Erotic stories of kornslayer1

Profile page of kornslayer1. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

kornslayer1 wrote 78 erotic stories which have been read 312.2K times

Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck II "What the fuck is going on here? Did she just-?" Ryan stammered. "Yes, she did," I answered, coming over to him. "As it turns out, Gemma would like to fuck you again too, Ryan. I can't believe you had no idea that it wasn't me, I should slap you, but I love you," I reminded him, before kissing him, and she kept his cock in her hands. "What the fuck, you just let my ex blow me, and titty fuck me too?" "Yes, don't you remember eye-fucking her a couple of hours ago? Wait, you aren't mad, are you...reading time 38 mingenre
Group sex
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Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck 'It's red, Ryan, not blue, pink, purple, or any other color. I know you've fucked her before, but just because she has her thong sticking out doesn't mean you need to eyeball it,' I thought, rolling my eyes at him. "Hey, Gemma, could you run out and get the food, pretty please?" She turned around and peeked at me. "Sure, Greta, I can't deny the bride to be. I'll be back in a bit," she said, before heading out. After we heard the door shut, I pushed him a tad. "WTF, dude?" "What?" he whined, g...reading time 26 mingenre
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Pleasing My HusbandI had to part my lips from his. "Damn, how can your lips not be tired? We've been making out for ten minutes straight," I pondered, looking right at him, as I stood only a few inches in front of him. "Well, I'm sacrificing so I can make out with my pretty wife for as long as possible. If a little pain comes with it, I can deal with that. I would think you'd do the same for me." "Well, if you are committing to making our lips hurt, maybe you can make another body part feel good. You know I'm yo...reading time 13 mingenre
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Oops"Hey, Mr. Elis," I said as the door opened. "Hello, Amanda. I swear, you look prettier every time I see you, and I see your brown hair is getting long now." "Thank you, Mr. Elis, is Chase here?" "No, didn't he tell you, he's got some things to do with Brian and Sal now. Probably shouldn't be more than a couple of hours, but you know where his room is, though, so you're welcome to wait for him if you want. I tried texting him a little while ago, but he didn't answer. You could also hang out wi...reading time 33 mingenre
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My Red Thong"So, how are you two boys doing?" I asked, walking into his room with a basket. "We're fine, Mom, and I can do my own laundry." "I know, Bruce, but I'm still your mom, and I'll do it if I damn-well please," I made clear, going to his hamper. "You don't mind if my unmentionables touch yours, do you?" I asked, putting his clothes on mine in the basket "Mom, seriously, you're making Jim uncomfortable." I leaned up and glanced at him. "Is that true, Jimmy? Does your mom do your laundry?" I look...reading time 23 mingenre
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Aaron Loves To Watch 2/2I saw her smile, and then I peeked back at him. "Would you like your schlong to slip into my pussy, Aaron?" I pondered, leaning towards him. He swallowed and licked his lips for a moment. "May I kiss you first, Rachel?" I brought my lips right to his and lied right on top of him. My hands slithered over onto his shoulders as his palms found their way to my lower back. My boobs pressed onto his chest and I noticed his rod rubbing on my stomach. He had his eyes closed for the time being, and I ...reading time 20 mingenre
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Aaron Loves To Watch 1/2I slipped into it and peeked at her lying on the bed. "Are you ready for me, Rachel?" I pondered, strolling towards her. "Yes, Evette, now get on the bed and make love to me. I'm pretty sure the dildo is plenty lubed up now, so don't tease me." I slowly got onto the bed with her and lay right on top of her. "I love you, Rachel," I whispered before I kissed her and placed my hands on her thighs. "I told you not to tease me," she reminded me before her palms found their way onto my butt. "You a...reading time 16 mingenre
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What Are We Gonna Do About This, Penny? "So, how do you feel now that you have my ring, Penny?" she asked, walking into the locker room with me. "This is yours, Alina?" I asked, stopping a few feet in there. "Yes," she answered, peeking back at me. "I gave it to Oscar four years ago after his father passed and told him to give it to the woman he wanted to marry. His dad gave it to me less than a year after we met. Not that I'm gonna take it back, but it's mine. It looks good on your finger, though." "Thank you," I replied, setting ...reading time 49 mingenre
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The Bastard "Hey, sis," I said, walking in the door into her house. "How are you?" I pondered, putting my bags down. "I'm good, sis, now give me a hug," she added, before hugging me. "Damn, Alexis, you two are in your forties now, and you still call each other 'sis'?" Louie asked, coming towards us. "Yes," she answered, turning to him. "It's not our fault you're an only child and can't understand why we call each other that, but we do, so deal with it." "Alexis, I didn't say I had a problem; it was just...reading time 44 mingenre
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Psycho Bitch's Last StandI opened the door to the hallway and took a deep breath. "Crap, this floozy has my heart ready to break out of my chest," I whispered before walking in there. I strolled down to the end of the hall towards where our door was. Although, I stopped about at the twenty-foot mark, and leaned my back on the wall. I dug into my pocket and pulled it out. "Why do I love Miranda so much? She is a psycho bitch, but I can't picture my life without her now," I muttered, bringing it to my lips. I kissed it...reading time 37 mingenre
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Psycho Bitch Strikes AgainMy hands slithered down onto her lower back just above her butt. "Oh, you like making love to your girlfriend, don't you, psycho bitch," I moaned, kissing her. She brought her lips right off mine. "I told you not to call me that, Hannah," she reminded me, halting her thrusts. "Come on, you are my psycho bitch, Miranda, don't forget that," I made clear, sliding my hands over to her face. "I love you." "I love you too, but I told you not to call me that. I was a psycho bitch up until our the fi...reading time 29 mingenre
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Psycho Bitch"One, two, three, four, we are wildcats, so we'll kick their asses a little more!!" we all chanted, while dancing around in the gym. "Wait, wait, Hannah, did you say, 'So we'll kick their asses a little bore?'" she asked, strolling up a bit. I walked forward and looked at her with my arms up and my eyebrows down. "For the last time, Miranda, I did not get it wrong. I've been practicing this routine for weeks now." "Uh huh, well, let's try that again," she suggested, getting back into posit...reading time 33 mingenre
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Pleasing My HusbandI had to part my lips from his. "Damn, how can your lips not be tired? We've been making out for ten minutes straight," I pondered, looking right at him, as I stood only a few inches in front of him. "Well, I'm sacrificing so I can make out with my pretty wife for as long as possible. If a little pain comes with it, I can deal with that. I would think you'd do the same for me." "Well, if you are committing to making our lips hurt, maybe you can make another body part feel good. You know I'm yo...reading time 13 mingenre
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The Surprise Blow job "Happy anniversary," I muttered, coming up behind her and smooching her neck. "You remembered?" she pondered, angling her head back. "Yes," I answered, placing my hands on her breasts and pecking her neck. "On this day last year, I met you. You made me wait seventeen days and four dates for me to feel these, but..." I moaned, squeezing them. "The wait was worth it." "Just to be clear, you love me, and not my boobs, right?" "Can't I love all three?" "Yes," she snickered, turning around. "Hap...reading time 22 mingenre
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Wanting Something So Bad, Yet So Good I went to my window. "Good, Gary, you brought your girlfriend," I muttered, peeking out there. "Oh, Veronica, you're as hot as lava, but I wouldn't mind having you all over me," I muttered, letting my hand into my panties. "Here you come with my brother, but damn, I almost wish you two would break up. Of course, I wouldn't want to help another lady cheat, but shit, Gary, you know how to pick them. Oh, you're kissing now; if I didn't know any better, I'd say you had something big to tell," I let ...reading time 41 mingenre
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My Daughters, Faith And Cheyanne "So, now we're done eating dinner; what are you two up to tonight, ladies?" I pondered, peeking at both of them. "I don't have any plans; what about you, Cheyanne?" "Me either, Faith," she added, shaking her head no. "Really, you're twins, but you don't have that mind-reading power?" "I guess not, Daddy," Cheyanne replied, glancing at me. "Too bad, so if I ask you two if either of you will be introducing me to someone soon, would I get an answer?" "I'm afraid not, Dad," Faith responded. "...reading time 42 mingenre
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I'm A Naughty Young Lady "So, are you learning everything, Eliza?" "I think so, I'm sorry, but it's still just learning shit I'm positive I'll never need in real life. What degree is this angle, this equation somehow, I'm supposed to get this, blah, blah, blah." I whined, backing away. "Don't get me wrong, but you're like trying to teach sex to someone that wants to be celibate. Maybe that's not the best analogy, but you get the point, Rex." "I do, Eliza. College sucks even more than high school because the material i...reading time 36 mingenre
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Handsome, But Naughty Young Men "Sit down at your desks," I ordered them, before a gap as I watched them, and I leaned on my mine with my arms crossed. "I hate to burst your bubble, but you two are not gonna coast through college on your looks, I assure you. I've already given you two an extension, but you're confirming that you haven't done any work?" "Yes, Ms. Treble, but we've had a lot of football practice and dates lately." "Really, Billy? That's what you came up with, just blame it on football practice and dates? That'...reading time 41 mingenre
Group sex
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Sexual Work Environment 'What the hell, Sarah? Why do you just come walking into the office making out with your wife, Becky? You know I work here, right?' I thought, shooting them a dirty look. Neither of them even acknowledged me and went into Sarah's office a minute later. I sighed and tried to get my work done. "I swear every time I see them just going at it like that, they infect me, so I can't get shit done, but that floozy whines to me that I'm running behind. WTF, really? Is it a joke, or just a ploy to get m...reading time 41 mingenre
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The Promotion"And the prize goes to Sam Clouston, congrats," the boss said, walking to him. "Sam, you're now the new manager of state sales," he said, shaking his hand too. "Thank you, Mr. Lanon," Sam added. I crossed my arms and scoffed. "And what did Sam do to deserve that promotion? I know I worked my ass off this year; I'm not seeing the boss give me even a pat on the back," I whined, before I went to the bathroom. I went to the urinal and did my business. A few seconds later, the door opened. "Hey, ...reading time 47 mingenre
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Taboo Sex"I see you like our new place, step sis," I mentioned, sitting down. "Yes, I'm jealous of you two, Pete. Shelia must like it too," Sarah said as she hugged me. "I do," Shelia pointed out, handing them two glasses of wine. "It is cool to see you two again. How have you been, Chris?" "Good, step sis. It has been too long; we haven't seen each other in about a year now, right?" Chris pondered, as they sat down on the other couch. "Yep, we should get together more often," Shelia said, si...reading time 33 mingenre
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Winning Shawna Back"Shit," I whined, hitting my hand. "Why did I break up with Shawna? She wanted to be with me, and I wanted her. I just let the fear of our parents finding rule out the possibility. How do I win her back?" I questioned, walking back and forth. I couldn't figure it out to save my life, but I tortured myself frequently. I had her on my mind as if she plagued it. I just pictured her naked with me making sweet love to her. I moaned and even placed my hand on my cock. I scrubbed it right through my ...reading time 28 mingenre
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The Next Day With DavidThe next day, I awoke and rose up. "David?" I asked, peeking around. "Where did you go?" I calmly got off the bed and saw my undergarments on the floor. I picked them up and just put them back on myself. I rubbed my forehead for a moment. "Well, David having sex with his little sister could have made him freak. I certainly hope he didn't, but I guess I'll find out. I wonder where he went." I grabbed my pajamas too, but I didn't put them on. Although, my other hand calmly made the trip over to...reading time 18 mingenre
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Sharing The Bed With ShawnaShe came towards me and stopped. "Hey, David, I didn't want mom and dad to ask you, but could I sleep in your room with you for a couple of nights? You know we're redecorating my room, so may I stay with you, pretty please?" she asked, viewing the floor. 'My sexy little sister wants to sleep with me?' I thought, licking my lips from the inside of my mouth. "I know if our parents asked, you'd feel obligated to say, 'Yes.', so I'm asking," she uttered, slowly peeking at me. "How am I supposed t...reading time 22 mingenre
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The Other Couple 2/2We both took the older couple's hands, and they brought us up. Even as we were slightly naked, we all just stood there for a moment and stared into their eyes. I had Ron in front of me while Tammy was in front of Brian. Although, I peeked at Brian for a few seconds, and he did the same. We both had small smiles on our faces with a hint of confusion though. We just nodded, but then he went right to me and kissed me. He placed his hands on my butt and brought me even closer to him. They got the ...reading time 40 mingenre
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