Erotic stories of Brett
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Brett wrote 35 erotic stories which have been read 169.1K times
Little minxWell this is a story that most fathers would not think possible, I know in my mind the thought of anyone touching my daughter would put me over the edge. It almost doesn't make any sense at all, aa a young girl that's all she was daddy's little girl however when she went into year seven at school things started to change. The hair cuts clothes attitude etc I had heard about these changes happening which the start of high school, my wife told me to settle down as our daughter is just starting to ... reading time 6 mingenreIncestwritten on
Tag along Back when I was just a young boy growing up i always had a thing for panties and after catching my older brother wearing a pair in his room the feelings only got stronger, so even though he was 15 and I 13 I tried to hang out with him as much as possible. But anyone with older siblings knows that it's not that easy, your related to as a pest that should be going around with his own friends. Actually I was a pest and when he got invited to go to his friends house to hang out with his group of mat... reading time 7 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
School Sports It was the middle of summer and just didn't feel like going to work, so late breakfast quick shower and I'm going to head to the local pool for some quiet time middle of the day middle of the week should quite peaceful. I parked my car and entered the complex, that will be $5.00 sir no problem and is it possible to get a locker? Yes sir they are down stairs and around the back there should be plenty of empty ones being a quiet day. Thank you again I said as I walked away. So she wasn't wrong a p... reading time 6 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
Wife's momWhen I first met my wife we hit it off immediately, from sports to movies and sex we seemed to be identical in thoughts. Debbie still lived at home with her brothers and mother their father/husband long gone, we spent a lot of time at her house not that my family weren't fun it's just that it was more laid back at her place. Debbie had her own room and we spent a lot of time in there fooling around, the one thing I did notice is that none of the family seemed to be overly shy.
What surprised me... reading time 7 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Change roomRecently I received a message from a friend who I used to work with quite a while ago, apologising straight up for the interruption of my weekend and going on to explain that his lease was up and he had to move. So how can I help I asked and he went on to tell me how his family were not interested in helping out, so I said sure besides we had known each other for a long time and at 59 it wasn't like I had heaps of plans. So after he told me that he is fine to pack everything he would only need m... reading time 6 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
I knew From when I was young I knew my mother was not normal, or at least not what most would call normal, I found a bunch of pics under the bottom drawer of her wardrobe and spent quite a while going through them. they ranged from her and my father to her and the family dog to strangers and even her and her father in the backyard of our house, so I assumed it was my dad taking at least some of the pics. I kept a couple hidden away in my room for when I wanted a wank I could look at them, and it wasn't... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Younger daysAll those years ago and it still makes me horny, I shared a room with my older brother Rees he was 15 at the time and I 13 our beds were on either sides of the room a normal boys room filled with clutter and mess. Everything was as it should be school during the day help around the house when at home and off to bed about 8pm, it was one of those normal nights that not long after going to bed I noticed that Rees's sheets were moving all around so I lay there and watched to try and find out what w... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Total SurpriseThis is a short story but totally true, I'm married and would consider myself to be Bi for as long as I can remember I've been excited by the thought of cocks from right back to when I was in my very early teens. I have never been with a man one on one as my wife was more than happy for us to take on a male partner and this is what makes this story all that more strange.
I needed to get myself a new pair of jeans every day I thought I would stop past the shops on my way home from work, and ever... reading time 5 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
Mom's PantiesFor most of my young life all I ever wanted to do was play with look at or even wear my mom's panties, and even look for her used ones as I thought the smell of them was extra exciting. In our family there were just three boys, myself and one older and one younger brother. So every time I was alone I would go through her drawers looking for the shiny one's as I did have a thing for shiny panties, as I got to find out they were satin. I would hold them smell them and even wear them when home alon... reading time 7 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Best FreindI had been pestering my wife Debbie for so long about trying different kind of sex so as to satisfy my curiosities, you see I'm incredibly sexual and to be honest nothing would be taboo for me. however I can understand how she felt so many times these kind of things get out of control and someone ends up getting hurt, I wanted so much to see her with my best friend Steven. She knew him very well and we all had a lot of fun together.
It was Friday morning before I left for work when she asked me... reading time 7 mingenre
Voyeurwritten on