I knew you would like this. I know my sis."
"Shu...shut up, and lick my soles." Sapphire replied, while fingering herself.
Joseph put down the licked sole, and move to the other. Sucked the pinky toe and licked between the second and big toes. As Joseph did this, he became more and more erect. Sapphire notices this and used the licked foot to feel it. Joseph moves the foot. "Not yet... not until i licked every skin cell on your soles." "How long will that be?" Sapphire getting excited. "About ten more seconds."Joseph replied Ten seconds passed and the foot licking was done. Sapphire, with one foot licked and the previous one drying up. Joseph decide to teach Sapphire what a footjob is. Joseph places Sapphire’s feet on his cock. Sapphire now realize what was about to go down. “Oh? This is what you wanted to do, fuck your sister’s feet?” Sapphire teasing her brother. Stroking with both feet, her toes gripping his cock. Joseph was weak, unable to say much. Making this the best footjob he ever had. “So, are you gonna cum for me?” Sapphire questioned him. Joseph unable to say much, but he did raise his hand with agreement. A couple of seconds later, Joseph shoots a load, on her feet and legs. “WOW, that was exciting.” Sapphire said as she raised her cum covered legs and feet. Facing towards Joseph, teasing him. Revealing her pink, slender soles. Joseph blushing, watching the work he did. “So, Joseph. What now?” Sapphire still raising her legs, wiggling her toes. “Um, you can leave now.” Joseph replied, but sounded tired while he said it. “Aww.” Sapphire puts her left foot on Joseph’s face. Big toe placed on his lips. “You’re just gonna kick me out.” Sapphire removed her feet off his face, then came closer to Joseph and stared into his eyes. Her purple eyes with a couple strands of her covering on eye. “So, you’re just gonna kick me out?” Repeating the question. Joseph, ignored her. Considering he done his task, and had nothing else to do with her. “I’m waiting for an answer” Sapphire said, but was getting annoyed. “Fine, if you want me to leave, I’ll leave.” Sapphire kissed Joseph on his lips, then got off the bed and put on her flip flops. “I love you, little bro. See you sometime soon” Sapphire walking out of his room, while showing Joseph her soles with every step. Joseph still didn’t say anything, but was watching her leaving. Looking down at his cock, realizing he did something he wanted to do for years, but never had the balls to ask or to do so. Joseph closed his door, then went in his bed, staring at the ceiling. “Thanks, Sappy.” Joseph said while the PS4 turned off by itself, thanks to the battery saver mode.
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