Hired as a Breeder


At 32 my life was going nowhere fast, and promotion was off limits as I wasn't qualified enough to earn it. But there was an opportunity I hadn't thought of, being a breeder. My company's owner 53 was single and a very busy person and believed he didn't have the time to find and date a possible wife. So, he decided to have an heir by surrogate and started checking it out and finding a lot of legal problems for a single person. Dropped the idea and thought of finding a mail order bride, but also dropped that idea fairly quickly. Then by chance I came into his world as I was assigned to go thru old files and check to see if they were digitized and had a backup made. If no backup I would make one, if not already digitized I would have it done. It was a very boring job and overtime the files were checked and then threaded and disposed of. But I was working late one afternoon, and the boss told I should go home and see to my family or get ready for my date. I said I didn't have a family waiting or any date arranged, so he left me continue. About an hour later I decided I should go home and have dinner and then watch TV. As I was getting ready the boss returned and enquired what I was intending to do that evening. I told him my plans and said Ditto the whole weekend. He asked me to join him for dinner and I agreed, it had to be better than what was going to have at home. It was (steak), but the boss asked me questions about my life, everything love life, activities and future plans. It was boring and I could see him thinking and he straight asked me did I want a family. I said I did but didn't think it was going to happen. Anyway, I was taken home and had given him my cellphone number, I didn't think he wanted to date me and thought it was because of the files I was reviewing. The next morning, he rang me and wanted to see me, and I went to his large house by cab, and he paid for the cab. I thought I must've stuffed on a file or something and was a bit worried I could lose my job. But it wasn't anything to do with my work, he was straight to the point. He wanted an heir and a spare his words more if required. He wanted to breed me for his heirs, and I would be well rewarded. I asked only one question how you want to start; I had agreed without saying yes as I could see it was a great way for a better future for myself straight away. I could say I was shocked; I was but it quickly passed, and I was quite willing to breed with him. With my agreement medical checks followed and I moved in with him, he was still thinking on the method he would use. I said I am willing whatever way you want to try; we ended having straight sex. My file job was completed by another, as I was made his PPA (personal private assistant). He already had executive assistant and a private secretary, but they were married, and business related also passed having babies. I was now off the company books, employed personally by him and only answered to him. It took several months but I got pregnant and made him very happy by having a boy. Once our son was almost one and weened, we started trying for another. I got pregnant almost straight away and would've a girl he was delighted with a daughter, and I was comfortable still living with him and our children. We haven't married or anything like it, but I'm his wife in every way that really matters. He could if he wished, find another woman and as of now he hasn't bothered trying. I currently pregnant again and after having fertility treatments, I am having twin boys. They will probably be our last as I turned forty last month. But I'm willing to keep trying, but he doesn't want me getting strained as he calls it, there are health risks with women having children passed forty. I'm monitored closely and no problems as of now and I'm very close to having the children a week or so to go.
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