Erotic stories of Gordon

Profile page of Gordon. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Gordon wrote 7 erotic stories which have been read 111.7K times

Incest | 3
Straight | 2
Cheating | 1
Zoophilia | 1
1 0
2019-09-29 04:14:24
2018-11-18 02:45:37
Fucking my Boss's wifeI work for the largest employer in the area and do all the work he doesn't want to do. Which is about everything, except the things makes him look great. Boris 42 is a lazy person and I've heard his brother and business partner Donald 40 say if breathing didn't happen automatically and you had to work at it Boris would have died years before. Boris wife Dorothy 38 is a great looking woman and I have lusted after her for a while. Back April at a rewards dinner for great people of the community, B...reading time 2 mingenre
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Buying back the Family FarmI was 5 my father died and that when the family farm was sold and we moved to the city to live. I never could settle into city life, always restless and as I grew older the more restless I became. On finishing university which I studied veterinary sciences, I was determined to find a place in the country to live and work. But at first, there seemed to be no vacancies in any of the places I wanted to go to. So I started work at a veterinary surgery in the city. That was 4 years ago and life dragg...reading time 3 mingenre
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Feeling RandyI'm Gordon 26 single and I work in building security for large national firm, I mainly work in the local company offices and rarely do security jobs outside these offices. I was asked to replace another worker at a large building we provided security for 3 nights. As they were going away for a family funeral, I had done some time there before and knew the routine and I agreed. There was another officer rostered on with me, Marilyn 54 divorced no children she monitored the cameras in the security...reading time 4 mingenre
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I fuck my GranIt all happened during Easter, the whole family were together for the long weekend. On the Sunday morning we all slept late after I big night out the night before. Then as was usual for us most of them went to walk the holy points of the cross setup on a local hills by some our local churches. Grandma Elizabeth 61 widow wasn't going as she didn't like long walks up hills. I Gordon 18 had twisted ankle and so I stayed behind as well, I was laying in my room reading and thought the thin walls I he...reading time 2 mingenre
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Spinster AuntI Gordon 24 single and live with my divorced mother Carol 42, I'm her only child. My mother youngest sister Joanne 35 is single and a spinster according to Carol. Never been fucked or in any relationship with a man. She is a quiet person who works in a university library as a researcher. She tracks down any books or papers the professors want, even from outside the university library. After my father left, Carol asked Joanne to move in with us to help with the costs. This suited Joanne as she wo...reading time 5 mingenre
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Working on a farmI'm Gordon 34 drifter, I get by doing odd jobs here and there and then moving on. I got work on a orange farm picking than moved to the next town to pick lemons. While on the lemon farm, I saw the woman on the next farm being fucked by her dog, I was only able to see her because I was up high on a trestle picking the top fruit. The lady was in her barn leaning over a bale of hay The dog was really giving it to her. The woman looked around 50 and had good figure, I asked the farmer I was working ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Blackmailing MomI'm Gordon 28 little overweight and shy around women, I live with my parents. I work from home as a IT programmer. My parents Donald 65 and Elizabeth 56 are both board members of companies. My 3 siblings have all left home, I'm the only one still at home. I hardly see my father, as he's always working or away on business. Mom isn't as busy as dad and doesn't travel as much. Last April I had go away for a work meeting, mainly to meet the new boss in person. It was to be a 3 day trip, but I was ab...reading time 5 mingenre
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