Erotic stories of Teddy

Profile page of Teddy. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Teddy wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 7.8K times

Kenny and me. I was Introduced to gay sex by my best mates big brotherIt was the last straw, my stepfather Frank had pushed me to the limit, Since he moved in with Mum he constantly complained about me, My music was too loud, my feet were too Smelly, and my room was untidy, I ate too much, I was lazy, and a waste of space. 7.30 am on a cold Monday Morning, he came in to my room pulled the duvet from my bed, Leavening me Naked and still half asleep. “Get up , get out and find a job and don't come back until you have one”. I awoke with a start, his voice poundin...reading time 14 mingenre
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