Erotic stories of ForTheCeasar
Profile page of ForTheCeasar. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
ForTheCeasar wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 7.2K times
Fallen MotherNOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Good day beloved reader, a few things before we begin: Firstly , this is my first ever story I have ever published when it comes to porn, as such I am seeking , any input you may have on my work. Don't hesitate to inform me on what you liked / didn't liked , what you think I could improve on and especially what you'd like to see next , so long as it falls within what I can write of course. Secondly , this story has some very dark and mature themes even for a porn , that ... reading time 177 mingenreWitnesswritten on