Erotic stories of plainprettyone
Profile page of plainprettyone. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
plainprettyone wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 10.7K times
Quest to fuck animalsIt's in my fantasy to have a three different animals fucking my horny pussyhole. I don't where to get three different animals, but I do dream about taking a dog, horse and a donkey, maybe a ram goat. Anyway, I got lucky it would seem when I went oversea for a three month job, it was a ranch in a rural area, so I thought I was going to be bored. My task was to assist in feeding the animals , I along with two Mexican who barely speak English. In my little room, I had a lot of time by myself, I wat... reading time 4 mingenreZoophiliawritten on