Erotic stories of subfootstool
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subfootstool wrote 22 erotic stories which have been read 444.5K times
Domination | 22
2016-02-24 06:21:51
2015-11-13 06:02:59
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 21 The rest roomI returned and poured champagne for them all and they had a few more whilst they chatted away. I knelt discreetly awaiting instructions, then was ordered to massage Empress Christine's feet as a "show of gratitude" for her paying attention to me.
Empress told me I was definitely in the 10% of "male peasant trash" who only existed to serve and suffer for their superiors. She told me if Sir Max and Mistress Gemma ever tired of having scum like me under their feet she would take over my floggin... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 20 The interrogationI was dragged along by my leash and paraded in front of Christy and Mark, ordered to wiggle my arse then cock my leg like a dog and pretend to take a piss, then ordered to kneel at the ends of their recliners, at their feet. To say it was a source of great amusement to them would be an understatement.
I felt deflated as I looked at them, so young and beautiful with their superb physiques all proudly on display as they lounged in their swimming costumes, while I was fat and old and ugly ... and... reading time 7 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 19 The bar B que twoMistress Gemma beckoned for me to tend to the bar b que and I could hear them all talking. Miss Christy asked a question, "So Gemma, how's it going this whole cuckold thing? Are you and Max happy?"
"It's fantastic Christy. I've completely destroyed peepee as a man, and with Max's help I've stripped out all his pride and dignity, and totally trashed his manhood. He lives his life in my service now, don't you faggot?"
"Yes Your Highness, it is a privilege to serve at your feet".
"And he s... reading time 11 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
visitsMaking and breaking of a cuckold - 18 The bar B que"Breakfast duties faggot". I was released and made breakfast for Gemma and Max then lay with my face under her feet as usual. Max spoke; "Uh uh cuckold. Get your face under my feet". I shifted and Max lowered his large, powerful manly feet onto my face. It was quite a sight, lying on my back under the table, seeing these massive plates of meat slowly enveloping my face. He rested one foot across my lips and the other across my forehead. The sensation was quite different to Gemma becau... reading time 9 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 17 Sir Max rulesI handed around the drinks and snacks then knelt at the foot of the recliners awaiting instructions. They were all engrossed in conversation. Then Max turned to me;
"So cuckold, I hear that you've been permitted to cum again under Sheridan's feet".
"Yes Sir, I was very privileged".
"The next time you cum cucky, you'll have to earn it. And you'll have to beg for it in front of all three of us and we will make a joint decision. Two thumbs up means you cum, two down means you go back into ... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 16 Princess Sheridan rulesOne hour later I was kneeling beside the pool, in my harness, at the ends of the recliners Mistress Gemma and Princess Sheridan lounged on nonchalantly in their bikinis. Princess spoke,
"So Gemma, we've fried his balls with electricity, squashed them in our hand till they popped, and kicked them so hard they ended up lodged behind his tonsils but this freak still continues to defy you. He obviously loves pain, particularly of the testicular variety. I think we need to dream up some more punis... reading time 5 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 15 Slavery and subservienceI heard Gemma's voice from the bedroom. "Come on Max. What's happening? I'm horny and I need your cock between my legs".
"Coming Gemma. I was just having a little chat with our cuckold, you know, explaining a few of my new Rules now that I'll be living here". He then turned and addressed me. "Follow me on your knees up the stairs fuckwit. You'll be getting sloppy seconds after I pound your wife".
"Yes Sir". I dutifully crawled up the stairs behind Sir and was ordered to kneel in the corner... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 14 The devastating reality of my life"You realize this wouldn't have happened to you if you'd stayed in your own social class cucky. There's bound to be sluts out there who would have let you have sex with them in return for a house and car. But not me, I wanted more but I knew I could dominate you from our first date. You were just too stupid and filled with lust to see how I was manipulating you. Well, you've paid the full price. A life of servitude awaits you loserboy".
Her words were true. I had finally reconciled my positio... reading time 6 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 13 The final capitulationThe following morning I was released and made Mistress breakfast before providing my face to her for footrest duties. She pretty well ignored me when we were together and headed off for a shower soon after, having sent a few texts while eating.
I could hear Mistress upstairs in the shower when I noticed she had left her cell phone and the controls to the DreamLover on the breakfast table. I agonised over what to do but then decided it was worth a chance for freedom, so I grabbed them and plac... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 12 Princess Sheridan forces a confession"You'll be pleased to know that I pump iron at the gym too faggot. I'm stronger than I look, as you're balls are about to find out. Look into my eyes. I'm gonna ask you some questions and I want completely honest answers. If I suspect you're lying to me, I'll make you a eunuch right here and now today. Understand?"
"Yes Princess Sheridan". She gripped my balls firmly in her right hand and exerted pressure which was very uncomfortable. I maintained eye contact as she spoke.
"You knew you we... reading time 5 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 11 Pool dutiesAs soon as we returned home, Mistress Gemma spoke,
"Take off your clothes and clean up the back yard in your harness faggot. Clean the pool too cause Max is coming over this arvo and we're gonna have a swim and a laze around the pool. Chop chop".
I hurried to tidy the yard and vacuum the pool when Gemma appeared in her skimpy bikini. I almost fainted she looked so gorgeous, so delectable. She noticed my arousal and smirked.
"Off limits to you cuckold except the filth on the soles of my... reading time 6 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 10 The sex shopI parked outside the The Bordello, an adult store downtown, and entered with Mistress. Sure enough, the salesperson was a young female, early 20s, dressed punk-style all in black with heavy make-up, a pierced lip and nose, and a bad attitude, probably from dealing with all the perverts like me who visited the store.
She sneered at me and said, "Wadda you want mister?" Then she then noticed Mistress and her demeanour changed as she ignored me and chatted politely with Gemma. I just stood there... reading time 3 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 9 A maid and a cabana boy, a loserMy own wife calling me a loser was unbearable but I had to face facts, she was right. I made the coffees and they appeared shortly after. I served them then knelt before them. They ignored me for a while then Gemma spoke,
"By the way cucky, I've cancelled our housekeeper and yardman. You're going to take over those duties from now on. Now you're my slave, the only activity I'm going to permit you to have outside the home is your work. That gives you plenty of free time to be our maid and caba... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 8 Clean-up dutiesThe Boss was holding a bag and he then reached into it and produced two items, a collar and leash, and a blindfold. He handed them to Gemma.
"Strip cucky, then kneel again", she said. Mistress then placed the collar around my neck and pulled the blindfold into place. "Follow me loser".
Mistress dragged me up the steps and into her bedroom.
"You will kneel there until your Master and I have finished fucking cucky. We want you handy in case we need to make use of you. Understood?"
"Yes... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 7 The walk of shameGemma released me the next morning and I made her breakfast then lay under her feet. There was no conversation. It was becoming apparent that her interest in me was purely functional, what I could do for her.
Her phone buzzed. "That was the Boss cucky. He's feeling horny so he's coming over in an hour. I don't need you for a while. Clean up the kitchen then go and kneel inside the door. No, wait. Go and get my pedicure kit. You can do a pedi for me first so I'm pretty for him".
Great. Now ... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 6 The subjugation"Get your face under my feet cucky".
I started to speak when a jolt of electricity passed through my balls.
"That was a 4 cucky. I've been trained to use this collar around your balls and basically 4 is uncomfortable, 6 is painful, 8 is very painful and 10 is agony. The dial goes from 1 to 10".
"Please Gemma aaaaarrhhhh !!!"
"That was a 6 for a bit longer. It's painful, isn't it peepee?"
"We have to talk eeeekkkk aaaarrrh!!!"
"That was an 8 fuckwit. Hurts like hell doesn't it? ... reading time 5 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 5 The deviceWe arrived home and entered the lounge room. I knelt and awaited instructions.
"In front of me cucky", said the Boss.
"Now, I'm leaving but you will obey your wife from now on without question. I will visit regularly but I have other whores who I fuck and other cucks like you who are in service to me. I'll let Gemma know when I'm coming over and you will wait for me kneeling inside the front door".
"Yes Boss".
"Let me be clear about this boy, you will never enter your wife again. I d... reading time 5 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 4 The restaurant sceneI held the door for them to enter the car and they sat together in the back seat. They started fondling each other the moment I took off. Then Gemma threw something into the front seat. It was a hat.
"Put it on cucky. It's a chauffeur's hat. I bought it for you a few weeks ago". They both had a good laugh as I donned the cap. So, I thought to myself, this had been planned for a while.
We arrived at the restaurant and I parked right outside and opened the doors for them. The Boss spoke,
... reading time 6 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 3 The emasculationMax lifted Gemma up into his massive arms and carried her up the stairs. I was still kneeling there 5 minutes later when he called out to me. "Peepee, I want you up here".
I scurried up the steps and Max was standing at the door of my bedroom in the nude with his huge semi-erect member jutting out at me. I admit I was gobsmacked at his endowment. I stood there in awe until that back of his hand was unleashed again. Shit it hurt.
"You will always stay on your knees in my presence cuckold. A... reading time 5 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 2 The confrontation"Your wife's told me about you Peter and what a wimp you are. You can't even satisfy her in bed so she's asked me to step in for you".
Max crashed his backhand across my face again. I went down on my knees. He grabbed me by the hair and spat in my face.
"That's what I think about males like you peepee. Gemma tells me your penis is really a peepee so that's your new name. From now on, you don't have sex with your wife; she's my property and her pussy is off bounds to you. Do you understand... reading time 3 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Making and breaking of a cuckold - 1 Innocence lostIt all seemed so innocent at the time. My new wife of 6 months, Gemma, asked me if it would be alright if one of her friends from the gym came around for a drink tonight. I said sure, what’s her name? HIS name is Max, she replied. I was slightly taken aback but I said fine, no worries.
As background, my name is Peter and I am a partner in an accounting firm, 41 years old and successful financially, but short, pudgy and balding. My wife works as a PA at the firm, or did until she married me, i... reading time 4 mingenre
Dominationwritten on