Erotic stories of GregM

Profile page of GregM. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

GregM wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 10.3K times

It had to happen this wayHi, my name is Carl and my beautiful wife's name is Ann. We have been married for almost four years now and I must tell you our story. Ann is 22 years old and just a living doll. I am 3 years older than her, but we were sweethearts in school. We both share the distinction of being each others first and only lovers. She takes care of her body and always seems to find time to jog or go to the gym. She is a mere 5'3" tall and 110 lbs. She has light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She measures i...reading time 38 mingenre
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