Erotic stories of pissinmyass

Profile page of pissinmyass. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

pissinmyass wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 32.1K times

Group sex | 2
Domination | 1
2021-05-28 01:31:07
2021-05-28 01:20:10
Anal Slut for MasterSarah woke up to the phone ringing at 8:00am on Saturday morning. "Hello," she mumbled into the mouthpiece. "Good morning Sarah," a deep masculine voice greeted her. She immediately woke up, sitting up in bed. "Good morning Sir," she replied. She was a weekend sex slave and usually was at her Master's house by now but he had requested that she stay at home in bed until she heard from him. He had a special day planned for her and she was to await his instructions. "Get up and go take a shower...reading time 23 mingenre
Group sex
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Bathroom TalesDisclaimer: it's never okay to assault or rape someone, and someone who is drunk cannot consent. This is just a fantasy. Nobody actually wants this to happen to them in real life. ***** "I don't care if you fuck every cock in this club," Jeff said, not even looking at his girlfriend of two years as he threw back his fourth shot of tequila. "I'm not jealous." "Oh, because, it sure seemed like you were jealous when that guy was talking to me, after you came back from the bathroom," Chelsea poin...reading time 24 mingenre
Group sex
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Rape MeI met him on Tinder. He "swiped right" on my pic, and pretty soon after that we were texting and flirting. I hadn't shared too much with him, except that I was naturally large-chested and very submissive sexually. Of course, when I told him that, he asked me out for drinks that same night. I accepted. ***** He's going to be here in ten minutes to pick me up for our first date. I look in the mirror and like what I see. Tiny black dress, visible corset, crotchless panties. My 34J tits loo...reading time 8 mingenre
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