Erotic stories of kitty_blue
Profile page of kitty_blue. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
kitty_blue wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 8.7K times
Not so lonely farm lifeAs a young woman of 22 years old, it was pretty boring for me to only have sex with guys and gals. When I inherited my grandparents' farm, I decided to spice up my sex life with animals, cause why not? And I don't regret a thing, I loved fucking the horses when I want to get bred, and when I want an orgy I'll go and fuck the dogs. When I want to top, I'd go and ride one of the pigs. And now here I am, moaning as I get kicked by my newly pet cats who lick my sweet wet cunt eagerly just like the... reading time 1 mingenreZoophiliawritten on