Erotic stories of Ronald

Profile page of Ronald. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Ronald wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 16.3K times

Straight | 2
Incest | 1
2020-06-22 20:36:35
2018-11-22 09:41:20
My wife's MotherI'm Ronald 24 and at university and the first year I started there I met Veronica 24 and we became a couple and a year later we married. Much to the annoyance of Maryanne 50 Veronica's mother, who thought I wasn't good enough to marry Veronica. Richard 68 Veronica's father supported Veronica and has treated me well. Richard's family has always been very well off and Veronica is the youngest of 3, her 2 older brothers also get on well with me. It's only Maryanne that had any problem our marriage....reading time 5 mingenre
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Filling the Home I'm Ronald 24 up to 4 years ago only child of Susanne 39, I always lived with my mother and grandparents Ronald and Helen. My grandparents passed away in the forest fires of 5 years ago, they were caught on the road in their car when the fire engulfed their car. That left me and Susanne alone, as my father had cleared out long before I was born. We're fairly well due to the family estate left by my grandparents. Living in a fairly remote area of the state, Susanne is a quiet person and very trus...reading time 2 mingenre
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I love Sex with a mature women.I recently was made manager of one of our family stores, it wasn't the job I wanted. But I had take it, it is a clothes repair shop. As a lot of people are to busy to repair their own clothes these days. We repair seams, buttons and replace zippers, so on patches etc. I wasn't to happy about the job I was given. At first I thought it would be a slow and boring job. I was wrong, the opens at 7am and closes at 7pm and is busy all day. I have 6 women working with me, all in their forties or older. ...reading time 4 mingenre
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