Erotic stories of master

Profile page of master. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

master wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 931 times

Sinful CreatureIt was an August, Sunday afternoon in the 80's: The white, 37-y/o Damian and Sonia, his 36-y/o wife, had gone to The Naughty Adventures Adult Bookstore. They'd scarcely entered it when a white stud walked in and introduced himself, 'I'm Nathaniel.' 'I'm Damian and this my wife, Sonia,' the husband said. 'I thought I recognized her. She edits The *Odyssey Express Swingers' Magazine, doesn't she?' Nathaniel inquired. 'Yes, I'm Sonia, the slut,' she confessed. 'Is that the reason you married h...reading time 3 mingenre
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