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Profile page of . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online. wrote 4 erotic stories which have been read 8K times

Group sex | 2
Zoophilia | 1
Straight | 1
2022-08-24 08:14:28
2022-05-22 15:07:53
Sailors returnSailors return It had been a good and uneventful trip down from Cheshire the train was bang on time and even now my heart was pumping as we pulled into the station, it wasn’t the first time I’d done this trip but I always got this excited. I’m Pam Miller and my husband Dave (Dusty naval nickname) is a navigation officer in the navy. Whenever he has been away for any length of time I would always find time to come down to Portsmouth to meet him and for us both to have a filthy sexy night. We had ...reading time 19 mingenre
Group sex
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Surprise My names is Miriam, and I can honestly say I’m the last person who I’d ever have imagined writing this. A little more about me and my life, Miriam Carlyle 38 married to Henry 40 who I met at university and married when he finished his physics masters. I am an only child from a middle class background, Henry is certainly upper class his father a prominent MP, and like his father Henry’s life is very conservative. We now live in Bristol where Henry is a Don at there university, while I’m working ...reading time 23 mingenre
Group sex
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The small holding part two It was a chance meeting four months later in late December that would change their lives once more. Mary Reynolds from the big rich farm three fields away had watched the couple from afar, and found them very attractive and quite desirable and seeing the change in Alan their farm labourer didn’t change her thought’s. Mary was the only daughter of John Reynolds who was the fifth generation to farm these fields, and now alongside her husband Dave she was the sixth. Dave and Mary had met at agricu...reading time 10 mingenre
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The small holding part one The couple stood outside the large white farm house, it had been empty for 18 month’s since George Murphy the previous owner had passed away. George and his wife had lived there all their married life, growing fruit and vegetable's to sell to local shops and at the local markets. Paul Frank’s had travelled down to Somerset several times over a twelve month period, and to Home farm four separate times, the last time with Pam the girl he was going to marry. They both loved the place and were loo...reading time 15 mingenre
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