Erotic stories of Jeff

Profile page of Jeff. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Jeff wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 15.5K times

Incest | 2
Straight | 1
2020-06-23 08:02:27
2018-05-26 03:29:50
TravellingEarly last early I took a long holiday overseas, I left my job and would travel visiting relatives overseas. I'm Jeff 31 single and was bored with everything and so I went overseas for a change. I knew I had relatives on both sides of the family and would visit and stay short time with them and that would save me some money. After a month and having visited several relatives and enjoying meeting and getting to know them I only one relative left to see a cousin of my mother Maria 51. Her name was...reading time 3 mingenre
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Teaching my TeacherSeveral years after leaving school I met my old history teacher Hannah 45 at the time. I wasn't much good at school and left as soon as I could and trained as a plumber and it was after I had qualified that I got a job to fix a broken pipe and that's when I met Hannah. She owned a small cottage and it was school holidays. I knew her straight away, but she didn't remember me at first. The water pipes in the cottage were old and rusted and needed to be replaced. I did a quick patch and told her th...reading time 3 mingenre
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Small Town I'm Jeff now 23 builder, married and 2 children. I work with my father and grandfather in their building and home maintenance business. We work in our small town and other places near and far. Being in a small town has a lot of advantages and some disadvantages like your mother is a teacher and teaches you sex education at school. It was really embarrassing, also you could never avoid going to school. But the biggest problem is that your family makes up most of the town. I mean my uncles, aunts ...reading time 3 mingenre
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