Erotic stories of repressedpakihoe
Profile page of repressedpakihoe. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
repressedpakihoe wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 2.7K times
Saints to Sluts CH.1 (The American Cousin)It was almost two and Ayesha couldn't wait for the school bell to ring she was getting a two week holiday for her cousin's wedding and and her uncle who lived in the states was coming back with his family after eleven years and with his new wife it was her uncle's third wife with the first one dying and the second one getting a divorce. This wife was not liked by the family though as she was not from Pakistan but a Lebanese and there were rumors that she didn't cover herself like normal Muslim w... reading time 13 mingenreLesbianwritten on