The Yearbook, Part 2


Carlos Higbee glanced down at his cellphone and smiled. It was Betsy, and he knew she was horny...again.

“Hello Betsy Marion, this is your lover speaking; how may I assist you?

“Carlito, are you busy tonight? Can you come over?”

Carlos frowned, “Betsy, I’m meeting my cousin at the End Zone...gonna watch the football game; maybe after the game?”

“Sure, sounds good...I forgot about Monday Night Football; after the game is fine...I gotta surprise for you.”

Carlos chuckled, “I love your surprises. Can you give me a hint? You are one kinky little MILF.”

Betsy feigned anger, “Hey, don’t call me a know I don’t like that. And you’re just going to have to wait...but it’ll be worth the wait.”

“Okay, I can wait. Hey, if you’re not busy, why don’t you meet us at the bar. You can meet my cousin, and we’ll have some burgers and beer or pizza...whatever you feel hungry for.”

Betsy shook her head, “I’m tempted...not sure we should be seen together in public though. This whole thing with us is kinda weird.”

“Oh, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Your son lives in another state now, and the End Zone is mostly a Black bar. None of his old posse is likely to show up there. Come join us...we’ll have some good fun.”

“Okay, I’ll see you there. I’ll come after the game starts...don’t want to have to sit and wait for you, if you know what I mean.”

Carlos laughed, “I get’d definitely have your hands with niggas hitting on you. We’ll get there early…get a good table.”

“Okay, see you then.”

After ringing off with Betsy, Carlos called his cousin, Cedric.

“Hey Ced, you still on for football tonight?”

“Yeah, I’m down. You picking me up?”

“No Ced...might have something going down with a lady. She’ll be joining us at the End Zone.”

“Cool...anyone I know?”

“You know who she is...her name is Betsy, Betsy Marion.”

Cedric shook his head as he answered, “No man...don’t know no Betsy Marion.”

Do you remember Bobby Marion from high school? The guy who had you by the neck after you were talking shit about what you’d like to do to his mom in bed?”

Cedric laughed, “Oh shit...that asshole was gonna fuck me up good. But his Momma was a fine looking piece of ass, and believe it or not, she was giving me the eye that day. So who is Betsy? His sister?”

“No Ced. Betsy is his mom. Me and her hooked up at a party at my mom’s house. She works with our cousin, LaTryce.”

“No shit Dog? You fucking her?”

“Oh hell yeah. That is one horny little bitch...took her home with me after the party, and we fucked all night long. In the morning she found my high school yearbook, and she told me she was Bobby’s mom.”

“God Damn Dog...she still fine looking? I remember how she used to sit in that lawn chair with those tight little shorts, barefeet,...never wore a bra, like to show those little titties. My mom hated her. So how was she...good fuck?”

“Yeah Ced...she hasn’t changed that Asian thing going for her, looks like she could still pass for a high school girl...and she definitely knows how to use that pussy.”

Cedric laughed, “Maybe she’s the one who gave coach the idea about chasing jail bait. You know she was fucking coach.”

“I asked her about that, and she denied it, but she did seem more than just a little upset when I told her about him getting fired and almost going to jail for fucking our teammate, Amy.”

“Oh, coach was hit’n that pussy...everyone noticed how she would give him those ‘Fuck me eyes.’”

“Well, maybe she was, and maybe she wasn’t. Do me a favor, and don’t mention anything about that stupid coach. I heard he’s like some assistant manager at a used car lot. I’m getting there early tonight, and she’s meeting us. See ya in a few.”

The bar was still pretty when Carlos got to the End Zone about 45 minutes early, and shortly after arriving, he was joined by Cedric. They got a choice location near the main TV screen. As game time approached, the bar quickly filled up with the usual rowdy football crowd. It was midway through the first quarter when Betsy appeared.

Cedric nudged Carlos, “Look dog...she’s here.”

Betsy was standing by the door, scanning the crowd. She was wearing a short, forest green cocktail dress, black stockings, and had a sheer capelet shawl over her shoulders. Carlos got her attention with a wave and got up to get her.

As they returned to the booth, Carlos made the introduction, “Betsy, this is my cousin Cedric...Cedric, Betsy.”

Betsy nodded and extended her hand, turning it into a fist bump at the last second, “Hi Cedric, pleased to meet you.”

Betsy sat between the guys, and when she was situated, she leaned over toward Carlos and whispered, “Carlito, is Cedric the cousin you were telling me about? The one my son choked for talking shit about me?”

Carlos smiled, “Yeah, same cousin...when I told him you were meeting us, he remembered the incident with your son. We were laughing about it, but maybe don’t mention it; at least not right away.”

Betsy laughed, “Sure Carlito...anything you say.”

Then she turned to Cedric, “Cedric, I heard my son was going to beat you up for saying crude shit about me. Allow me to offer a belated apology, I understand, and I’m kinda flattered...know how it is with you young guys.”

They all cracked up with that unexpectedly coming out of the bag, and Carlos said, “Thanks Betsy, you listen well.”

Cedric was somewhat embarrassed and remarked, “No problem Betsy...I deserved it I guess. So how is Bobby?”

He’s doing good, working for a television sports news station in Chicago. Want me to tell him I ran into you guys?”

Carlos and Cedric laughed, and Cedric replied, “Nah, might let that slide.”

Table service was almost non-existent, so Cedric got up to get the drink order. When he was out of earshot, Betsy turned to Carlos, “Does Cedric know about us?”

Carlos shrugged, “Yeah, I told him we were involved. Hope that’s cool.”

“Yeah, I guess. Gosh, he still looks so young and skinny, like a cute little high school kid.”

Carlos nodded, “Yeah, he’s only 5’4”.... never grew much after freshman year...stopped swimming and switched to basketball...he did well. He was very quick and developed a great outside shot. They were league champs our junior and senior year. He even played at city college for two years, but went to barber college instead of a four year school...has his own shop now and is doing well...except for his divorce.”

“Tell me about it. Divorce is no fun.”

Cedric returned with the drink and placed a huge margarita in front of Betsy.
She was wide eyed.

“Holy could raise tropical fish in that glass. What do I owe you?”

Cedric shook his head, “No, peace offering for past bad treat.”

They settled in to watch the game, but Betsy was not much interested. She spent much of the evening talking to Cedric about his divorce, giving advice where she could, and a sympathetic ear when she couldn’t.

Carlos didn’t participate much in the conversation, but listened quietly and watched intently. Betsy was showing a lot of interest in Cedric, and who could blame her. He still had the boyish good looks in addition to being muscular, and well groomed. His thin fu manchu mustache gave him a dangerous gangster look. While he didn’t lay a hand on her, she was all over him with the flirting, hand on his forearm, the occasional squeeze.

At half time Betsy excused herself and left for the ladies room. When she was out of ear shot, Carlos turned to Cedric.

“I think she’s got the hots for you dog...she got that ‘Fuck Me Nigga,’ act goin hard. She’s into you.”

Cedric shrugged, “Damn, she is hot. It’s like I’m back on that pool deck, checking her out, but now up close enough to touch, smell, taste, hear her breathe. Damn she lights me up.”

“It’s no act Ced...that woman is a fuck machine. Let’s see if we can get one more drink in her and then get the fuck outta here...go over to my place. You know, party time.”

When Betsy got back to the table, there was another margarita on the table.

“Oh no, I’ve already had too much to more and I might start dancing and shit.”

Carlos laughed, “This one was on the bartender...maybe you dancing was what he had in mind. You know they have wet t-shirt contests here from time to time.”

Betsy laughed, “Yeah, just picture me shakin my “MILF ass,” as you call it, up there with all the 20 something hotties.”

Cedric was reassuring, “No, I think you’d do just fine. A lotta those women who enter should just keep their bras and clothes on.”

Betsy was about halfway through her drink and getting even more hands on flirtatious with Cedric when Carlos interrupted, “Hey, why don’t we get outta here...go to my place…”

Betsy was in agreement, “Yeah, fuck this game; let’s split.”

Betsy downed her drink and when she got up to leave, she was unsteady. As they walked to their cars, Carlos suggested they leave her car and Cedric’s at the bar and let him drive them all, but Betsy was adamant about driving. Careful to avoid the police and DUI check points Cedric and Betsy were both seriously under the influence.

When they got to Carlos’s place, Cedric took Betsy’s hand and helped her out of the car, and they followed Carlos up the stairs to his second floor apartment. As soon as they got inside, Betsy excused herself for the bathroom, and Carlos pulled Cedric aside.

“She’s horny as hell...we’re gonna party with this MILF.”

Cedric squinted, “You sure? I mean you’re down for sharing?”

“More like she’s down for sharing...little bitch is like a she cat in heat; I know her, let me handle this.”

About the time Betsy came out of the bathroom, Carlos teed up a rap song with a good beat, and Betsy responded by raising her eyebrows as the lyrics began with,

“What you gon' do with all that junk
All that junk inside your trunk?

I'ma get-get-get-get you drunk
Get you love drunk off my hump…”

“So you guys think you're gonna get me dancin and strippin with this shit?”

Cedric and Carlos exchanged glances and nodded in unison, Cedric replied with a sheepish, guilt laden, “Well, yeah I guess…”

No sooner were the words out of his mouth when Betsy smiled knowingly, kicked off her shoes and started moving to the song. Her dress came off when the female artist started rapping about her ass, and she left nothing to the imagination. She was wearing a micro thong and a sheer black lace bra which did little to conceal her dark brown and very erect nipples.

She moved close to where the guys were sitting and turned away from them while shaking it, “You like my ass? Like my little brown ass?”

Cedric couldn’t find the words, but not Carlos, “Yeah, we like that ass...not so little though; that's a black girl’s ass...we wanna smack that ass”

Betsy bent over in front of him, “Oooo, I like that, slap my ass, slap it like you own it.”

Betsy squealed as Carlos delivered a gentle tap that was more of a lingering grope.

“Oh no baby, that’s not how you own me.” She moved in front of Cedric, cocked her hips, and presented herself, “Show me what you got Ced.”

Cedric leaned forward. In the dim light he could make out the outline of her anus; the thong did little to cover it. He delivered a firm slap that brought out a sharp shriek, “Yeah, better, but I’m not your baby sister...I wanna scream...make me scream, make me scream.”

Betsy continued to dance as the song began to replay on a loop. She was facing the guys now, playing with her breasts and genitals, “You like that, huh?” She moved toward Cedric and turned, “Unhook me.”

With a flick of his fingers, Betsy’s bra was loosened and then fell to the floor; her nipples were rock hard and jutted out from her small breasts like chocolate strawberries. She straddled Cedric’s thigh, and offered her left nipple, “Taste this baby...tell me if you like it.”

She moaned as Cedric held her nipple between his teeth and moved his tongue in a circular motion around it, “Bite me baby, bite it.”

Cedric delivered a series of sharp little nips to her nipple, “Ahhhh, fuck yeah, yeah that’s what I need. What’s that I’m feeling between your legs?”

Cedric was fully erect, and as Betsy got up off him, she placed her hand in his crotch, “Hold those dirty thoughts; I’ll be back.”

She moved over to Carlos and thrust her hips forward, “Do the honors lover.”

Carlos slid her thong down over her hips revealing her freshly waxed pussy, totally bald with her thick, swollen labia looking hungry for a fuck, and steadied her as she slipped her feet out and jumped into his lap, grinding her pussy hard on him, “Like your surprise Carlos? Like my hairless pussy? Just for you Carlos; just for you. Grab my ass Carlos, tell me what you gonna do to me.”

Carlos placed his hands on her hips and moved his fingers to her newly hairless sex. She was wet, and moaned as he slipped a finger inside of her.

“Thank you Betsy...thank you for my that smooth little girl pussy. I’m gonna fuck you, then Cedric gonna fuck you...we gonna fuck you all night long; fuck that pussy and that ass.”

Betsy stood up and moved to the bed, “Don’t talk about it, do it.”

She was kneeling on the bed, moving with the music when Carlos got undressed and stood before her. He was fully erect when she took his penis and testicals in her hands and began to lick him, “Ooo, I love that big, fat cock, love what you’re going to do to me with that thing Baby.”

Carlos didn’t answer right away, he was looking at his cousin who had also moved to the opposite side of the bed and had stripped down to his underwear.

Betsy stopped playing with Carlos and turned her attention to Cedric. She crept over to him on her hands and knees, wiggling her ass at Carlos as she did so, and ran her hand down Cedric’s chest and stomach before hooking her fingers in the waistband of his underwear, “Need help with these?”

Betsy pulled down his underwear, and his cock dropped free, still flaccid, a thick foreskin covering the bulbous head, and she let out a shriek in response, “Holy fuck, is that real? Is that all you?”

Cedric smiled, and began to stroke his cock. He, like Carlos, was uncircumcised and his penis was way out of proportion to his small stature.

Cedric smiled and placed his cock in her small hand, “Yeah girl, that’s all me...big black python dick, just for you Baby.”

Cedric was not a big man, but his uncircumcised cock was long, at least 9 inches, and thick, much thicker than anything Betsy had ever seen. She took it in her hands, mumbled something about loving it, and she pushed back the foreskin, opened her mouth, and took it in. She was on all fours now, and as Cedric held her head, enjoying her mouth on his penis, Carlos moved behind her and placed his hands on her hips and glans on her wet vaginal orifice and rubbed it up and down. In anticipation of being penetrated, Betsy cocked her hips, fully exposing her sex and a moan, muffled by Cedric’s big cock, escaped from her mouth…”Uhhhhhhhh,” as Carlos penetrated her.

While Carlos fucked her slowly and deliberately from behind, Cedric was transfixed by Betsy’s mouth action on his cock. While she could not come close to taking him all in, she used her hands and mouth like she was born to it, flicking her tongue at his exposed male g-spot while she stroked his cock and gently massaged his testicals. She could sense he was on the verge of ejaculating, and paused momentarily in an effort to keep him going, then turned her head to the side and slid her open mouth up and down on his cock while she massaged his balls.

At the same time, Betsy was slap-popping her ass back to meet every one of Carlos’s long thrusts. She had been “spit roasted” before, but never by cocksmen as skilled as these two. She let out a low audible moan when she felt him coat her anus with saliva and massage it with his thumb.

As if it were pre-arranged, Cedric nodded to Carlos, “Can I get some of that hot pussy?”

“Yeah our girl all ready for you; let’s switch.”

Carlos pulled out and grasped Betsy’s hips, guiding her as she turned around then gently took her head in his hands, “Here you go beautiful, lick your pussy off my big dick.”

She was all over Carlos, rubbing his fat cock all over her face before taking him in her mouth. Cedric briefly paused to watch then saw she was presenting herself to him. Her ass was cocked invitingly with her toes curled and knees spread wide. He thought he saw her wet asshole winking at him, like a little brown eye, feeling her sexual heat as he slid his penis all the way into her freshly fucked pussy. With his free hand, he found her clitoris and began to lightly flick it with his index finger.

While Betsy sucked Carlos’s cock, she found Cedric’s scrotal sack with her left hand...she loved playing with balls, and he had some big ones...amazing that a small guy like him could be packing seriously big junk...they were the size of hen’s eggs.

After a few minutes of fucking, Cedric had reached his limit, his ejaculation, which had been delayed a couple times by Betsy lightening up, erupted and pulsed, one, two, three, four strong, pulsing ejaculations sent his hot, thick sperm point blank against her cervix. He stayed hard and inside of her as she continued to suck Carlos’s cock, and after a couple minutes he began to fuck her again.

Carlos didn’t last much longer...Cedric watched as his cousin came and Betsy began to choke on his cock and cum.

Carlos stroked Betsy’s hair a couple times then left for the bathroom, and when Cedric had her all to himself, he put her on her back and mounted her missionary style, “Wrap those sexy legs around me girl and hold me tight...gonna take you to heaven now.”

Betsy locked her feet and ankles around Cedric’s slim waste, and wrapped her arms around his muscular shoulders, meeting every thrust with one of her own. She was going to show this guy how to fuck. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Carlos standing near, watching them while he stroked his cock. He was hard again too.

“That’s it baby...make me cum, make me cum. She pulled him in tighter with her feet and legs, feeling his balls impacting on her ass with every stroke, and began to bang her wet pussy against Cedric’s cock. It was like her ass was on a quest of its own. As her orgasm hit, she let out a scream and began to kick and claw the sheets, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.”

They laid in each others’ arms for just a moment before Carlos interrupted their bliss, “Take a rest Cedric...I want some of that.”

Carlos replaced Cedric on top of Betsy and slid his cock inside of her sperm wetted pussy. She responded with a long, “Mmmmm, loving it, loving you...fuck me good, fuck me hard.” And so it continued into the early morning hours. Carlos fucked her, then Cedric fucked her, then Carlos again. At some point, the three lovers fell asleep, and Betsy awoke as day began to break.

She climbed over Cedric’s naked body and made her way to the bathroom. After using the toilet, she squatted in the bathtub and washed herself. Reflecting on what transpired, that night was easily the most memorable in terms of sex. It was not her first threesome, she had more than just a few, but not with guys like these.

She thought to herself, “Now I know what it’s like to really get my brains fucked out.” Little did she know there was more to come...a lot more.

As she sat there, she touched herself. She was swollen and a little sore. When she returned to the bed, in the dim morning light, she got a look at Carlos as he stirred, rolled onto his back, and stretched. He was hard again, that big cock, curving up like a large, ripe banana, silhouetted by the bay window, and she knew what that meant.

Betsy climbed back into bed, laying between to guys, and snuggled up against Carlos. He responded by turning toward her backside,slipping an arm under her neck, and fondling her breast with his other hand. After a moment, he placed his penis between the cheeks of her ass, he whispered, “Can I put it in your ass, baby? Can I fuck your ass?”

Carlos was already penetrating her pussy when Betsy replied, “Please, no Carlos...just fuck me I can’t…ahhh, ahhh.” Carlos had lubricated his thumb with saliva and was pushing it into her anus before Betsy could fully respond. He could feel the tightness of her anal sphincter muscles as she wiggled and whimpered in protest.

“C’mon Betsy, you know you want this...want my big black cock in that tight little ass.”

“Okay, okay…you can have my ass; just go slow.”

Carlos took a tube of KY Jelly from his night stand, and coated his thumb with a liberal amount the clear lubricant. He then put it back in Betsy’s ass, “Relax babe, relax as much as you can. Try to push me out when I push in.”

Carlos thumb fucked Betsy’s asshole for a brief moment then lubricated his penis and placed his glans against her, applying pressure gradually until he gained entry. Then he held Betsy’s hips firmly, and she whimpered softly as he slowly pushed himself in...maybe a half inch at a time with each slow, deliberate thrust.

Betsy was facing Cedric who began to stir, shaking off the sleep and gradually becoming aware that Carlos was fucking her again.

He turned to face Betsy, whose eyes were closed and mouth opened slightly, an occasional moan escaping from her lips. Carlos’s left hand was on her breast as he fucked her from behind.

Cedric stroked her hip and ran his hand down her thigh, placing a light kiss on her lips. Betsy responded by opening her eyes, “He’s fucking my ass Cedric...oh he’s so big...fuck, oh fuck...he’s in my ass.”

Cedric kissed Betsy again and put his hand between her legs. Carlos smiled and pulled her left ankle back, opening her for his friend, “Put it in her Ced, fuck that pussy.”

Keeping his right arm around Betsy’s neck and shoulders, and his left hand inside her thigh, Carlos rolled to his left and onto his back. Betsy was fully exposed now, with her legs spread wide with his cock still seated deep in her ass.

Cedric, seeing what Carlos had in mind, smiled and got on top of them both. Betsy let out a loud “Uhhhh,” as Cedric, with a degree of difficulty, slid his cock into her well fucked pussy. He could feel Carlos’s cock in her ass against his own as they coordinated their thrusts...Cedric in, Carlos out, Cedric out, Carlos in.

The men went to their sides, sandwiching Betsy between them with her legs wrapped tightly around Cedric’s waist, and by now she was into it. She moaned and babbled incoherently as they fucked her in her first double penetration, and onset of her orgasm was intense, punctuated with soft moans and the occasional harsh shriek or scream.

Carlos was the first to come inside her, pumping a load of hot sperm deep in her ass. He softened up quick after his ejaculation, and his cock slipped out of her. Missing the friction of his partners cock against his own, Cedric rolled Betsy to her back and began to fuck her hard at a furious pace. As he clutched her ass, he felt her gaped anus, Carlos had loosened her up pretty good, but he had not come close to wearing her out. She was still kicking her feet, and fucking like that fine ass was on fire. As another intense orgasm enveloped her, Cedric began to ejaculate, then collapsed on top of her.

The three lovers were finally spent, totally exhausted, but for Betsy, it was 6:45 am, on a Tuesday, and that meant staff meetings. As a newly promoted management analyst, she was not about to call in sick on a Tuesday, so she found one of Carlos’s bathrobes and hurried down to her car for her make up bag and work clothes.

She got back to the apartment, grabbed a quick shower, and was on her way out the door when Carlos rolled out of bed, “Don’t tell me you’re going into work today after all that last night?”

Betsy laughed, “Yeah, I’m working today...gotta full plate to deal with. You think you two “kids” can keep a hot chick like me in bed all day just cause you guys got big dicks? Dream on.”

Carlos smiled and gave Betsy a hug and kiss, “Last night was a once in a lifetime experience. When can we see you again?”

Betsy shrugged, “I’ll call you. You know I’m seeing a guy at work...might be serious, long term stuff, so this could get awkward.”

Carlos nodded in agreement, “I’m certainly not gonna cause you any problems Betsy. I have a girlfriend too, but let’s keep this going. Last night was real special...see us again, and we’ll teach you some tricks you can use on this new man in your life.”

Betsy giggled, “Yeah, it sure was. Now I can say I was DPd...or maybe I’ll just keep that to myself. That was an experience.”

Over on the bed, Cedric stirred, started to sit up, then crashed back and seemingly went back to sleep. Carlos and Betsy both laughed, “See what you did to my cousin...poor little guy. He’ll sleep till noon.”

Betsy smiled, reached into her clothing bag and retrieved last night’s panties, “Here, give him these, and thank him for me.” With that she was out the door, and on her way to the office. At the intersection, she paused, glanced back at the apartment building, and smiled. She was turning 40 in a couple days, and her current boyfriend, a senior accountant at her firm, had promised her a birthday date to remember. She shook her head, “If he only knew...if he only knew.”

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