Erotic stories of Joe359
Profile page of Joe359. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Joe359 wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 829 times
Guess What!?!2 Followers I didn't know I could do any of this. What is that? Suck cock. Have sex with another guy. Take and receive. But mostly and most importantly: Enjoy it! Hell I have caught myself craving it!? I lost my job a year ago so I signed up for a free seminar being held at the library by Act Temp Pays which is an employment service. The first day of class I am sitting there listening to the speaker and he turns, looks me in the eye and says, "Is that what you WANT to do Joel?" Holly shit wha? ... reading time 7 mingenreGaywritten on