Erotic stories of AnyDayNow
Profile page of AnyDayNow. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
AnyDayNow wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 12.6K times
The lingerie modelsIt was a Saturday night and my wife, Clare, and I had invited our friends Dave and Susan round for a few drinks. We had known them for over 20 years and we always had a good laugh whenever we got together. They arrived around 7:30pm and brought a nice bottle of wine which we all knew wouldn’t last long in the hands of Clare and Susan. Luckily we had plenty more alcohol in the fridge and Dave and I got ourselves a beer as we made our way through to our lounge. We put on some of our favourite mus... reading time 33 mingenreGroup sexwritten on