Erotic stories of TheWelshDragon95
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TheWelshDragon95 wrote 11 erotic stories which have been read 74.4K times
Zoophilia | 11
2023-01-24 21:43:28
2022-04-06 20:17:06
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 9It had been 2 months since my last encounter with the ewes as I was extremely busy working on the farm and preparing for the new season, more farm hands were needed but they continued to work the typical Monday to Friday schedule leaving me free for the weekends. After Daisy and the other ewe had given birth I gave them plenty of time to heal and recover after bringing forth the spawn of our unions into the world. My eyes did however begin to wander towards other animals on the farm, my mind flo... reading time 6 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 8As promised, here is the next chapter in my Ewe escapades.
My mind had been swirling with the idea of possibly impregnating not one, not two but four ewes in one day. I knew damn well that using my method had a higher success rate as it was basically a more pleasurable version of artificial insemination, once more I took to detailing my plans and observing the ewes and pondering as to if their heats fell in line with one another. I studied them closely for a month without involvement aside from... reading time 5 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 7Two weeks following the rekindling of my intimacies with Daisy I decided that perhaps I should begin enacting plans to breed more of the sheep in the same manner as Daisy, whilst I was surprised that my attempts at breeding her had been successful in the past I wanted to add more lambs to my count of children, I considered each lamb born of my union with Daisy as a child of mine, whilst my sperm did not inseminate Daisy's egg I had been the one to fuck her and pump said sperm into her, a mock ar... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 6A Week had passed since my encounter with Heidi and after Daisy birthed another Ram who came to be known as Roger I settled back into life with my little, faithful ewe and was intimate with her once more. I knew that she needed a break from pregnancies but that didn't mean me and her couldn't have sex, I was patient with her after the birth and spent as much time as I could simply petting her, cuddling her when I could and just showing her the tender comfort of human affection without the more l... reading time 5 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 5My attempt at impregnating Daisy once more had been successful but as previously stated during the later stages of her pregnancy and just after I refused to be intimate with her in that manner, wanting my ewe to have time to birth and heal and ensure she was safe and healthy. My mind had began to look at other options when it came to satisfying my needs when Daisy couldn't be bred by me, as such a new calf had sparked my interest and thus I wished to experiment with it.
Heidi had been born a 10... reading time 3 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 4After Jack's birth Daisy and I continued to be intimate many times, obviously she had a few weeks to heal and rest after birthing our little ram and once recovered we were back at it humping like rabbits. But things soon became a little more interesting as my experimentation began to expand beyond Daisy and myself, My interests started to wander to the other animals on the farm, mainly the mares and the cows although nothing lit my fire like Daisy and she would always be my priority. My cock was... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 3It had been a few weeks since the birth of the ewes that Daisy had birthed thanks to my efforts in breeding her, and actually impregnating her. Daisy was a loving mother and took care of her lambs well, I spent a great deal of time around them and began to think of them as my own. Despite the fact that it was Dexter's sperm that formed them into being, I was the one to breed their mother and actually bring them into this world. I suppose it was sentimental in a way, but I loved the idea of calli... reading time 6 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 2Roughly a week had passed since me and Daisy had been intimate, in that time I bred her nearly twice daily giving her my sperm twice a day Monday to Friday and only once on the weekends after the other workers had left. During this time I also visited Jim and explained that Daisy was showing signs of heat and seemed ready to be put out to lambing, he gave his consent for me to try and get Dexter to mount and breed Daisy with the aim being to produce a beautiful Lamb that would give high quality ... reading time 9 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
No one would believe Ewe. Chapter 1After my first encounter with the ewe that fateful summer night I was on cloud nine for roughly 4 weeks, when the first week of September began I started applying for jobs in the local area as a means of increasing my finances. As an 18 year old with little prior experience in the field of work I was unsuccessful on a few applications until one proved to be promising, a local farmer was advertising positions on his livestock farm, Jim Chapman was well-known in my village and was a lovely and res... reading time 8 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
My first time with a sheepWhen I was around the age of 18 to 19 I had my first experience with a sheep, to be more specific an ewe. Being raised in the countryside I had often seen the wildlife of my country up close and somewhat personal, cows, horses and sheep were pretty commonly seen, But I digress. One night in the month of July I happened to be exploring my little village, being between the ages of 18 and 19 and in a remote region life tended to be rather dull and somewhat tiresome at the best of times. As my frien... reading time 8 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on