Erotic stories of KittyKinfolk
Profile page of KittyKinfolk. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
KittyKinfolk wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 25.8K times
Daddy DearestMaybe it’s help I need. I thought to myself as I looked at photos of my dad. I came across one of him shirtless and my kitty did jumping jacks. Every time I look at daddy my clit begins to throb. My name is Tiffany, but everyone calls me Missy. I’ve been getting called Missy since I was a little girl. Come to think of it...daddy gave me the nickname. He said I had a sassy attitude and a lady walk at such a young age. “Haha! Look at little Missy walk!” He would say as I practiced my runway walk. ... reading time 7 mingenreIncestwritten on