Erotic stories of xdruid
Profile page of xdruid. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
xdruid wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 744 times
Legend of ZeldaLegend Of Zelda Cute and white, Tim relished knowing he was sexist prior to his twenty-first birthday which he and Joshua, his black, 22-y/o friend, celebrated at The Depot on a September, Thursday night. But it didn't occur to them that Zelda, Tim's divorced, 35-y/o aunt, would provide the entertainment until they entered the bar's foyer and saw a poster announcing: - “Legend of Zelda, the world's raunchiest stripper.” 'I'm sure she lives up to her reputation,' Joshua remarked. 'I hope she ... reading time 3 mingenreGroup sexwritten on