Owning my Neighbor


Long story short version. All names Changed.
My neighbor Teegan 52 widowed recently and shortly after unemployed, left with a large hospital and funeral bills. She would've struggled even without the bills, but she was lucky I had the hots for her. I'm Steven 56 self-made and divorced and Teegan's closest neighbor. Anyway, I'm very well off financially and I decided to help Teegan on a mutual benefit basis. I pay off her debts and give her a job as my personal assistant (sexual). She would provide me with all the sex I wanted and get supported financially as well. She could move into my apartment and not have to pay rent. I would support her, and she provide me with sex and accompany me to dinners and things I had to attend. I'm forthright type guy and asked her straight and it of course shocked her. But after thinking over all her options, my offer was far better than anything else she could see as a possibility in her future. I'm nothing special in looks or build and she is a nine+ and I might make four+. I'm not overweight or very skinny, my face would make me the villain in movies. But I do treat women I know well. Even my ex-wife is on friendly terms with me still (not sexual). Our careers moved in different directions, which led to our divorce. The main reason I decided to make the offer was I wasn't willing to put in the effort just to bed a woman anymore. So, she accepted and now twelve years later we are still together and not married. Sex is still part of our relationship but not as much as when we had started, we're more like an old married couple then boss and employee these days. Not being married isn't a problem for us and she could leave if she wants, but she is comfortable in her new life as am I.
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