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My mom wrecked my car update 2I married Barbara and she had our son and in her last months of her pregnancy she went off sex. My mother Clare took up the slack and thinking she was passed having children didn't take precautions and told me I didn't need to either. Well, she wasn't passed having children and got pregnant and she gave a baby sister/daughter. My name is on her birth certificate as nobody took any notice of me with my wife and son and saying my father had departed. Assumed he had died, so no awkward questions an...reading time 1 mingenre
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Roger Y
My Sister Joan UpdateMy sister Joan and I started to live together after the death of our mother Harriet and I started to get horny around Joan and made a move on her and that when we started sleeping together all the time. Joan got pregnant and we had a son Richard after Harriet's late father in late May. We are now back to full sex and are happy how things are and Joan wants a least one more child and I'm willing also. As soon as Richard is weened, we will start trying again. But all our sex is without protection ...reading time 1 mingenre
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George D
Fun on the Farm updateI'm still fucking Muriel and had also gotten my mother Kathleen pregnant, and she had our daughter in July. I also married Judith 23 in April she worked with my mother at her new job, and she help me date Judith and Kathleen bedded Judith first and then I joined in for a threesome and foursome when Muriel also joins in. Judith is expecting a boy in January and that about it. The farm the same I've fixed grandpa's old pickup, and it runs perfectly. But Kathleen took it as hers, but I've got anoth...reading time 1 mingenre
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Clark farm lover
Thanks to Covid updateLast my aunt Paula moved in with me after losing her job and we started fucking regularly. She has a new job but still lives with me and sleeping with me also, but she decided I should find myself a wife and picked Maria 25 who works with her as a possible wife for me. Maria is similar to me, Paula thinks as we both quiet people and have similar interest we are right for each other. With Paula help and encouragement I bedded Maria and Paula also joined in. Neither I or Maria took precautions and...reading time 1 mingenre
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Daniel J
My Auntie likes to ride me UpdateMy aunt Rachel moved in with me and my mother Joanne and after a while caught us fucking and wanted to join in with us. Rachel got pregnant to me and she had a baby girl in late July we call Elizabeth after their late mother. Joanne also got pregnant in late June as we weren't taking the precautions e usually did. Joanne thought she was passed having children, but now she knows she wasn't. We are all happy with our relationship and still all sleep together every night. Rachel wants another child...reading time 1 mingenre
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Harry E
My Stepmother updateMy father Douglas had another stroke and it was fatal, so I've moved to another state with my pregnant stepmother Danica. The baby is mine and due early next year, Douglas only married her to have a beautiful woman as his trophy wife. No sex involved until after his 72 nd birthday party, when I started to fuck Danica. She was going to divorce him, but he had stroke first and couldn't proceed with the divorce due to his mental condition. But she slept with me every night and rarely visited him as...reading time 1 mingenre
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Glen J
Cousin Helen updateI'm Ross my cousin Helen moved in with me in 2018 and I've been fucking regularly since. Helen is still shy, but has lost weight and sleeps with every night. Her mother Monica 47 widowed last August has moved to the city and also moved with us. She already knew I was fucking Helen before Donald then 63 her late husband passed away and had accepted our relationship and she also wanted me to fuck her as Donald wasn't able for the years of his life. So I'm doing them both and we regularly share the...reading time 1 mingenre
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My wife caught me update I decided to ask my mother-in-law about joining in with daughters and me. Expecting a shocked reaction from her and her daughters, she just said I'll think about it. No reaction from wife or sister-in-law, still fucking sister-in-law and with the new the new baby she got clucky and asked my wife would she mind me fathering a child of hers. My wife agreed straight away and even asked me for her sister. As a result, sister-in-law now pregnant and wife is very happy, and her mother is very happy a...reading time 1 mingenre
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Shocked Husband
My Neighbor the Witch update I'm still fucking Shannon and thru met Lacey 45 who is also a witch, and she has come to live with Shannon. It seems witches also like lesbian sex just between the two of them. But they really love threesomes and that's where I come in. I've had more sex in the last couple of months then in the twenty years before. Since the beginning of October, I've fucked either one or the other or both and some days each several times. Halloween, I fucked them both multiple times during the day and again th...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Sister Emily updateSince the previous story Emily had our son David and Mitch her ex-husband got released (parole). It was the shortest release in history I think as was not allowed contact with Emily or Grace. He got drunk and broke up the bar and broke shop windows and then attacked the police when they arrived. Parole revoked and got additional 5 years no parole added also had mental evaluations done and was class as dangerous. Emily has just tested positive to being pregnant and I've gotten promoted, and we're...reading time 1 mingenre
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David S
My Mother updateNorman still getting sex about twice a month from my mother Grace, only when my father George is away. Graham is still going to university and I'm still working for Uncle John. But my sex life has improved greatly after starting to fuck Grace, my awkwardness towards women has lessen quite a bit over the time, mainly with mature women and I get some lonely housewives to fuck at times. Sometimes a couple a month and then none for a month, I've also started dating Maria 22 our neighbor's daughter a...reading time 1 mingenre
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Giving my Aunt a baby update.My aunt Natasha was widowed when my mother brother Scott died and they hadn't had a child before his death. Wendy my mother and Natasha discussed what they could do and decided to ask me to get Natasha pregnant and I started sleeping with every chance until she tested positive and had sex again in April while she was pregnant and both of us in the city and sharing the same room. Last week Natasha had baby boy she has called Scott and bother and son are doing great. Natasha was asked did she stil...reading time 1 mingenre
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Andrew J
I love my son's penis second updateI started fucking David after catching him masturbating and he became my lover. I thought I was his only lover until I found out he was fucking Susan our born-again Christian neighbor. I felt a little jealous at first but got over it rather quickly. Anyway, I wanted David to start dating and get over his shyness and I had succeeded. With him fucking Susan the proof. But Susan is too old to have grandchildren for me. Luckily, she has a daughter Gwen a year younger than David and he has also bedde...reading time 1 mingenre
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Farm Visit updateDavid again Rachel and I got married in July and live 5 miles from Wendy and we all sleep together regularly and Sue is also a regular visitor. Rachel is pregnant with our first child expected in December. Pauline, the office busy body got caught in bed with a married member of staff Bob by his wife and left town suddenly. Pillar of the church she portrayed herself as she didn't hang around long and Bob and his wife have decided to stay together. I'm still fucking my mother, Sue and aunt Wendy, ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Visit to my Aunt updateI'm Bruce and last I visited my Joan and cousin Cheryl and started having sex with them both and on my return home I arranged to transfer back to their home town. On my return, I found out I had gotten both of them pregnant and my mother Marie wasn't pleased about me getting her younger sister pregnant. She also moved in with us and joined in the sex with all of us. I have a daughter Elizabeth by Joan and a son Richard by Cheryl both are very healthy and as far as anyone outside our little famil...reading time 1 mingenre
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My First Time UpdateI'm Greg I'm still fucking my aunt Jane and she got pregnant from my first time. Only my mother Ellen knows I'm the father and she won't tell anyone. Jane's two boys are happy there mother is having another baby, they and everyone else thinks her late husband Richard is the father. I still have regular sex with Jane and have met a nice girl Jodie 22 in town at the local hardware store. Jane is trying to get us together in an relationship and got me to ask Jodie out to the movies. Which I did, b...reading time 1 mingenre
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I got my mother pregnant updateI got my mother Jane pregnant and she had my sister/daughter Amanda in July and last year I again got Jane pregnant and she had our son Brian after her late father. We have moved interstate and live as man and wife. Elaine 62 Jane's mother has moved in with us and looks after Amanda and Brian when we are at work. Elaine has joined in our lovemaking several times and I'm also fuck her regularly while Jane is at work.reading time 1 mingenre
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Science Project UpdateMy sister Leslie broke my science project, it was an accident and also was the my first attempt and I had already put it aside and done another. I had already handed it in and was intending to dismantle the other one over the weekend. But Leslie had broken it and was very remorseful over the breaking of it. Not ever having anything over her before I played it up a bit. She promised to make it up to me, with our parents both away that weekend. She took me out to dinner and a movie and then we ret...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Lesbian Sister updateI'm Andrew and my sperm got my sister Heidi pregnant and I also fucked wife Helen and got her pregnant. Early last month Heidi and Helen asked me to get them both pregnant again, I asked when do you want my donations. Heidi replied We're not trying that again after the last time. You can give us both a direct injection each and hopefully get us both pregnant at the same time. I looked shocked I supposed and Heidi added Yes I know you fucking me is incest, but using your sperm is also incest so w...reading time 1 mingenre
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Dating my Sister updateMy sister Katherine broke with her boyfriend and came to stay with me as her only relative. We started going everywhere together and started sleeping together on a visit to the city to see a show. On returning home, Katherine moved into my room with me and has been sleeping with ever since. We weren't as careful as we should have been and Katherine now pregnant to me, after us finding out she was pregnant she got every test there is and the tests show no problems. Again we went to the city to se...reading time 1 mingenre
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Brian G
Sister UpdateRoss again last January I start sleeping with my sister Jodie and still am. But Jodie has been trying to get me to relax around other women and to this end, she has been introducing me to friends of hers. For the most part, I'm less anguish around women now. But get really uncomfortable when they start talking about personal and sexual things. Jodie has a friend Shari 23 who is bi-sexual and she has started being her home to my apartment and sleeping with her and has got me into bed with them. I...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Father left us updateWe've been living on our property and keeping to ourselves mostly. Robyn and Kylie still share my bed and little Robyn crib is in the room with us. Not needing to work made it boring and so we got some animals 5 Horses, chickens and a dog Bobby. Kylie saw him in the animal shelter we got two of the horses from and so we ended up with a young dog. She got the horses from the shelter as she heard they would be put down and Bobbie was there and she fell for his sad looking face. He also sleeps in o...reading time 1 mingenre
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Paul K K
Dad's Ex Wife updateHi David again I living with Elizabeth my father's ex wife and sleeping with every night. My mother Rhonda came back for a visit last week and Elizabeth helped me seduce her. On the second night of her visit I was out with friends studying for upcoming exams. On returning to Elizabeth home, I heard Elizabeth and Rhonda in a bedroom and on looking in I saw both were naked. They were having sex Rhonda was licking Elizabeth's vagina and on seeing me Elizabeth called me in and told me to undress and...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Neighbor Shirley updateShirley had our child a boy last year, we called our first James after Shirley previous husband. With my ex-wife living next door to me and Shirley and both Shirley and Lorraine getting on very well together and a gateway installed between the yards to allow Buddy to go back and forth my 3 children by Lorraine love him. But a problem I thought cropped up early this year as Shirley, Lorraine and I went out partying for new year and Lorraine's mother Jean was looking after the four children, well ...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Sister updateGwen is now pregnant and due in November, I the father and she is my fulltime housekeeper and lover. As far as the rest of the family knows she had a one night stand and got pregnant. Except for our mother Annette who knows the truth and hasn't told anyone even our father Russell. She came for a visit and quickly guessed the truth, she told Russell that Gwen will stay living with me and I would take care of her and this stopped him asking Gwen to return home. Annette also said we should put my n...reading time 1 mingenre
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