Erotic stories of Stinkbomb

Profile page of Stinkbomb. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Stinkbomb wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 881 times

The King's Chamber - Part 2 Sylvia understood that she was a shameful woman, while being called a 'harlot' aroused her as Darrel and Leroy dressed before leading her into the alley behind the club. 'I'm an indecent flasher, aren't I?' she referred to wearing nothing but shoes and a bra. 'The world's oldest profession is indecent. Besides, your tits are obscenely huge!' Darrel chuckled. 'Yeah, they are!' Sylvia giggled as Leroy nodded toward a cute, white boy coming down the alley. 'I'm Aaron,' he said, 'I'm Leroy; t...reading time 2 mingenre
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