Erotic stories of oneshoe

Profile page of oneshoe. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

oneshoe wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 4.7K times

Fetish | 2
2022-08-18 19:56:49
2021-10-24 00:56:19
Riding my Sister and Moms pantyhosed legMy sister always wore short skirts, tights and clumpy platform shoes to school. I was always trying to get her or one of her friends to loose one shoe, one day I walked home from school with her,slightly behind her. I noticed that her left shoe was slipping off her heel. I grabbed the moment and stood on the back of her shoe so it came off. She thought it was quite funny, but I said that she had to walk home with only one shoe on for a dare. She said ok, I will walk and hop if I have to, I know...reading time 2 mingenre
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Sister wearing one shoe and pantyhoseI have always had a fetish about my sister or her freinds wearing short skirts, pantyhose and a shoe in their right foot. I had dreams about them giving me a piggyback or letting me ride their left shoeless leg. Growing up I was always trying to get my spister to wear only one shoe, or if her freinds were there I would try to do the same. One day walking home from the sixth form with my sister, who was 18. I stole her left shoe and made her walk home like it and enjoyed it . When we got home my...reading time 3 mingenre
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