Erotic stories of kornslayer1

Profile page of kornslayer1. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

kornslayer1 wrote 78 erotic stories which have been read 312.2K times

Conjugal Visit "What's your name?" the guard asked. "Tamera Wilson." "And your relationship to the inmate, Mr. Farn?" "I'm his girlfriend." "Oh," he said, breaking eye contact. "So, you're here for a conjugal visit then?" "Yes." He failed to comment further and let me into the back. I kept smiling the whole time and felt giddy too. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but I was more than curious to find out indeed. "Okay, you've been stripped of all metal objects and things of that nature, Ms. Wilson," the gua...reading time 32 mingenre
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AliceI walked into the backyard and saw her, my best friend's wife, Alice. As soon as my eyes came to her, I felt my pants tighten somewhat. I couldn't say what it was, but for some reason I found myself lusting after her. Maybe it was her green thong that was sticking out that I seen on her many times before, the way she had let her breasts out front and center with her new red top, or it could have been the way she had curled her brown hair. In any case, I slowly approached her as she stood by th...reading time 23 mingenre
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Cherie In The Bathroom"Hey, this is Cherie, babe, and you remember Victor," Sean introduced me. "This is Holly." "Oh, hi, Cherie, damn, Victor, you managed to fish out a bass." "Is that a compliment, Holly?" "I meant it as one, yes," I responded, putting my hand out. We shook hands, but I couldn't resist checking her out a bit. 'Wow, she's fucking beautiful.' "We should go up to the rooms, but be forewarned, I think we have a shared bathroom," Sean let us know. "That's fine; I don't mind sharing," Cherie added,...reading time 44 mingenre
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