My Plan Worked


Never great talking to women except if not related to business. Personal stuff leaves me tongue tied and after years of failures, I hit upon an idea. I would look for a woman with low self-esteem and concentrate my efforts on her. I had gotten a promotion and had to relocate as a result, but that gave a new pool of women to possibly date. But I decided to find one with low self-esteem. I was lucky there was a nice-looking woman 27 who stayed in the background and lacked self-esteem it was clearly apparent even to me. I'll call her Chloe and myself George 36, as I had a job to finalize and could use an assistant. I was required to talk with a female representative and so decided to take a female assistant with me. I chose Chloe, which was mainly because she was the only female assistant of the 3 available. Others already occupied, the job was easy, and I could've done by myself. But it came me one on one time with Chloe, we got on fairly well. So, next job I had to do I again got Chloe and after several more such jobs, I was on very good terms with Chloe workwise. Then a trip interstate, fly in the morning fly back in the afternoon and again I had Chloe with me. The meeting over, I got a text saying our return flight cancelled due to a weather front (snowstorm) coming thru. Having to stay overnight (Thursday) I used my hotel app to find suitable hotel for us and found a hotel and got a room for us. Stopping to shop on the way to get a few things, Chloe was short on money, and I paid for her things nothing much. I'd an expense account and could claim it back due to an unforeseen event. She just followed me around like a puppy dog and after dinner that evening I made a move on her and bedded her easily. Having sex again in the morning and then breakfast and then tried getting a return flight, planes still grounded. We returned to our room and back to bed together. I think she went along with everything I wanted as had low self-esteem. Finally returning home Saturday morning, I decided to have Chloe stay with me the whole weekend and we went to her one room rental to get more clothes. On seeing where she lived, I told her to move in with me and she did as I told her. Several weeks later I was appointed to a new higher post interstate, same state as the snowstorm. I would be entitled to an assistant and as I already had Chloe as a regular assistant, I chose her. She already was living with me and providing me with regular sex as well. The new job for her was as my personal assistant and I got myself an apartment and Chloe would live with me still. My apartment was in the street behind the building our offices were in. Two-bedroom apartment and so Chloe's mother 46 came to live with us. She was similar to Chloe in looks and build and also had low self-esteem and me being me got her into bed with me and Chloe. Chloe got pregnant six months later, but we had married the month before, still my PA and her mother cares for our daughter and is a regular in our bed. Perfect result to my plan, couldn't be happier. Chloe is lot more confident now also.
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