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My brother DavidOur mother died when we were young (cancer) and our father raised us as we had no other relatives still alive. My father was 44 and my mother was 38 when I was born 3 years after David. I didn't do well at school and got by working for my father, David was very smart and finished university 2 years earlier than others his age and had done very well. Got into some Government research program and was doing very well and was highly thought of. Our father sold up his business as he had gotten ill an... reading time 4 mingenreIncestwritten on
Loving Horny SisterMy Actions caught up with meI always played hard as they say, partying and sport as well as in my personal relationships. Not short of money I could afford to do whatever I wanted and early last year I came across a gorgeous shy woman who didn't party. I like a challenge and so made it my goal to seduce her. It took some time, but I succeeded in late August. I thought I was the greatest for a short time, only to find out she was connected. Luckily for me we were still on good terms, or I would've gotten concrete boots and ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Husband by ChoiceInheritanceShort history my mother's family were wealthy and only had 2 children my mother the oldest and her sister 12 years junior to her. Likewise, my mother only had me and never lived to have another child. My father and her died in a car accident 2 years before my mother's parents died in pandemic, father's parents are unknown as he was in state care since he was 3 years old, believed to have died as no records exist due to fire years ago. On the death of my grandparents, I 21 was in the will with my... reading time 3 mingenre
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Guardian/loverFun at UniversityI'm not people person and prefer to study than party, on getting to university I studied instead of partying. I'm Karl now 32 and have 2 children with my sister Lauren 30, I was fairly lonely at university till Lauren came to study there as well. I lived in a cottage owed by the family near the university and on Lauren arrival she moved in with me. She also didn't party and we kept to ourselves mostly except when in class. At first it was like being at home together, but at the start of her seco... reading time 2 mingenre
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Karl sister loverBreeding my NeighborsI'm 34 still single and nothing special in looks or build and have a fairly good career that lets me work from home. Which is just outside of a small town on 4 acres, my closest neighbors are 2 sisters 38 and 34 and like me nothing special in looks but have great bodies. They are into home remedies and grow herbs and other medicinal plants which they sell via the internet. After I moved to my new home in late 2020, I was delayed by the lockdown and settled I met the 2 sisters, and we got on real... reading time 3 mingenre
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Changed for the betterMarried then Divorced I got married young at 18 I had gotten my girlfriend pregnant, and we were married 8 years and then we divorced. My son was 7 and my ex-wife decided I should have custody of him, she had always seemed detached from him. But during the marriage I put it down to her university studies distracting her. I also was university and graduated a year ahead of my wife. With the divorce complete my ex-wife moved away and so far, hasn't come to see our son again or contact him in 11 years since she left. I... reading time 2 mingenre
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Brother/Father/HusbandMy Aunt MayMy aunt May 35 is married to my uncle Donald 57, my mother Cybil's only brother and he like all our family is very well off. He married late and has a condition in his prenup that May must provide him with at least one child. They have been married almost 4 years and no child yet. Donald has led a life of heavy drinking, smoking and doing drugs as well, But May who was down and out when Donald met her and made the deal for marriage a good life in return for having a baby for him. May thinks his ... reading time 5 mingenre
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Wyatt baby makerAll thanks to the PandemicIn 2018 at 27 I took over the family farm, as the youngest of 3 and only boy. Both sisters were married and university graduates and neither had interest in farming, other than short holiday visits. My father (64) had heart trouble and so he and my mother moved to the city to live closer to my sisters and better medical care. I was already married and had a son on the way. My family is quite well-off, and the farm was only part of my future inheritance. Just delivered earlier, my family still vi... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy FarmerFamily SexI'm Shane 29 live at home with my mother Helen 48 nurse and divorced and sister Marcy 26. My father fucked off 15years ago and has never tied to contact me nor Marcy since. We all work to pay off the house we bought 7 years ago and that means I work 2 jobs and don't get out much. But that's okay as I get regular sex from my mother Helen and Marcy didn't know I was fucking her we only fucked when Marcy was out or working. Last year just before Christmas, I was home alone and had the next day off,... reading time 2 mingenre
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ShaneFamily HonorI've always been very horny and fancied my younger sister greatly. But due to family honor taken very seriously I couldn't act upon my urges with her. Then she was engaged to a much older man 48, which is the custom especially in making new business relationships. My sister being 20 and a virgin was the icing on the cake as they say, her wants or views weren't taken into consideration at all. Of course, she was examined and was indeed a virgin and I as her older brother was put in charge of her.... reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Brother/guardianMy Neighbor ShirleyFour years ago I moved into my new home, I had just got divorce and was starting anew. I'm right on the corner and so had only one neighbor. In the side street was old empty shops next to my place and they were later pulled down and warehouse built in their place. So I stay away from people a lot, not mixing and so I didn't meet my neighbor for a while. I worked from home and that allowed me to keep out of sight and didn't go out at night to meet or pickup women. I'm Morgan 43 and have 3 childre... reading time 4 mingenre
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MorganFamilyI'm David 29 live with my mother Lorna 48 and sister Sally 27, we're well off not rich left that way by my late grandparents. Our farther David passed away in 2014 cancer, we live on the family property 12 acres only a dog. We don't grow anything or raise animals, both me and Sally have jobs in the local town. But we don't mix with the locals outside of work, we quite reclusive in our lifestyle. I've never been outgoing and kept to myself and we didn't go to university. Staying close to Lorna, w... reading time 2 mingenre
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David Family manAt Home on the PrairieMy family started a ranch (1878) and it's remote, closest neighbor 25 miles towards the closest town about 70 miles. I live on the ranch with my sisters Catherine 25 and Joan 22, I'm Jacob 29 answer to Jake. Our father died in 2019 and our mother 19 years before in child birth both her and the baby died. We were all home schooled and didn't learn much more than the basics, I went into the army and they improved my schooling and I left when my father got ill. Neither me nor my sisters went dating... reading time 2 mingenre
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Jacob of the PrairieOur Island HomeSince the Pandemic started my family have stayed on our private island, it's 23 and a half acres. The family is just 3 people me, my sister Kara 23 and mother Sandra 38. I'm Nelson 21 and our father fucked off years ago and we don't care where he is. Sandra inherited the island from her father Nelson in 2018 and we moved here the before he died. We are well off and don't to work and that's just as well I'm no scholar, nor is Kara. We were just living here before the pandemic and making trips to ... reading time 2 mingenre
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NelsonI discovered the secretI 26 got a job with a large company and hoped I would do well. Starting in a low management job, after years of business school I was starting my career. But it was boring, and my idea of quick advancement wasn't looking good. The boss the company was talking big, and nothing seem to improve. The company was privately owned and so no shareholders to please. I enquire into the company a bit and found out something very few people knew. The big boss didn't own the company and only had the job beca... reading time 4 mingenre
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Company Boss/loverMy Drunk MotherI was 22 and going to university (2016) and living my recently widowed mother. She's 39 and had been drinking heavily for a couple years. My father's death (car accident) shocked her, but she was even more shocked when everything was left to me due her drinking. The condition I take care of her was included; I made no changes to the allowance she got. I was out on a Saturday came home found my mother passed out drunk on the lounge a common sight, as an only child I was the only one to take care ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Husband/son/loverI felt Entitled I'm very well off and retired early giving my business to my 3 sons and retired to a small farm 52 acres I (57) had bought. No intention of farming and got 5 horses for riding, my wife had died the year before I retired and that drove me to retire. My wife had a brother and he and his wife had a daughter, she wasn't good at school and started working low paid jobs after dropping out. I didn't come from money; I created my wealth and didn't inherit anything much. I help out my extended family wh... reading time 2 mingenre
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Uncle/Lover...Grandma update I'm Bert short for Bertram and my grandma Rose moved in with me after her home was bought by the government. I caught her masturbating and we started fucking and still are today. Except that my only sister Joyce 26 came to live with us due the ongoing pandemic and Joyce is bi-sexual and being in lockdown started sleeping with Rose to get herself off. Rose was also enjoying her relationship with Joyce, but still wanted my cock as well. With Rose encouraging her Joyce joined me in my bed and we st... reading time 3 mingenre
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Bert RMy Girlfriends MotherI'm Bevan 26 married to Sherry 25, we met at university and hit it off straight away. I'm from a well off family and didn't need to work while at university, Sherry lived with her mother Susan war widow 42 and had to work to support herself thru university. After Sherry and me became serious and had started fucking, Sherry suggested I move in with her and her mother Susan. So we could see more of each other. I agreed as I only renting anyway instead of staying at my home with my parents and the ... reading time 4 mingenre
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BevanClose FamilyOur mother cleared out on us when I was 9 leaving my father Peter to look after us alone. My sister Kaye and I Alexander were left alone at night while Peter worked 2 jobs to keep us. When I was 19 and Kaye 17, Peter died in a work accident, a cable snapped and a heavy load fell on him. I was working as a plumbers assistant then and it was up to me to look after Kaye. I soon progressed to qualified plumber and this made our lives better. Allowing us to get a better place to rent, but as the owne... reading time 2 mingenre
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AlexanderShy SisterI have only one sibling a sister Janette 24 who is at the local university and lives with me. Both our parents have died in an accident (2019) and that left just me and Janette. As the oldest it was up to me look after her and I (Andrew 30) had just finished university at the time and already had a good job lined up. I comforted Janette over the loss of our parents and we decided to sell the family home and buy a new home together as far too many memories in the old home. Janette has always been... reading time 3 mingenre
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Andrew H BLiving and work aboardAfter leaving university I got a job for a large multi national company and travelled widely. Finally landing a high paid job and with no need to keep travelling about, I got a house to live in away from the crowded city and the heat there. My house was in a quiet part up in the hills and a cooler place compared to the city. The company car picks me up and takes to to offices and brings me home again all in air condition comfort. The house has only the main bedroom air conditioned, but it get co... reading time 2 mingenre
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Jack IMy dogHi I'm Jon. I'm a 20 year old male, who lives with my mom in her basement. On this faithful night I was left alone with at home with my mom's German Shepard. She's a small quite girl. I took every chance to fuck her cause she was tight in both holes. I take her down to the basement and began my sex rampage. I fucked her all night. She couldn't stop cumming Till I in her. My mother noticed that she was walking funny in the morning. I explained that she might be bloated. Later that night I brou... reading time 2 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
ConnerWhat Mother WantsYes, I'm a real mommy boy and do whatever she wants me to do. My father died of an accident when I was almost 6. My mother worked hard to keep us, anyway she done cleaning for a well-off woman a widow like herself. The woman was of the local elite and was very worried about her social standing. But had enjoyed sex before her husband's demise, but afraid to have any relationships in case it became known. My mother is about the same age as the woman and the woman had no child of her own. Fast appr... reading time 4 mingenre
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Mommy's BoyMy Lesbian SisterMy Sister Heidi is a lesbian and is in a relationship with Helen. Both are 25 and fairly attractive, those they don't dress to impress males. Always loose clothing that dosen't show their figures. Anyway they decided to marry each other and Heidi wanted to start a family straight away. So she asked me Andrew 22 to donate sperm so Helen could get pregnant, I said I would. So they told they let me know went it would be need, Helen didn't have brother or close male relatives to get to donate for He... reading time 3 mingenre
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