Erotic stories of Morris

Profile page of Morris. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Morris wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 6.3K times

Incest | 3
2022-10-04 06:42:32
2021-09-24 05:48:51
My Aunt Grace update Grace has had our baby daughter and she is perfect; Grace and I are still sleeping together acting as a married couple. The main change is Robyn my mother has moved in with us and loves her granddaughter and has also started sleeping with Grace and me. She has also joined us on our trekking, we don't make long treks as we've always brought our daughter along and share the same tent. reading time 1 mingenre
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My Aunt GraceQuick history, my mother Robyn's younger sister Grace married David who was 23 years older than her at the time. She was working for him at the time and that started a relationship. I'm Morris 27 and was 18 when Grace married David, Grace was 23. David was very keen at everything he done. Whether playing golf, fishing and racing his cars around a track or boating. He took up flying and got his pilot's license and flying became his greatest passion. David was very well off and could do anything ...reading time 5 mingenre
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The Long DriveLast June I bought almost new pickup on a online auction site, the only problem it was almost a thousand miles away. I could get there by bus and drive it back I reckoned cheaper than having them deliver it to me. An I would get a chance to see the country on my return trip. I'm Morris 24 single and live with my mother Joyce 42 her only child, father left us 12 years ago and we heard he died 3 years later. But weren't that interested as he had shown no interest in us. Joyce decided to join me on...reading time 4 mingenre
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