Erotic stories of xzywtu
Profile page of xzywtu. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
xzywtu wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 788 times
Tying the KnotTying the Knot (Refer to 'Fun in The Park' & 'Crap-wad) I very much appreciated Suzanne's impurity, though being she had Christian past, I exploited that by renting a chapel for the nuptials which I arranged to occur the next Sunday afternoon, since I intended to thoroughly humble her with help from Lloyd, my white, 36-y/0 friend, a defrocked priest whom I requested to conduct the ceremony according to a script I provided him. Having done that, I took her to a thrift store to purchase a $10 w... reading time 4 mingenreGroup sexwritten on