Erotic stories of evil

Profile page of evil. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

evil wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 1.5K times

Incest | 2
2023-06-27 21:43:34
2023-06-21 00:29:06
Bad Maternal InstinctsBad Maternal Instincts Part 1 - Renewing Her Vows The dominant, white, kinky, non-violently misogynistic and 40-y/o Delbert had been mulling a certain idea involving his and Carol, his 38-y/o wife's twentieth-second wedding anniversary before a July, Thursday evening when he and his sons, the 19-y/o Gabriel and 21-y/o Marty, were at a bookstore to buy a James Patterson novel. However, Gabriel happened to find Marilyn Monroe's nude centerfold in a magazine 'I wonder if she ever did po...reading time 7 mingenre
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Bad Maternal InstinctsPart 3 – Bred Carol was taking the pill and unaware that Delbert, Marty and Gabriel had formed plot: - Daily, throughout the next week, they went to the garage where they collected their sperm in a jug. They stored it in a refrigerator until a Saturday afternoon when the family was sunbathing in the backyard. 'The day's almost as gorgeous as mom's ass-hole,' Gabriel remarked. 'You're weird,' Marty responded. 'Don't criticize your brother,' she scolded him. 'Really, since I'm simply admirin...reading time 2 mingenre
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