Erotic stories of Glen

Profile page of Glen. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Glen wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 53.2K times

Incest | 3
1 5
2020-03-28 07:08:27
2018-12-15 10:19:07
My Grandmother continuedI started fucking my gran Ruby after she moved in with us after a bad storm. I continued to fuck her regularly after she returned to her own home and my mother Cheryl caught us and soon after I was fucking her as well. Then last week I was out at the party of an old school friend and my sister Leanne 18 was also there seeing my friend's sister Rachel 18. The drinks were flowing freely and Leanne got drunk, so I decided to take her home. We got home just after midnight and I put her on her bed an...reading time 2 mingenre
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My Grandmother updateI'm Glen and I started having sex with my grandmother Ruby when he shared my room over the garage after her home was damaged in a storm,. After she returned home I would visit her regularly and have sex with her. Last month I was visiting Ruby and having sex with her, when my Cheryl caught us and she was upset. But Ruby talked to her for a while and she settled down, She accepted that Ruby was still able to have sex and it was hard for her to accept that her grandson should be fucking his grandm...reading time 3 mingenre
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My GrandmotherI'm Glen 19 single, I live my parents and younger sister. I have a separate bedroom from the house over the garage, it has it's own bathroom. But I have join the rest of the family for meals in the house. Earlier this year a savage storm hit our region and caused a lot of damage. This meant that for 2 weeks I had to share my room with my Grandma Ruby widow 60 as my other sister and her family had to move in with us and the house was full. Ruby also had to move in with us while her roof was repla...reading time 3 mingenre
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