Erotic stories of SallyBe

Profile page of SallyBe. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

SallyBe wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 2.4K times

Maturing Part 3Part 3 What I wanted was more satisfaction and better quality sex and that Penis Enlarger had opened my mind to lots of thoughts. What I realised was that I had led a sheltered life….there was more to it and if I didn’t act now…when would I. I loved Jim, but not in a sexy way, in a practical way. How could I have my cake and eat it…or be eaten….no I wanted to do the eating. I began to look at things on-line….I watched some Porn for the first time and imagined it was me ….looked at what they...reading time 8 mingenre
First times
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