Erotic stories of Colin
Profile page of Colin. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Colin wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 2.8K times
Straight | 2
2022-01-16 07:22:02
2021-08-24 03:36:22
Straightwritten on
visitsLiving AloneI'm Colin 33 single and last of my family in this part of the country, the others haven't died just moved away for work and careers. I never went to university like them and kept myself going doing all types of jobs. Had some relationships that faded away and now I was alone, but I do have friends but feel like a third wheel as they are married and I'm not. So I'm left them to their lives and kept tp myself more. Any woman I meet around my age is either married or in an relationship or a lesbian... reading time 5 mingenre
Straightwritten on