Erotic stories of Cumonme

Profile page of Cumonme. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Cumonme wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 10K times

Incest | 3
1 2
2022-01-03 23:38:20
2021-12-28 23:39:07
Nanna's needs - Part 2Nanna led me out of my bedroom and along the landing to hers. I hadn't been in there in a while, it was still as it was since the last time I'd slept in there. Her big king-size bed against the wall oposite the window that always caught the moonlight glow, just as it was this evening. Scatter pillows adorning the bed. She guided me to what was traditionally, her side of this huge bed and beckoned me, without saying anything to sit. Nanna then walked over to the window, drawing back the curtaind ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Nanna's needs - Part 1I still remember my Nanna fondly, even though she's not with us anymore. She always had time for me, and was more of a Mom than my actual Mom was. It all started when I was young, but not in the physical sense until later on. As a kid, we'd sleep-over at Nan & Grandad's at the weekends when Mom was having countless men home. The sleep-overs were fun as we got to do almost anything we liked. I even learned to bake from Nanna. Night times were a little crowded in their house as they had a lodger, ... reading time 6 mingenre
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Let's see if Mom's telling the truth!We have 3 kids, with the eldest who is now 31, my step-daughter Charlotte, who I've helped raise since she was 13. She now has a a Daughter of her own, both are beautiful. Charlotte has an hour-glass figure and long dark brunette (although dyed) hair, down to the small of her back. We hit it off straight away, which pleased her Mother, my Wife and then the other kids came along. As Charlotte was a lot older than the others, there would be more adult conversations and some ribbing going on betwee... reading time 5 mingenre
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