How I Impregnated a Sheep
Ohio Sheep Lover
I first started thinking about having sex with an ewe ( female sheep ) since my late teens, the though of it turned me on so much that I found myself fantasizing about it quite often. I couldn't count how many times that I laid in bed at night thinking about the things that I would like to do to her and all of the different positions that I could put her in. These twisted fantasies has caused my sexual arousal to reach a level that I have never felt before. I have always had a very high sex drive but this is way beyond that point, making me hypersexual.
After years of fantasizing about it, I finely came to terms with these abnormal feelings that I have been suppressing for so long and I realize that this desire has only become stronger and is not going to just go away. I can not control my lust for this any longer. If only I could experience it once than maybe it would clear my mind and curiosity, I knew that I had to do it at least once. I made up mind that I was going to do it, I had to do it, I wanted it so bad.
It was late September and time for the county fair where they held there annual livestock auction sales, this is my chance, there will be a lot of sheep for me to choose from and it would be the perfect place to find the best groomed ewe. After arriving at the fair I headed to the livestock barns and straight to the sheep stalls. After looking over about 40 sheep I purchased a bigger than average Merino ewe knowing that she could handle me laying on top of her, plus it was hard not to notice that she was in heat, as I stood there gazing at her engorged clitoris that was protruding out along with her vaginal fluid that was seeping out from between the folds of her swollen vulva lips.
Finally, after all of these years of having these secret fantasies that I kept playing out in my head, I was finally going to live them out. I could not believe that I was actually going to go through with this, it was actually going to happen. I wasn't looking for just a quick fuck from the back, I was wanting the complete experience, I was wanting to feel her underneath me, her body pressed up against me ( missionary position ), I was wanting to feel the pounding of her heartbeat and the sounds of her heavy breathing, I was wanting to hear her grunts and moans as I'm thrusting deep into her. I was wanting to experience the mating act with an animal, a different species, an ewe, I was wanting to feel the raw flesh of her vagina.
I know how wrong and unnatural that this all sounds, how dirty, shameful, sick, immoral and one of the worst sexual acts that a human can commit, but still wanting to do it is testimony to the high level of sexual arousal that it takes me too.
The shame and guilt was overwhelming as I loaded her into the trailer, the drive home was even more intense as the anxiety had built up from the anticipation and the suspense of not knowing what to expect, along with a hundred different thoughts and questions ran through my head, how will she respond ? will she fight and put up a struggle ? will she like it ? could I bring her to orgasm ? will it live up to my expectations ? I was about to find out the answers to my most intimate questions.
After arriving home, I quickly walked her to the barn and straight to the stalls. By this time she was at her peak estrus cycle as she stood there in place with her back-end arched up waiting to be mounted. Than she raised her tail giving me a view of her genitalia and the clear thick slime that was stringing down from between her hind legs, the site sent my arousal into overdrive, I couldn't wait no longer, I was about to burst, I had to get into that disgusting mess.
I quickly undressed and got up behind her, pressing forward into the sticky warm slime before finding my way in-between the folds of her puckered up vulva lips. As I penetrated into her I was met with some resistance so I applied a little force that sent me stretching slowly past her virgin hymen and slowly squeezing down her pulsating vaginal canal. Before long I was thrusting the complete length of my shaft down into her, within a few short minutes I exploded deep inside. Relieved and satisfied I pulled out and quickly got dressed before the guilt and shame set in.
For the next 4 months I spent experimenting and fulfilling all of my sexual fantasies, even bringing her to orgasm. I must of had sex with her over 50 times and put her in every position that was possible. It was better than I had ever imagined.
Just when my conscious was getting comfortable with the guilt and shame from all of the unspeakable things that I had been doing to her, my perversion pulled me down even further into the bottom of immorality, causing me to commit the most disturbing crime against nature, an interspecies impregnation, human impregnating an animal. I wanted to impregnate her naturally through sexual intercourse, I wanted her eggs fertilized from my ejaculation, from sperm that was living inside of me.
Could this even be possible ! If only I was full of ram sperm. That is when I came up with this crazy idea.
I first needed to get a male sheep ( Ram ) and extract some sperm from him, so I called around to some local sheep farmers in the area and I purchased a ram. Once home, I put the ram into a separate stall beside the ewe so they could not mate but could still bring her into heat "estrus" from his physical and verbal presence and from the scent of his pheromones.
( Estrus - is the time when the ewe goes into ovulation, the releasing of her eggs from her ovaries and causing her to become sexually aroused. Ewes typically ovulate 1 to 3 eggs per ovulation. An ewe goes into heat every 17 days on average during the breeding season and lasts 24 to 36 hours. This is the time that her eggs can be fertilized. Breeding season is September through January with most sheep. The physical signs that she is in heat "estrus", her clitoris becomes enlarged and more sensitive to stimulation along with her vulva lips becoming red, swollen and inflamed with excessive vaginal discharge, her tail stands up exposing her genitalia as she becomes more restless, vocal and stands in place to be mounted ).
Earlier in the month I had ordered the supplies that I needed to complete my plan, the supplies consisted of a ram semen collection device and an 18 inch
long medical urinary catheter and a needleless syringe and a tube of lubricant (KY jelly). Now I just needed to wait for her to go into heat. After 3 days she started showing signs so I put the ram and ewe together in the same stall, as the ram went to mount her I quickly placed the semen collection device over the rams penis, after a few pumps he ejaculated into the collection device and I got what I needed. Than I put the ram back into his separate stall and I went straight to the house along with the rams sperm that I had just collected. After making my way into the bathroom, I attached the needleless syringe to the end of the catheter and then I slid the other end down into the bottom of the collection device. Than I drew the syringe back, sucking up the rams sperm into the catheter. So now I had a catheter of ram sperm that was ready to be deposited inside of me. Next, I put some lubricant (KY jelly) onto the catheter and slid it into my penis, down my urethra about 10 or 11 inches. I did this with no erection so that I could deposit the rams sperm as deep as I could, that way it would not leak out after I removed the empty catheter. So I pushed the catheter in me until I felt some resistance of my bladder sphincter, than I stopped and backed it up about 1 1/2 centimeters, leaving room at the end of my urethra to deposit the rams sperm, this is the area where the prostate is wrapped around the urethra and where the ejaculatory ducts are located.
With the catheter in place, I pushed the end of the syringe in slowly and deposited 95 billion ram sperm cells inside of me. Than I removed the empty catheter. Now that I had a full load of ram sperm swimming around inside of me, there was just one more thing that I needed to do.
( A rams ejaculation releases less than a teaspoon (lml to 2ml) of semen and contains up to 95 billion sperm cells which is 1,000 times more than a man. A man's ejaculation releases 1.5ml to 5.0ml and contains between 40 million to 600 million sperm cells. Ram sperm can live up to 3 to 5 days after being ejaculated into an ewe's reproductive system. Sperm cells take 15 to 45 minutes to reach her egg's after ejaculation ).
Before completing my morbid plan, I waited for over 4 hours before mating with her, I wanted to give the ram sperm plenty of time to swim its way up into my ejaculatory ducts and throughout my reproductive tract while mixing together with my own seminal fluid, this way I would be impregnating her from a complete ejaculation, from ram sperm that was flowing throughout my entire reproductive system and not just pushing out ram sperm that was just sitting in my urethra, it would also make my orgasm more powerful and intense.
After removing all of my clothing, I gently wrestled her down to the ground and rolled her onto her back, than I quickly got on top (missionary position) and guided my cock down inside of her and I slowly began to thrust. It did not take long before she became more aggressive and involved as she started thrusting her hips up into me to meet my every stroke, sending out genitalia's slamming together repeatedly as we moved in perfect sync.
This went on much longer than usual and I seen no signs of her slowing down, I knew at this pace that I wouldn't be able to keep up, I needed just a minute or two to catch my breath as I fell behind and stopped. With my weight firmly resting on my knees and elbows, I stayed there motionless while listening to her grunts and heavy breathing as she continued to use me to satisfy her own needs, repeatedly thrusting her pelvis up into me, forcing my shaft down the full length of her vagina canal. It was obvious at this point that she was in control, I wasn't fucking her no more, she was fucking me, and I dared not try to stop her, unassured of how she might react.
While she continued to use me, I reached down between her legs to find her engorged clitoris throbbing and protruding out, which I vigorously began to rub. Before long she was crying out high pitched moans of pleasure and was on the edge of orgasm, so I quickly stopped rubbing and started thrusting back into her as we both got back into rhythm. Soon after the pace had reached its peak as we both were violently slamming our sex organs together in a rage of pleasure, trying to find relief. With one final thrust she pushed her pelvis up into me as far as she could go, stretching my cock all the way down to her cervix, setting her off on a series of multiple vaginal contractions, squeezing and releasing rapidly while her body arched underneath me and began to violently quiver and shake as she let out a frightful scream. The excitement and pleasure that I was getting was more than I could take as the enormous pressure that had built up inside of me exploded, sending waves of semen gushing out in large forceful spurts, shooting mixed human-ram DNA straight onto her cervix.
The force of my ejaculation had me paralyzed, frozen in a state of ecstasy as her vagina continued to spasm and squeeze before gradually subsiding. Exhausted and completely satisfied I collapsed on top of her while struggling to catch my breath. Motionless and still locked tightly together, I laid there enjoying the warmth and throbbing pulse beat of her vagina as my semen raced through her reproductive organs.
With all of my sexual desires diminished and the thrill and the excitement subsided, I started to regain my sense of reality as my human emotions of shame, guilt and embarrassment started flooding back in, leaving me questioning my actions and moral values. Completely drained of all my semen, I slowly pulled out of her while feeling humiliated and disgraced but completely satisfied. I got to feet and I quickly got dressed as I headed back to the house.
Over the next 3 days, I repeated the entire process of depositing ram sperm inside of myself and than mating with her, hoping to inseminate her at the right time of her estrus cycle in the attempt to fertilize her eggs. 5 months later she gave birth.
It has been over a year now since I had my first sexual experience with an ewe, since than I had sex with her over 100 times now and I had her in every position that was possible. This experience has been better than I had ever imagined and it has completely fulfilled all of my sexual fantasies and desires, giving me complete sexual gratification. I look forward in continuing my sexual relationship with sheep and experimenting with other breeds and of course impregnate some more along the way.
After years of fantasizing about it, I finely came to terms with these abnormal feelings that I have been suppressing for so long and I realize that this desire has only become stronger and is not going to just go away. I can not control my lust for this any longer. If only I could experience it once than maybe it would clear my mind and curiosity, I knew that I had to do it at least once. I made up mind that I was going to do it, I had to do it, I wanted it so bad.
It was late September and time for the county fair where they held there annual livestock auction sales, this is my chance, there will be a lot of sheep for me to choose from and it would be the perfect place to find the best groomed ewe. After arriving at the fair I headed to the livestock barns and straight to the sheep stalls. After looking over about 40 sheep I purchased a bigger than average Merino ewe knowing that she could handle me laying on top of her, plus it was hard not to notice that she was in heat, as I stood there gazing at her engorged clitoris that was protruding out along with her vaginal fluid that was seeping out from between the folds of her swollen vulva lips.
Finally, after all of these years of having these secret fantasies that I kept playing out in my head, I was finally going to live them out. I could not believe that I was actually going to go through with this, it was actually going to happen. I wasn't looking for just a quick fuck from the back, I was wanting the complete experience, I was wanting to feel her underneath me, her body pressed up against me ( missionary position ), I was wanting to feel the pounding of her heartbeat and the sounds of her heavy breathing, I was wanting to hear her grunts and moans as I'm thrusting deep into her. I was wanting to experience the mating act with an animal, a different species, an ewe, I was wanting to feel the raw flesh of her vagina.
I know how wrong and unnatural that this all sounds, how dirty, shameful, sick, immoral and one of the worst sexual acts that a human can commit, but still wanting to do it is testimony to the high level of sexual arousal that it takes me too.
The shame and guilt was overwhelming as I loaded her into the trailer, the drive home was even more intense as the anxiety had built up from the anticipation and the suspense of not knowing what to expect, along with a hundred different thoughts and questions ran through my head, how will she respond ? will she fight and put up a struggle ? will she like it ? could I bring her to orgasm ? will it live up to my expectations ? I was about to find out the answers to my most intimate questions.
After arriving home, I quickly walked her to the barn and straight to the stalls. By this time she was at her peak estrus cycle as she stood there in place with her back-end arched up waiting to be mounted. Than she raised her tail giving me a view of her genitalia and the clear thick slime that was stringing down from between her hind legs, the site sent my arousal into overdrive, I couldn't wait no longer, I was about to burst, I had to get into that disgusting mess.
I quickly undressed and got up behind her, pressing forward into the sticky warm slime before finding my way in-between the folds of her puckered up vulva lips. As I penetrated into her I was met with some resistance so I applied a little force that sent me stretching slowly past her virgin hymen and slowly squeezing down her pulsating vaginal canal. Before long I was thrusting the complete length of my shaft down into her, within a few short minutes I exploded deep inside. Relieved and satisfied I pulled out and quickly got dressed before the guilt and shame set in.
For the next 4 months I spent experimenting and fulfilling all of my sexual fantasies, even bringing her to orgasm. I must of had sex with her over 50 times and put her in every position that was possible. It was better than I had ever imagined.
Just when my conscious was getting comfortable with the guilt and shame from all of the unspeakable things that I had been doing to her, my perversion pulled me down even further into the bottom of immorality, causing me to commit the most disturbing crime against nature, an interspecies impregnation, human impregnating an animal. I wanted to impregnate her naturally through sexual intercourse, I wanted her eggs fertilized from my ejaculation, from sperm that was living inside of me.
Could this even be possible ! If only I was full of ram sperm. That is when I came up with this crazy idea.
I first needed to get a male sheep ( Ram ) and extract some sperm from him, so I called around to some local sheep farmers in the area and I purchased a ram. Once home, I put the ram into a separate stall beside the ewe so they could not mate but could still bring her into heat "estrus" from his physical and verbal presence and from the scent of his pheromones.
( Estrus - is the time when the ewe goes into ovulation, the releasing of her eggs from her ovaries and causing her to become sexually aroused. Ewes typically ovulate 1 to 3 eggs per ovulation. An ewe goes into heat every 17 days on average during the breeding season and lasts 24 to 36 hours. This is the time that her eggs can be fertilized. Breeding season is September through January with most sheep. The physical signs that she is in heat "estrus", her clitoris becomes enlarged and more sensitive to stimulation along with her vulva lips becoming red, swollen and inflamed with excessive vaginal discharge, her tail stands up exposing her genitalia as she becomes more restless, vocal and stands in place to be mounted ).
Earlier in the month I had ordered the supplies that I needed to complete my plan, the supplies consisted of a ram semen collection device and an 18 inch
long medical urinary catheter and a needleless syringe and a tube of lubricant (KY jelly). Now I just needed to wait for her to go into heat. After 3 days she started showing signs so I put the ram and ewe together in the same stall, as the ram went to mount her I quickly placed the semen collection device over the rams penis, after a few pumps he ejaculated into the collection device and I got what I needed. Than I put the ram back into his separate stall and I went straight to the house along with the rams sperm that I had just collected. After making my way into the bathroom, I attached the needleless syringe to the end of the catheter and then I slid the other end down into the bottom of the collection device. Than I drew the syringe back, sucking up the rams sperm into the catheter. So now I had a catheter of ram sperm that was ready to be deposited inside of me. Next, I put some lubricant (KY jelly) onto the catheter and slid it into my penis, down my urethra about 10 or 11 inches. I did this with no erection so that I could deposit the rams sperm as deep as I could, that way it would not leak out after I removed the empty catheter. So I pushed the catheter in me until I felt some resistance of my bladder sphincter, than I stopped and backed it up about 1 1/2 centimeters, leaving room at the end of my urethra to deposit the rams sperm, this is the area where the prostate is wrapped around the urethra and where the ejaculatory ducts are located.
With the catheter in place, I pushed the end of the syringe in slowly and deposited 95 billion ram sperm cells inside of me. Than I removed the empty catheter. Now that I had a full load of ram sperm swimming around inside of me, there was just one more thing that I needed to do.
( A rams ejaculation releases less than a teaspoon (lml to 2ml) of semen and contains up to 95 billion sperm cells which is 1,000 times more than a man. A man's ejaculation releases 1.5ml to 5.0ml and contains between 40 million to 600 million sperm cells. Ram sperm can live up to 3 to 5 days after being ejaculated into an ewe's reproductive system. Sperm cells take 15 to 45 minutes to reach her egg's after ejaculation ).
Before completing my morbid plan, I waited for over 4 hours before mating with her, I wanted to give the ram sperm plenty of time to swim its way up into my ejaculatory ducts and throughout my reproductive tract while mixing together with my own seminal fluid, this way I would be impregnating her from a complete ejaculation, from ram sperm that was flowing throughout my entire reproductive system and not just pushing out ram sperm that was just sitting in my urethra, it would also make my orgasm more powerful and intense.
After removing all of my clothing, I gently wrestled her down to the ground and rolled her onto her back, than I quickly got on top (missionary position) and guided my cock down inside of her and I slowly began to thrust. It did not take long before she became more aggressive and involved as she started thrusting her hips up into me to meet my every stroke, sending out genitalia's slamming together repeatedly as we moved in perfect sync.
This went on much longer than usual and I seen no signs of her slowing down, I knew at this pace that I wouldn't be able to keep up, I needed just a minute or two to catch my breath as I fell behind and stopped. With my weight firmly resting on my knees and elbows, I stayed there motionless while listening to her grunts and heavy breathing as she continued to use me to satisfy her own needs, repeatedly thrusting her pelvis up into me, forcing my shaft down the full length of her vagina canal. It was obvious at this point that she was in control, I wasn't fucking her no more, she was fucking me, and I dared not try to stop her, unassured of how she might react.
While she continued to use me, I reached down between her legs to find her engorged clitoris throbbing and protruding out, which I vigorously began to rub. Before long she was crying out high pitched moans of pleasure and was on the edge of orgasm, so I quickly stopped rubbing and started thrusting back into her as we both got back into rhythm. Soon after the pace had reached its peak as we both were violently slamming our sex organs together in a rage of pleasure, trying to find relief. With one final thrust she pushed her pelvis up into me as far as she could go, stretching my cock all the way down to her cervix, setting her off on a series of multiple vaginal contractions, squeezing and releasing rapidly while her body arched underneath me and began to violently quiver and shake as she let out a frightful scream. The excitement and pleasure that I was getting was more than I could take as the enormous pressure that had built up inside of me exploded, sending waves of semen gushing out in large forceful spurts, shooting mixed human-ram DNA straight onto her cervix.
The force of my ejaculation had me paralyzed, frozen in a state of ecstasy as her vagina continued to spasm and squeeze before gradually subsiding. Exhausted and completely satisfied I collapsed on top of her while struggling to catch my breath. Motionless and still locked tightly together, I laid there enjoying the warmth and throbbing pulse beat of her vagina as my semen raced through her reproductive organs.
With all of my sexual desires diminished and the thrill and the excitement subsided, I started to regain my sense of reality as my human emotions of shame, guilt and embarrassment started flooding back in, leaving me questioning my actions and moral values. Completely drained of all my semen, I slowly pulled out of her while feeling humiliated and disgraced but completely satisfied. I got to feet and I quickly got dressed as I headed back to the house.
Over the next 3 days, I repeated the entire process of depositing ram sperm inside of myself and than mating with her, hoping to inseminate her at the right time of her estrus cycle in the attempt to fertilize her eggs. 5 months later she gave birth.
It has been over a year now since I had my first sexual experience with an ewe, since than I had sex with her over 100 times now and I had her in every position that was possible. This experience has been better than I had ever imagined and it has completely fulfilled all of my sexual fantasies and desires, giving me complete sexual gratification. I look forward in continuing my sexual relationship with sheep and experimenting with other breeds and of course impregnate some more along the way.
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