Erotic stories of Shygirlnu

Profile page of Shygirlnu. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Shygirlnu wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 27.3K times

To know how it feels.To know how it feels. By Shygirl. Chapter 1. "You have to see this!" Jan said. "This is unbelievable! On such an advertisement no sensible woman does respond! " Ans pulled the sex booklet out of his hands. She quickly let her eyes go over the ads. Until she found what Jan meant. She began reading aloud: "Which woman does not want to gain an unforgettable experience, and be covered by Boris, my Black Labrador. Boris is very experienced with human bitches and is very sweet. The stud fee is 5... reading time 70 mingenre
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