Erotic stories of ginnisbred
Profile page of ginnisbred. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
ginnisbred wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 23.8K times
Rex the Conqueror pt 1"Please Ginni"Tracy begged, wringing her hands. I agreed reluctantly, happy to babysit her house but her dog, Rex a massive German Shepard made me nervous. I organised to be at hers on the thursday until the Sunday. "Automatic feeder and water" she pointed out in the caged kennel area "blah blah blah" I got as I looked out over the beach,no neighbours, secluded. I waved Tracy goodbye, such a good friend, as a 19 yr old I was lucky to have a 30 yr old gf who was like a sister, mentor all in o... reading time 4 mingenreZoophiliawritten on