Erotic stories of the_shootist
Profile page of the_shootist. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
the_shootist wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 3.7K times
My first date with SheliaI met her and Bill at their home in NJ. Quite a nice little home...made me feel very welcome as soon as I got in...wish I could feel like that in my own house. We talked a bit on how my trip was coming out from Arizona. Said it was a bit tiring (I had driven) but seeing her in person more than made up for it. We had spent many hours on ICQ, chatting and just general BS so it felt like we knew other quite a bit already. Bill, her husband, seemed a little bit unsure...we haven’t included him very... reading time 20 mingenreStraightwritten on