I wanted a child
I'd put my career first and had succeed and at 36 was at the top of my career and didn't need to focus solely on my career. Not in any relationship at the time, I decided it was time for me to start a family. But not wanting a restrictive relationship, I would find a man I liked and use him to get me pregnant. No long-term relationship required, but most of the single men I knew weren't the hands-off type. More the micro manager's type, then I realized I'd overlooked David 37 the quiet easy-going person in professional relationships. Good at his job and quite content to lets his work speak for him, not boastful like me and all the others in my orbit. He wasn't the best looking nor try to impress others. But wasn't overweight or arrogant like the others, he wasn't shy but so confident in his abilities he didn't need to promote himself. Always willing to listen to another idea and not dismiss out of hand. A sign of a great person/leader I believe. But I was a bit afraid to just ask him to get me pregnant, so I started being a bit awkward around him. He noticed and asked me straight when we alone what he had done to change my behavior towards him. So, I told him I was thinking of starting a family, quickly adding not marrying and raising the child by myself. I'm no shrinking violet and one we were talking I relaxed and told why I had been different around him. He didn't react with shock and listened to my proposal and then without any more discussion agreed. Only enquiring how I wanted to proceed, I felt strangely free you could say. I decided there and then on straight sex, at least he would get something out of it. That was 2018 and now years later I'm still single and have 3 children (2girls and a boy). I'm also in a relationship with David still, a friend with benefits type relationship. He is quite useful with our children as there are times I need to work or go somewhere, and David will watch the children. We live next door to each other and have no problems that I can see. I'd only thought of having one child and we had a girl early 2019, the pandemic of 2020 lead to us living to together for the lockdown periods and I got pregnant again and had twins a boy and a girl. Like I said we're friends with benefits, it's also great as David has finished work for me at times, once it led to me getting a bonus, which was rightfully his. He wasn't concerned over it, and we have regular sex, and few people know we're in a relationship. Only our families in fact.
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