Erotic stories of NudeRaina
Profile page of NudeRaina. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
NudeRaina wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 12K times
Miss NudeBefore we get started let me introduce myself. I'm Raina , a 22 yr old girl from Pune . I was brought up in a normal family like most people. My mother is an occasional nudist and I never really got introduced to it by her. When I was 15 , I happened to be reading up on different beaches that my family and I were visiting in another country when the word 'nudism' 'nudist' 'clothes-free' came up. Further reading got me wondering why one would want to be naked most of the time if not all the time.... reading time 14 mingenreExibitionismwritten on